Wednesday, September 13, 2023


By Juan Montoya
Carrying on a legacy is a mighty hard thing to do. And leaving a lasting legacy is even harder.

Just ask City of Brownsville Mayor John Cowen.

The Cowens, Phil, Ralph, etc., wear the legacy of their ancestors on their sleeve. During his campaign, mayor Cowen wrote that "two of my ancestors, William Neale and John S. Ford, served as Mayors of Brownsville in the mid-1800s during the early formation of our city. We are proud of their service and other members of my family that have served in various elected positions."

But idols have been found to have their feet of clay. Neale, for example, made a lucrative living chasing runaway slaves into Mexico and returning them to their owners. His dubious claim to fame is  outlined in "The Twin Cities of the Border," by Lt. W. H. Charfield written in 1893.

According to Chatfield, the captured runaway slaves "in most cases, however, they were glad to return, when their masters followed them to their lairs: and offered to take take them back to the "Old Cabin Home." Oh, yeah, sure.

It is also worth noting that his son, William Peter Neale, was one of the men that Juan Nepomuceno "Cheno" Cortina, had on his hit list when he and 75 followers took over Brownsville in September 1859. According to a pronunciamento, the younger Neale had wantonly killed innocent Mexicans and walked around free with impunity.  When Cortina's raiders found him, he was sleeping at his father's home and took a bullet through a window when he woke suddenly to the sound of gunfire and sat bolt upright in his bed.

And John "Rip" Ford, who was also served as mayor, was an officer in the Confederate States of America, later attempted to establish a separate republic made up of sections of seized northern Mexican states where southern sympathizers could go and slavery would be legal. He said the new republic would then establish an extradition treaty with Texas that would allow them to return runaway slaves to their masters.

In fact, the Cowens have extolled the virtues of these men, especially William Neale, that they convinced the city commission to set aside $190,000 to restore the dilapidated Neale home and set it up in a prominent public place where people can admire and revere the runaway slave catcher's memory.

If the city is true to form, it's going to sink cash into making the slummy-looking carcass of the building look like the Taj Mahal just as they did with the carcass of Charles Stillman's love crib – another slave owner – Laureles Ranch "house."

But odious as the sins of their fathers were, John Cowen has much to do to clean up his own "legacy" as a public servant. 

As a member of the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation (GBIC), he joined former city commissioner Nurtih Galonsky in filing a lawsuit
against the other board members after they chose Mario Losoya – the former Toyota USA director of marketing and workforce development for North America –  over their choice, Gilbert Salinas, who worked under Jason Hilts at the discredited Brownsville Economic Development Corporation.

The lawsuit failed, but that didn't stop Cowen and Galonsky from harassing the GBIC CEO and finally prompting Losoya to accept a $350,000-plus buyout after 
false rumors that there was hanky panky going on with real estate purchase by the GBIC under Losoya. An audit conducted on the charges found them baseless.

The city commission then voted to remove all seven GBIC board members and to appoint themselves as GBIC’s interim board with Cowen – who campaigned on a promise that city commissioners should not serve on any boards – as interim GBIC board chairman. They then appointed then-Assistant city manager Helen Ramirez as GBIC CEO with instructions to quickly put to use some $13 million in the GBIC budget.

“It’s sitting on $13 million in the bank and we’re not really getting a return on our investment. We were kind of spinning our wheels over there and it kind of needed to be refreshed, and I think we’re all very excited with Helen at the helm. She’s proven herself at the city to be a very effective economic developer and I think we’ll see some quick wins in the short term.” 

Cowen said Ramirez’s appointment as GBIC head is “an opportunity to streamline this thing so we get some results and a good use of taxpayer money.”

Those "quick wins" were announced seven months after Ramirez took over in February 2021 and heralded as Brownsville's splash into space-related industries which would pump millions into the local economy and  create jobs. 

A city compliance audit reported that the agreement between 9Point8 Capital was signed by founder J. Brant Arseneau and Helen Ramirez. In the agreement, the company claimed that 9Point8 Capital was a New York based corporation authorized to do business in the State of Texas.

The $1 million was to be paid in 4 increments of $250,000 with the first payment within 5 days of the effective (signature) date then one at 6 months, one at 12 months, and the final at 18 months of a 3-year agreement.

In other words, the GBIC and Ramirez agreed that the company was going to get full payment of the $1 million halfway through the length of the contract.

Under that agreement, the auditors reported that 9Point8 Capital, an advisory company, was supposed to create local employment (20 full time equivalent jobs – 15 back office and 5 hatchery jobs), create a business “hatchery” to help startups find funding, fund space program scholarships at University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), and bring capital investment for space startups within the city limits of Brownsville.

