Tuesday, September 19, 2023


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Following his raid and takeover of Brownsville with a band of some 75 followers September 28, 1859, Juan Nepomuceno (Cheno) Cortina waged a war with city posses, the Texas Rangers and, eventually, with the U.S. Army which defeated his followers upriver on December 27 of that year.

In several pronunciamentos issued from his mother's ranch in Santa Rita, Cortina stated that he had staged the raid to punish certain men in town who had killed Mexicans wantonly and against a cabal of "vampires in the guise of men" who used the law and the courts to dispossess Mexican-Americans and Tejanos of their land.  

On December 9, 1859, Cortina and a score of his followers were indicted (see photo above) by a Cameron County grand jury of the murder of five men, including the city jailer, who were shot during the raid, as his men raced through the streets shouting "Death to the Americans" and "Viva Mexico."  

Cortina was never captured by the Americans,  including then-colonel Robert E. Lee, who was ready to chase him into Mexico if need be. 

After Texas seceded from the Union and the Civil War ensued, Cortina returned to the border and became military governor of Tamaulipas under Benito Juarez, who was in internal exile battling the French imperialists under Maximilian. He briefly flirted with the Imperialists, but turned on them and helped to defeat them and drive them from the border.  

After being imprisoned by President Miguel Lerdo de Tejada, and then released when Lerdo was overthrown by Porfirio Diaz, Cortina again returned to the border, only to have Diaz succumb to the pressure by the U.S. Government to remove him from the border in return for recognition of his government.

American diplomatic pressure was largely responsible for his arrest in July 1875 and his removal to Mexico City. He died in Atzcapozalco of natural causes on October 30, 1894 and was buried there.


Anonymous said...

I don’t know Juan, white privilege reeks!!! Cortina ranch faking it like (see no evil, hear no evil) while her son was fucking up. But but, you have to see the way of life. Then think Cowen’s plantation survived. This was pretty much the norm. This was the wild south, you haven’t even got into king ranch. The same shit, gang of thieves forcing out ranchers and taking their land.

Old HoBo 🖕 all for you bitch.

Anonymous said...

His cousins still lives heren maybe the rinches can arrest them and become famous like all the gringos here. Agua Rene!!! Is there a boundy? para que son los amigos...

The local museum has Cortina's army uniform and it's on display. The family tried to get it back and the local museum RATAS refused to let go of it "ILLEGALLY" of course. The museum RATAS just like the elected officals here refused to let go of it but local traditions here (finders keepers) they kept it.


Anonymous said...

I was lucky enough to see him on his last tour and then so soon after, heard the terrible news. On that last tour, he proved to a lot of doubters, what we all knew.

Anonymous said...

Man to spend life in prison for DWI arrests

my friend had 15 dwi arrests and was sent to a local weekend only confinement for 6 months.

Anonymous said...


Pon el corrido de Juan Cortina.

Anonymous said...

Again with this story? Talk about the idiot mayor that the stupid citizens of Brownsville voted for. Pumping millions of dollars into graffiti art in downtown Brownsville! Brownsville, stupid city of the RGV.

Anonymous said...

Felix, you get my panties wet whenever I see you, but I'm just a young dispatcher. Guess which one!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Juan Cortina is a dead horse. He got screw...so did the people of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Los Cadetes De Linares A Qui Viene Cortina. Big hit for the that group.

Anonymous said...

at least he did something against los gringos the locals now do NOTHING nada, they like being screwed by the whites.

Murals any one? forget the potholes. Next the el jardin hotel/motel a mural on the south side is being planned by ese idiota that thought of that stupid idea of bring viejitas/viejotos down town where there is No grocery stores, ONLY PENNY TOY STORES!!!
I hope he got a pay raise. PINCHE MAMON...

Anonymous said...

Donation funds to Cameron County questioned by leaders, only UNO questioned it, el pinche enano, who else? Pinche mamon, go earn your 300k a year salary mamon!!! and with all the benefits cul*!!!!

nobody questions that? about time

Anonymous said...

September 19, 2023 at 2:07 PM

must be true I hoid that its invested with maricones. Maricones make BAD cops.

Anonymous said...

infested? work key or just idiota?
