Thursday, September 7, 2023


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

When Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation CEO and Executive Director Cori Peña submitted her budget request to the city commission Tuesday, she got a not-so-gentle reminder from the members that the BCIC had strayed from its voter-approved "quality of life" mission to elbow out the economic development mission of the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation.

Peña lamely tried to say that the BCIC was awaiting the completion of a strategic plan that was due to be finished by February 2024 that would direct it toward its original mission.

"It seems that quality of life projects are being squeezed out for economic development projects," said commissioner Rose Gowen through remote participation. "It's a bit upsetting that every time you mention quality of life it has to have an economic development impact attached to it. It all has to hinge on economic development impact. That was not your mission that the voters approved in 2002."

"Quality of life is not the poor stepchild," she said. "It seems like quality of life is being squeezed out by economic development." 

Gowen also pointed  out that the pie chart and budget projections that Peña submitted with her presentation hid the fact that the BCIC administrative costs listed as constituting 14 percent for  administration was actually nearer to 30 percent, and that she was coming to the city commission asking for at least three more positions to assist her in administering the BCIC.

"This item about hiring more staff, I do have questions about that as well."

Peña said that she needed the additional a staff because the economic development projects on the planning board were being shortchanged because she didn't have the extra staff.

"Well, you certainly shortchanged the quality of life, I agree with that," retorted Gowen. "And you don't need a strategic plan to tell you to do quality of life. The voters told you to do that in 2002. If I remember correctly, it passed in a majority, not a narrow margin." 

Peña presented a request for a FY 2024 Expense of $13,049,101 which she said she had discussed with city manager Helen Ramirez previous to the meeting. She said she was proposing that administrative costs be increased from $1,838,630 to $2,196,101 with a transfer from the BCIC's $5,855,067 unrestricted funds.

Commissioner Tino Villarreal Jr. asked Peña and Ramirez for a breakdown in the management of the Sports park and Ramirez said that except for a manager and one administrative staff, the rest of the city employees were maintenance workers.

However, Villarreal said that he had been on the BCIC board in the past and that he had gone to the park this past weekend to host a sports event and found that the fields there were in dismal shape. He said that he usually rented the fields at St. Joseph Academy to visiting teams but that a student's funeral had prevented him from doing it this past weekend.

"I was there last Sunday (for a football event), and you have a bunch of fields that you don't use," he said. "I held the turf in my hands," he said. "It didn't look too good."

Mayor John Cowen also said that although he applauded the BCIC's downtown economic development efforts that needs exist in the rest of the city in parks and trails and other amenities that would benefit residents there.

"We need to figure it out together," he said. "We work for the same people. You guys have done a lot on the economic development side, but we need your be equitable to the parks community."

Commissioner Linda Macias, who remains on the BCIC board as a member despite promising to leave the board during her campaign, moved in to assist Peña during the grilling, and said the BCIC could amend the budget request and increase the $2 million for quality of life projects with an additional amount from unrestricted funds before the strategic plan was complete in February 2024. 

"So we don't have to wait until the strategic plan is complete, we can amend the budget now to increase the quality life, can't we?," she asked Peña, who rapidly acquiesced.

Commissioner Roy de los Santos – whose motion to deny the BCIC budget request failed – said that the BCIC's budget should reflect what was good for the entire community, not just the economic development side. The commission then voted, with De los Santos voting no, to consider the budget amendment to add to the $2 million "quality of life" amendment.  

"We can't say that we can't cut the grass because we took on more than we can chew," he said.


Anonymous said...

quality of life equals more bike trails. que mamones son.

Anonymous said...

BCIC and GBIC staff are not supposed to be City employees since they are a separate Corporation of the city. The city is violating IRS rules by classifying these employees as municipal government employees. But like everything else, the city keeps a blind eye.

Anonymous said...

Cori Pena along with former disgraced Trey Mendez and embarressment Ramiro Gonzalez, Michael and Fabian Limas, Arturo Trevinio,Fernando Balli, Carlos Varela and Ex Con Mayor Tony Martinez took millions from Elon Musk and Tax payers for themselves leaving Cori Pena to think she will be protected. Guess what are left out in the field alone to be the sacrificial lamb. Cori you got played and now with the audit you may have to resign very soon. 30% of 6 million for you and your staff salary. That is $1,8000,000 in salaries who spend most of their time traveling to get trained. That is another million a year in travel expenses plus conference fees that nothing have come out from. Felicia Fruia paid for her sons college with BCIC tax payers money.

Anonymous said...

Quality of life ?? For who?? BCIC has provided that for a select few. $$$ from BCIC to these few , has them coming back for more!! These greedy individuals don’t seem to have enough. And that Cori Pena lady sounds like she’s the head cashier/ teller.

