Tuesday, August 29, 2023


"There is a rumor making the rounds – rumors are always making the rounds in Brownsville – that Sheriff Eric Garza, the Barney Fife of Cameron County, may seek reelection as a Republican. This possibility is not as ludicrous as it may sound.

"Let's be honest," sad Marshal Law, The McHale Report's expert on all police matters. "Eric Garza, with his lack of credentials, couldn't garner a job as a school cop with the BISD. El Rrun Rrun's Publisher Juan Montoya has done an excellent job exposing Garza's incompetence. The department, especially the jail, is in constant chaos as Garza has a difficult time hiring because his underlings have 

no confidence in him.

(Said one commenter to this blog: Look at this picture. He can't even put his hat on straight. That shit is backwards...nothing surprises me anymore.)

"As a result of Garza's ineptitude, he is already facing three opponents, all veterans of law enforcement: Jesus Rosas, Ronnie Saenz and Manuel Trevino. Their experience speaks for itself. Garza envisions a future in which he might finish last in a Democratic Primary. Not only is he lacking as a professional, but the majority of Democrats agree that he lacks the gravitas for the position."  – The McHale Report


Anonymous said...

Is that Eric the person and Linda Macias in the picture wow two clowns

Anonymous said...

He is more Chula than rhe woman next to him.

Anonymous said...

Ponganse a trabajar. Puro chisme y mentiras para elevar a los compadres.

Anonymous said...

real slim shady

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza no es de sombrero para empesar. Anda mal--muy mal---

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza has no self respect. He has no clue. He’s a wanna be that up to now has had the luck of having the support of the elite club of puppeteers that run Cameron County. But i think he’s seeing the writing on the wall, and is now desperate to hold on to his job by any means necessary. Unfortunately for him , being an inept moron doesn’t help his cause. His deplorable record as “Sheriff “ speaks for itself. What this guy needs is to ride into the sunset and never return, but politics in Cameron County is a crapshoot. Just think of how many useless/incompetent other elected officials are still in office and are running for re-election.( and thats at all levels of our local governments). Its a never ending story but we’re hoping that at least the chapter of Eric Garza’s nightmare story can be over/ finished. A change is needed immediately and its time to elect a QUALIFIED candidate.

Anonymous said...

guess voters will have their say at the next elections si ERIC se va o se queda., lady looks nice, chulas fronteras.

Anonymous said...

His cowboy hat is on backwards. How funny 😂🤣.
And his underwear as well.
Easy in and out.

Anonymous said...

Let's talk about this inner group:

Sheriff Garza: it was his fault two people got killed.

Silver (don't even deserve to be called Chief Deputy): He has no fucking idea on what to do other than what the other retard (eric) says, go figure.

Gilbert: Narco Deputy who brings dirty money for the campaign.

Jessica: no clue on what she does but she does get over 54k in salary

Del bosque: he wants to do another 20 years of absolutely nothing, bragging he was a "LT" on social media, stfu carlos, answer this question.. when was the last time you passed a promotional civil service test??? Go put your face into a pile of shit retard.

Nereyda: stealing federal money "working" SG

Chuck: sleeping in the IT room while "working" OT if in doubt ask Dani Rodriguez for the photos.

Ladies and gentlemen the people in charge of the security of Cameron county

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Eric & Tamara on their new baby! When is the gender reveal?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

false mostacha its painted pinche housemousepaperpusher....

Anonymous said...

Eric, switch parties. You will be more powerful than any other County chump. The governor will sing your praises and the amount of support will pour in like crazy.

All LE people don't like you. No one can beat you. Even as an R.

Anonymous said...

Failed to include the Salinas brothers, everyone know they are doppers and silver assigned both in siu. Both of those idiots brag their family relation with Silver.. disgusting

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of dirty laundry at the Sheriffs dept. . And no one to wash it. What a joke

Anonymous said...

Eric won't win this time around.. he is going to end up broke.. no friends..3 extr kids from different baby mommas... depressed.. hooked up on drugs.. with suicidal thoughts

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Conrado is gonna come back. ANIMO!

Anonymous said...