And he dangled a $10 million carrot promising to bring in that much from the space-related companies and manufacturers he attracted. Ramirez and the city took the bait and doled out the cash.

By the time that the GBIC and the city attorney found out that Arsenaeu and 9Point8 Capital had not complied with their obligations under the agreement, and that they were not registered in New York or licensed to do business in Texas, they had already handed them $500,000. The audit then revealed that Ramirez, trying to get a "quick win," disregarded accepted managerial practices by directing GBIC staff to rush the process.

The auditors reported that: "We did find a note indicating accepting self-reporting from the grant recipient would be acceptable in determining compliance. We deem the internal controls were inadequate because of the lack of policies and procedures and reliance on grantee self-reporting."

Despite her glaring incompetence, Cowen and a majority of the city commission voted to hire Ramirez as city manager to replace Noel Bernal, her mentor who left for Colorado, at a $244,504 annual salary. 

Even before that debacle and loss of $500,000 with nothing to show for it, Cowen was also named as a prime suspect in divulging GBIC's plans for a steel plant to be built on land under acquisition by Losoya. The realty company discovered that the plots of land necessary to bring the plant to Brownsville had already been grabbed by a Patricio Sampayo, Cowen's buddy on the Brownsville Housing Authority and a land speculator.

Losoya told investigators of the Cameron County District Attorney's Office and the FBI that Cowen twice asked him to give him private briefings on the property acquisitions needed to bring the plan to fruition and the information somehow leaked out and Lozoya found out that the needed acreage had been snagged by Sampayo.

The city's tax base would have doubled if the plans for the steel mill would have gone through. A week after Cowen was given the two private briefings by Lozoya, the GBIC realtors found that Sampayo held the option on three parcels of land totaling 141 acres which were critical for the plant's construction.

In short, it was Cowen who was the prime suspect for sabotaging a project for the high-tech steel mill by Dynamic Steel which would have brought the $1.9 billion environmentally-friendly plant and 600 high-paying jobs at $75,000 a year by relaying inside information that reached the ears of his pal.

But Sampayo was asking for $25,000 an acre where before GBIC could have acquired it for $19,000 an acre. GBIC refused. The potential profit for Sampayo on the land scheme? A neat $864,000. When GBIC could not deliver the real estate needed, the company took their steel plant and jobs to Sinton, Texas, and said in an email that the unavailability of the land was the reason.

Is this the kind of "quick win" envisioned by Hizzoner?

There is another peccadillo that Cowen has in his quest to leave his family's lasting "legacy."

When the overwhelmingly Hispanic residents of historical E. Fronton Street opposed the renaming of their street to the McNair Family Drive, Cowen – who said he was "fact-driven" – insisted that there be a process for their demands to be heard on the renaming of the street. The residents complied with the "process" by gathering signatures for a petition and showed that more than 75 percent of the property owners were against the name change. However, McNair applied pressure on the city commission and a majority – including Cowen – knuckled under and, despite his promise – sided with anglo McNair against the residents.

Will Cowen emulate his predecessor Trey Mendez and leave under a cloud of suspicion he personally benefitted from his public position?

Like we said at the beginning, a legacy is a hard thing to carry, and leaving a lasting one is even harder. Cowen has until May 2027, when his term expires, to salvage his family's.


Anonymous said...

In keeping with tradition, a rata must always be elected and be a elected public offical, no matter what. Its in the city constitution some-where!... Oh and it must be of the most popular race.
Too bad there is no more land to steal they stole it all back in the 1800's.

Anonymous said...

So instead of complaining how about pulling some citizens together to file a removal action. Saenz is coming. It is matter of the law firm filing it.

Anonymous said...

When that steel mill deal failed, that reality pissed me off. That would have been really good for our local economy and job for a lot of people. Well paying jobs. When I pass through Sinton I see the size of that building, man what a shame. We have a lot of incompetent people behind the seen. Dirty games you’re playing with Cowen, tear down that house. You guys tapped about a memorial that was sore eye for dumb ass progressives. But Cowen gets to have his plantation. Ain’t that some shit.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

John Cowen has no time for Bloggers, unlike Mendez.

You, Brown Blogger, are not in Cowen's circle.

Lump it, ese.

vato sin culo.

Anonymous said...

It used to be they offered you citizenship for your land or face the consequences, para atras pa mejico even though you and your ancestors were here before any pinche white joto. FACT

LOS RINCHES WERE A BIG FACTOR DOWN HERE. HANGINGS WERE COMMON. look it up, but not on a book written by white RATAS....

Anonymous said...