Anonymous said...

Tino Villarreal doesn’t like the grass at the sports park poor him! How many times has he gone to touch the pot holes all over Brownsville or perhaps go stand at the great city bus stops we have! We must hurry and fix the grass so the kids can play ball! Cory Peña probably wants to give someone she knows a great paying job to do nothing! Way to go D.A. Luis Saenz go after the deadly graffiti artists and the mob connected “viejitas” gamblers.

Anonymous said...

Monte you’re a smart guy, go back and watch the BCIC meetings, there is only one board member who was trying to revert the board to go back to its original mission statement (with noted clap back from the entire board and staff). Yup, it was Macias, glad you figured out why she hasn’t come off, glad you know understand why that board along with GBIC need acting commission on them, look at the mess they create, they need to be baby-sitted. Look at how they have lost sight of their original intention. So glad to have seen the city commission take the control back. Cudos to Macias for not allowing BCIC to waste more time on pussy-footing around this topic and reverting the budget to its original intention. Now please go and fix our parks!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Juan does this cori pena knows what she is doing? it shows otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a charro day raqueta, just too many of those around here.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...






Anonymous said...

Hey Tino Villareal(the Vince Lombardi of the RGV) they are called PRIORITIES. 10:05 am is right Brownsville has more pressing needs such as street repair, bus shelters, police patrols, homelessness, exorbitant property taxes, etc. But you are worried about the grass at the Sports Park( another one of Brownsville’s money pits)( just like the bike trails/farmer’s market, cannery BS). And unless you’ve been living under a rock, we have been under serious drought conditions and record heat indexes. So get your shit together, do your homework/ research and get to work on the real issues. Be a leader not a follower. Oh and Rose Gowen ( after reading all the stories and rumors about you) just keep your comments to yourself, we are not interested in your self serving ideas.

Anonymous said...

At September 7, 2023 at 10:47 AM

Quit blowing your own horn Linda Macias. BCIC is not live nor have any of the meeting been posted since April 2023. Maybe you should let the people see your 2 face instead of telling stories that don't exist. You LIED and will for ever be called a LIAR. Lying Linda is what they will always remember you by. Look there goes Lying Linda. Quien La Mentirosa Chaparra Comisionada. Ahh si se quien es La Mentiroas Chapparra.


Anonymous said...

As I said before, pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics.

Anonymous said...

Tino complains about the Sports Park because he had to step down from his well manicured St Joe field of dreams! Sorry Coach that the city doesn’t have the money poured into it from Luigi Cristiano like St Joe does. It must have been torture for you to spend an afternoon there. We have a bunch of silver spoon, spoiled brats running this city ugh!

Anonymous said...

Se hacen los pendejos que no saben lo que esta pasando. Que quieren calidad de vida para la ciudad. Nuestra ciudad es una de la mas pobres de la nacion y todo es por el mal liderazgo del gobierno local. Ellos nada mas creen en “ la ley del hazadon” todo para aca y nada para haya. Todo es un desmadre en el pueblo— basura en los callejones, las calles con pozos, falta de policías, inundaciones cuando llueve, etc. Y cuando aplica uno para mejorar los negocios, le dan los fondos$$$ a los ricos o sus familiares!! Ya basta de tanta corrupción!! Y la ley?? Donde esta???

Anonymous said...

WOW I like pink frame eye glasses. looks buenota.

Anonymous said...

September 7, 2023 at 3:33 PM

You should do your homework, you obviously have no understanding of how anything works, you cant use the funds from quality of life to repair the roads! the funds from BCIC can only be used for quality of life purposes ie parks, park improvements, festivals, ect. Thats where BCIC has lost its direction, they went primarily economic development. But yes continue to open your mouth like you know what your talking about....pendeja

Anonymous said...

At September 7, 2023 at 10:47 AM

I picked up trash with Linda at neighborhood clean-up she organized around the Mckenzie rd area. It's me giving her a pat on the back, not herself. Shes the real deal and you hate it, which is hilarious. My question to you is, you call her a liar, that's fine, its your opinion, why should she listen to you? You're a nobody, an unknown, and a person that will never be content. You've never been in her camp, never were in her camp, and its obvious you dont even the know the young commissioner. You have a lot of hatred in your heart, you need to go to church and you need counseling.

God bless

Anonymous said...

Friendly reminder Susan Rubelcava lost her election!!!! hahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

September 8, 2023 at 10:44 AM
Her lips look tempting WOW

Anonymous said...

pura caca or muncha caca you decide. same thing here, pobre Brownsville will never get out of the same hole.