I would say Eric is the poster child for “fake it till you make it” but the pos hasn’t made it and never will hahahaha. Can’t wait for the poser and his cheerleaders to get kicked out of the Sheriff Omar Lucio Temple! He sure has been losing all the pissing contests he has gotten himself into

Anonymous said...

It sure looks like every comment on this story sounds like Eddie Garcia wanting to run for county tax Assessor collector. This guy knows nothing about that very important office. He not qualified nor certified nor has the knowledge and experience in the duties and responsibilities of the office. We can not afford to have a wanta be tax collector and screw up a very important office.

Anonymous said...

Eric loves Tamara

Anonymous said...

The Republican cult party will vote and push any dumbass,so he'll fit right in.

Anonymous said...

The lady looks nice? What drug are you on?

Anonymous said...

Republicans won't vote for this idiot. He fits the profile of Democrats. Stupid! Who voted him in? Democrats! Now keep him.

Anonymous said...

4:30am Has nothing to do with being a Republican or Democrat, when this guy was born he wasn’t born a Rep/Dem he was born an IDIOT. So do you get the picture.

Anonymous said...

This guy reminds me of Doofy from Scary Movie 😂😂😂

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

August 30, 2023 at 1:24 PM

Como chingas pinche jotito tu y tu mama mamon...

Anonymous said...

August 30, 2023 at 10:18 AM

He was born a meskin coco so that means a racist republican and he changed his real name. His real name was pedro papas sacate. moron.

Anonymous said...

Everyone’s talking about Eric in the upcoming elections, but what about Joe “fat slob” Elizardi running for Justice of the peace. Or should we talk about his wanna be son. Both pathetic!

Anonymous said...

No, no, no, do tell about the "Fat Slob" and the "wanna be son"

Anonymous said...

No matter who takes over the S.O. if we do not remove/vote out County Judge Trevino and all the commissioners that allowed his personal vendetta to hurt many Cameron county employees such as but not limited to jailers, Deputies, clerks and even maintenance workers, this story will only repeat.
Voters need to see the big picture. The Sheriff can only do as much as the County Judge allows and the Commissioners approve.
How can he hire jailors or deputies if the wages there are way below anywhere else.
The jail problems and poor ratio conditions are on the hands of the commission and Judge Eddie Trevino.
The Deaths of the prisoners are in his hands. He has not worked well with the S.O. Administration, and his actions or lack of has impacted many lives. Ex. Officers that hate working as BISD police but moved due to the pay raise. They wanted to stay at the S.O. but move due to the pay difference.
You want to write, write the truth and don't use keyboard to attack without knowing. Let's see if this gets posted, if not I'll talk to Juanito personally at Southwinds. Speak the truth, the voters know.

Anonymous said...

@Aug 31 @ 3:50 I aint hiding!!!!!!! @Joey your always hiding behind your dad or your fat girl-friend to I guess fat runs in the family of yours. Say when n where faggit.

Anonymous said...

And that's why you'll never get elected Elizalde. For having the typical jailer mentality and posting comments like the fat little bitch you are. You want to be an elected official but have time to check, care for and respond to comments? Shows your true colors and also shows what a waste all your "experience" is. You're not better than the rotten Reyna's, doing nothing and going on a power trip while you fattened up at the jail.

Anonymous said...

Bring back Jr's girl the jail needs her back ;)

Anonymous said...

Bring back Jr's girl the jail needs her back ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Joey ask contreras what would happen on graveyard lol she made work pleasurable in so many ways

Anonymous said...

Cpl Aguilar what's your 20? Lol does Jr know that one jajaja

Anonymous said...

Con Madres, who ever Mr. Joey Elizaldi is. Asi mero sir, too many people attacking but they don't come out of the shell.
My vote is for you sir.

Anonymous said...

@ Aug 31 At 3:29 PM

The truth will be heard pal. Channel 5 and 4 should make a report on why the deputies are opting to leave the SO. and not all of them left or are planning to leave because of the Admin. Its the pay guys.
Channel 5 Channel 4 get on this matter. If you want your streets patrolled by Sheriff department, they need the support of the people so the commissioners and Judge Trevino put aside their EGO and approve decent pay raises and more funding for the SO dept. to function the way it should.
They are not hurting ERIK GARZA only they are hurting inmates, and all county workers and their families.
Get to work Channel 4 and 5 help the community expose the drama between these folks that is affecting many.

