Friday, September 22, 2023



Anonymous said...

juanito, once again if anyone does a winternet search goo the Texas EDC guidlelines put out theby the ctexa comptrolelrs office or the TML league and you will find the list of elgible items, in there soo the city of Brownsvilel has both an 4A and 4B sales tax funds can be used for this project to install bus shelters, both of these get $$$$$ millions of dollars each year and i am sure these bus shelter cannot be more thatn 1 million for the entire project. just saying el porter kid.

Anonymous said...

Juan doesnt the City have a surplus of $38 million now that the fiscal year is coming to an end, cant they use some of this surplus money out of the $38 million to put in some of these bus shelters? Pos wasnt the HELEN RAMIREZ the CEO of one of these two EDC for a while? she didnt read the rules for eligible and not eligible items or projects that these funds can be spent on or was she there just to look prett? Looks too me like it weas just to look PRETTY? Just asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

Folks dont worry the city will not do a damn thing about this, there are no priorities for anything execpt to collect a check every two weeks, lets see so the city manager helen reddy gets paid $330,000.00 per tear so that payroll check every two weeks is about $12,692.31 gross minus taxes, so do you really think she cares about brownsvlle or anything? i would say NOT or NUTS. Thats all folks. el porky pig

Anonymous said...

I hoid they are debating what to fix foisd.
not necessarily in this order and no date set.

1.bus shelters addition
2.potholes fix
3.flooding fix
4.airport addition
5.traffic lights sync & fix
6.white paint on all city streets fix & add
7.BPUB fix and/or sell
8.Da Port stop taxing citizens, tax to rollover tp
9.look into extra high salaries (justlook)
10.another payraise for commissioners(ASAP)

y los dos maricones nuevos que??? el lambiscon y la muda?

Anonymous said...

that's about the speed of OUR elected city officials here in brownsville texas 78520 and that's cause they get a salary UNBELIEVABLE!!!


Anonymous said...

They are too busy giving money to their relatives and themselves to buy downtown!! BE CAREFUL YOU MIGHT GET ARRESTED FOR PLACING A CHAIR THERE!! Hopefully no one paints graffiti on it or the FBI might take it away to check for fingerprints and DA Luis Saenz will send all the Brownsville police dept to arrest you and parade you in front of a news conference.

Anonymous said...

The poor will always be damned.

(and in Brownsville, even more)


Anonymous said...

they have placed high tech spy cameras on all murals and on all bike trails it cost you and I 10 millions dollars to place them.

Great work city commissioners including those two new ones. Turned out to be lambiscones y mamones. Una muda y un lambe botas... FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Where possible the City does have bus shelters but only for bus stops at strategic and regularly used stops like HEB.

Anonymous said...

They went out on bids to buy the chair. The purchasing agent opened bids about 2 years ago. Too busy to place recommendation on the agenda. He's two years behind and makes abt 250k a year. great work he needs another pay raise.

cost of chair for delivery, installation and security abt 200k the lowest qualifying bid price. Some unknown gringo company submitted the low bid.

Anonymous said...

September 22, 2023 at 9:01 AM

Si they have 38 million dolares in the bank BUT, 35 million is for salries ONLY their own...

Anonymous said...

City top priority was, is and will always be more bike lines downtown, walking trails and giving the Farmers market vendor free space and soon free storage at the old Gutierrez warehouse. Bus shelters were never a priority and that's a proven fact.

Anonymous said...

DA Luis Saenz reminds me of J Edgar Hoover del FBI, will not do a thing about anything, has files of dirt on everyone so thats why no one will run against him. So i guess everyone at city and county is ok with mr ugly mustacho dude. Viva la corruption in brownsville and cameron county.

Anonymous said...

September 22, 2023 at 1:21 PM

Anonymous said...

Bus stops on the north side are padded with all weather fabrics, some have portable fans that are solor panel powered. HOW NICE.

La Elena, patrona de esta ciudad states that because they pay more property taxes.

Anonymous said...

The city of Brownsville will never progress as long as corrupt democratic politicians remain in power.

Anonymous said...

September 24, 2023 at 7:08 AM

no shame racist republicans, your cult leader and all his stupid ideas will never win.

Crocs and allegators in the Rio Grande, red ballons with barb wire, tall cranes downtown to pick illegals and swing them over to mejico, are but just a few stupid ideas from the racist republicans and they want OUR vote!!! hahahahahahah jajajajajajaja ESTUPIDOS

Anonymous said...

7.08 am guess it dont matter if its a democrat or republican, mexican or greengo politics is politics and both parties are RATONRS, guess we can have many parties like in Mexico el PRI, PAN, PARTIDO VERDE, PT Trabajadores at the end of the day todos roban.
