Thursday, September 14, 2023



Anonymous said...

It is no secret Ford supported Hitler in his anti-Jew position. He told FDR the claims about the holocaust were false. Elon Musk will fall. It is a formality.

Anonymous said...

That's all they know what to do with YOUR PROPERTY TAX MONEY.

Fix the citizens dilapidated homes that belong to the poor, where you get ALL YOUR SPENDING MONEY FROM. PINCHES MAMONES CULOS....

Give it to that mamona foundation to fix dilapidated warehouses the German foundation and give travel money to that Custome foundation to travel to south america looking for clown Customes.

Any more mamones foudations around to give them all the tax monies? Its gotta be a gringo foundation not meskin. Meskin don't qualify only gringos....

Anonymous said...

Any more dangerous business that want to relocate here
are 'ALL' welcome. The elected officials here are looking for the most dangerous businesses that are danger to citizens, health, home and enviroment. Please sent your request to browntown tx 7852XX land is free, no property taxes, no inspections NEVER, free to not pay the employess and not required to comply with no safety rules. ALL ARE WELCOME THIS IS FOR REAL CHECK US OUT.

El gran mayor King Tonto to elena. "hurry and advertise this everywhere including China, Russia, Norte de Korea and maybe India and africa...DO IT NOW".

Anonymous said...

Ukraine is a lost cause. Only Democrats believe this war can be won. Now that Russia is being supplied military weapons by North Korea its just a matter of time that what little is left of Ukraine will soon disappear.

Anonymous said...

Free speech is offensive. Deal with it. There is more hate coming from blacks, chicanos, and leftists than anywhere else. Trump is accused of being racist, but almost all his children were married to Jews. Trump Jr. is dating a half Puerto Rican woman. The left is just trying to silence the opposition. Soros is a piece of scum who happens to be Jewish.

Anonymous said...

A new example of the military-industrial complex. In a recent New Yorker magazine article the reporter was told by a pentagon spokesperson that they would only answer his questions if Musk said it was okay.

Anonymous said...

September 14, 2023 at 3:03 PM

Of course that's where the money is at, I would do the same thing. The right, of gueyes, insults do not compare to the left insults. The left insults rules and laws while the right insults people of ethnicities. BIG DIFFERENCE. MORON

Anonymous said...

Israel says you're full of it, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Israel los mamones? who the shit cares about those gueyes? son puros mamones y pidiches, como los cubanos llorones.