Anonymous said...

He does wear that star but in his butt. pendejo

Anonymous said...

@ September 1
Ay si chingos de huevos but you post anonymous comments. If you have to balls to say when and where grow a pair and say your name. I know both Elizardi and they're good people. Always willing to lend a hand when they can. And why talk about his girlfriend?
Are you jealous he is not dating you? if that's his girlfriend she must be a good woman if Joey is with her. You have our support sir.

Anonymous said...

@ September 1 8:21
It was his son you illiterate fuck lol education goes a long way pussy

Anonymous said...

Lavagirl call me if you still have my number

Anonymous said...

Lmao cpl Aguilar pinche Power Ranger alv

Anonymous said...

@sept 4th 109 am
Ride his dick already bitch

Anonymous said...

Everytime I come to read other posts, I always see so many comments when it's about Sheriff's Office. 40, 50, 90 comments! Wtf is going on? Is there alot of crime? Is there debates to improve things?

Well today, I finally read those comments and holy shit! sounds like a fucking desmadre! I mean, el vato tiene cara de mongolito who got to be Sheriff for a day through the Make-a-Wish foundation. But honestly, did people have a better choice? It was either Garza or Chambers which both are equally worthless. Definitely going to vote for some competent, but I wouldn't doubt if Garza wins again. He'll go fucking pass chicken plates en Cameron County ya con eso pendejos will go vote for him. There is hope though, Garza's competition is going have to one-up his ass with brisket plates.

Anonymous said...

Pendejo Sept 5 @ 5:08
People in Cameron Park don't need a free checken (Yaritza) plate to vote. A Brisket Plate LOL, pendejo. We eat better than you stupid.
This Deputies have worked well with the people in Cameron Park, respect for respect.
Tu que sabes pendejo.
go eat your nuggets.

Anonymous said...

Damn Crystal didn't think you were THAT much of a hoe. All off 71 had a piece

Anonymous said...

@ September 9th 1051pm
Ke te valga verga. Don't talk about shit you don't know about. All are mad because she wouldn't go out with them. Have to make up lies to feel good. So all you little boys can sit down and keep dreaming

Anonymous said...

@Sep 11 1004 🙊 oh you think I didn't get at that?? 🤣🤫 I just didn't think she slept around. I thought I was special 😭😭😂😂😂 jk. But nah I guess I was just part of her hit list 🤷‍♂️
Dumbfuck trying to back up what you don't know 😅 maybe your hitting that too 🙈🙉🙊

Anonymous said...

Sept 11
Lol fucking loser you wish you had gotten it
Probably one of the many that were trying and shot down cuz she had her man lol keep dreaming loser

Anonymous said...

September 11 1225
Aver Prove it lol I can

Anonymous said...

@145 nah bruh I hit. Believe me, more than twice.
@1225 prove it? Let's see if it's true. 🙊

Anonymous said...

Must have not been memorable for her then lol. More than twice lol your wet dreams don't count. Why not tell her man if you had her lol

Anonymous said...

She loves shots right. She'll do anything and I mean anything after some shots. I'm not the only one that was with her at the same party so man or not I had her then the homeboy had her in the same night. Now you prove it @sep 11 342

Anonymous said...

All of you scared ass motherfuckers keep talking anonymous. Grow some balls and if you're going to make accusations post with your name. I know her she's been with the same guy for years so keep talking little boys. Since the county don't pay shit and yall obviously good and running the mouth put a dick in it and earn something to support your families

Anonymous said...

@436 sounds like your just hating. Don't be sad because you didn't get a turn. Believe me or not it really doesn't matter if you do. I just know I got to hit. Memorable or not she still kept coming back so that should be a obvious. Well go jerk off cuz you just hating. 🥱✌

Crystal Contreras said...

None of you fucking pussies can prove shit because none of that bullshit ever fucking happened. Im here bitches yall are talking so much fucking shit about me lets fucking see dont fucking post anonymous scared ass bitches. For all you pussies saying you got to hit it lmfao poor guys because you know damn welk it never fucking happened. So yall got all these fucking big balls piost with your names pussies. Better yet meet me and my bf and say it to our fucking faces fucking cowards. Thats why yall bitches still work for county like the fucking losers you are. 😂😂 Fucking panochas!!!

Anonymous said...

Sure pussy only in your dreams would she look for you. You should say all this in front of her man lol

Anonymous said...

Aww come on, I'm not here to ruin homes. I just don't like liars. Just say the truth Crystal. Own up to your shit. The truth shall let you free.

Anonymous said...

And you post anonymous lol priceless. You're pathetic having to lie that your ugly ass can get anything. She's been with someone I doubt she'd ever do anything with your ugly ass. You're the one who needs to stop lying Fucking coward. You'd be able to say when and where if your scared ass was telling the truth lol so keep dreaming of her buddy better luck next time

Anonymous said...

Lol al la chingada orale contreras no te deajs de estos jotos. perro que ladra no muerde lol saludame a jr Mis respetos

Anonymous said...

@sep 12 915
Aver chingon lol let the truth come out drop some details who's lying lol ya se puso Bueno

Anonymous said...

Te apuesto que es el culo de Aguilar. siempre estaba mintiendo sobre las mujeres del condado todo joto lol

Anonymous said...

Sep 12
Lol little Dick having ass bitch 🤣

Crystal Contreras said...

Ruin what home bitch ass mother fucker. The truth has set me free Im right here you ain’t gonna ruin any fucking homes because your fucking delusional ass is lying 😂😂. God damn its fucking pathetic show who tf you are if I’m such a liar. Look little pussy some of us have real jobs, not a fucking pathetic ass scrape jailer from cameron county that can’t count higher than 10. Learn how to use proper words and sentences together first then come for me. ✌🏼

Anonymous said...

This got interesting give us clues to know what's real and she's the one lying 🤥

Anonymous said...

@September 12th 9:15 am.
You couldn't get her if you tried.she was with the same guy for years now. Sorry if she played you and hurt your little pp oops mean heart but get off it shes not a dick so stop riding it already. I'm embarrassed for you bro.If it was true you'd have more to say than just believe it or lol. So run along pathetic county reject and spread your lies and your ass somewhere else

Anonymous said...

Eso chingona! shut them up contreras you always had more balls than most of the ones we worked with

Anonymous said...

Got real quiet once she posted with her name lol. Idk you but way to stand up for people lying on your name.

Anonymous said...

Y jr??? No te deja hablar mami? o no dices nada porque tienes miedo. Todo joto

Anonymous said...

@sep 12th 9:15
es lo que pensaba culo lol

Anonymous said...

You all saying she's been with her man for years but yet her "man" be stuck up on his ex. He never treated her right but yet she's out here defending him like he's a trophy. I'm more than likely gonna get shit for this but oh well. It is what it is. If you would have treated her better she wouldn't be looking. And yes shots make her do anything @sep 11 444. And crystal call me a panochon but I can count higher than 10.

Anonymous said...

@ sep 13 9:35
Shut the fuck up. Wtf do you know about it.just another jealous pussy that Crystal wouldn't give the time of day to lol. And do anything for shots you sound like a fucking moron keep dreaming loser

Anonymous said...

She wasn't looking for anything dumbest she had everything she needed

Anonymous said...

Another pussy wishing he had hooked up with someone. Man y'all are pathetic

Crystal Contreras said...

I will call you a panochon, pussy, bitch because that’s all you are. You talk all this shit but can’t fucking show who you are. All you are is pathetic talking on shit you have absolutely no idea. You want a trophy because you can count to 11. You’re fucking pathetic commenting on a fucking blog anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Wtf! Damn Joey and you're still with her? I expected better from you. And to anonymous if he treated her right lol is that how she hooked you? If you don't know him don't talk out of place. And if you do know him like she said say it to them face to face keyboard warriors lol

Anonymous said...

@September 13th 9:35
First of all if he treated her bad why are they still together? If you liked her great obviously you weren't enough to get her to leave him little guy so move on. And shots make her do anything when the fuck have you ever drank with her. You're pathetic bro if you were as smart as you think you'd be something more than a county reject like everyone else here talking all this disrespect. If you have the balls say all that to his face but fear must be a motherfucker for you. So again move on little guy better luck next time