Believe i have seen bits and pieces of other articles related to this but not this much. So what happens now??? Will someone look into this?? The Cowen ancestry doesn’t surprise at all . Same as the Stillman posse. As far as being the mayor in Brownsville ( no matter who it is) , well i guess you have to have a big rat , to allow the little rats to go about their daily business dealings. So if there is some validity to this article doesn’t anyone think it merits some type investigation of certain individuals? Or is it just another slap in the face to the citizens of Brownsville to show how much certain people can get away with, with no consequences.

Anonymous said...

The white population has and will continue to run this city through shady deals. That's how through the years they have accumulated their wealth. The Hispanics on the other hand are just lurking underneath the table waiting for a few measly crumbs. No one really cares about the common man. It's all about greed and power.

Anonymous said...

Blog's trashy referring to noble families is shameful practice as history is unverifiably bias.

Anonymous said...

The family legacy is there to be surpassed and make it better.

I see John Cowen as a Jim Darling, the Mayor of McAllen that did so much for a City that he loved and cared for.

Jim Darling did it because he had accomplished all his personal, business and professional goals......

John Cowen will do it, because he can do it.

TEAM John Cowen.

Anonymous said...


I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day
Overtime hours for bullsh– pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away
It’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin’ in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do
‘Cause your dollar ain’t sh– and it’s taxed to no end
‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere
Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothin’ to eat
And the obese milkin’ welfare

God, if you’re 5 foot 3 and you’re 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds
Young men are puttin’ themselves six feet in the ground
‘Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin’ them down

Lord, it’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin’ in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do
‘Cause your dollar ain’t sh– and it’s taxed to no end
‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day
Overtime hours for bullsh– pay

Anonymous said...

September 13, 2023 at 11:36 AM

ah pero tu mama si tiene cul* y hediondo. La pestilencia le sigue como tu sigues a tu camote pinche maricon mamon. jotingo. YOU DON'T LIKE IT VETE MAMON.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Cowen has a shameful family legacy. However, he may not have the views of his ancestors. May Jesus bless all that he does for the people of Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

Today the herald Obituaries is full of whites, but why?

Anonymous said...

The legacy that Cowen's family members left him is barbaric. Personally I would not claim people like this as family. I would be embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

You mean a load of money? of course it is, if its not yours and got it in illegal means, but gringos don't care, the originators of corruption and thievery.

Anonymous said...

September 13, 2023 at 1:26 PM

Ha ha ha ha noble families, jajaja family legacy. Now they are declaring themselves nobles, kings and queens? Took some time to do it and finally got the huevos to do it. Hummm wonder why? cocos anyone???

Anonymous said...

Im Still trying to figure out what he has done illegal? What he has done wrong? Why, because the guy hasn’t done anything illegal or wrong. How about focusing on what he has done right! Which is a lot! this lob-sided article fails to connect how his ancestors wrong doings effected him? It appears as if the author is trying to create a mental construct or a connection between what they did and the mayor. There isn’t a connection. Im sure my Ancestors somewhere a long the line did something illegal or morally Wrong, do I know of it no, do I walk the earth thinking about it no, did It effect my Outcome in terms of personal success on this planet, absolutely Not! So I revert back to my original point, what was the point of this? Oh yes, entertainment and stirring the pot to make our Anglo mayor seem bias towards others (which is completely false). The guy is a straight shooter and I agree with a previous post that mentioned that the mayor does not have time for blogs and this author appears a bit grumpy about not having access to
Cowen’s circle. Monte if you took the time to ask you’d be surprised, Cowen would give you the time of day! We got a good leader and representative of our community working countless hours to better our lives, we shouldn’t take it for granted! Keep kicking ass John!

Anonymous said...

Friendly reminder: Tino Villareal a St. Joe graduate knocked Susan Rubelcava out of the park in their run-off election!!!!!

Replay: Tino went 4 for 4 and and in the bottom of the 5th hit a grandslam: this was a kickball game because we can’t use baseball as an analogy to describe her (she’s definitely a kickball and not a a baseball).

Live radio broadcast: (the crowd chants) Tino Tino Tino!!!! (Kicks ball) Back, back, back, back she’s out of here, she was sent all the way to El Arroyo Colorado!!!!!! Tino with the win!!!!!!!! Tino with the win!!!! The crows goes wild!!!!


- Nopalito

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics since the 1800s.

Anonymous said...

Cowen family a slave owners wow, now thats some hstory, caant get away from that.

Anonymous said...

Charles Manson , Benedict Arnold and Judas Iscariot to name a few, also left their own legacies. Read between the lines !! Team: “SHAME ON YOU”

Anonymous said...


dicho verdadero our ancestors lived by this BUT, did not have a pistola. what luck!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dude, get off his nuts. The guy lives with his dad. Hahahahaha and you’re all over him. What the fuck, does he toss your salad. Is he gay, I don’t see him with any women (must have the small penis complex) quit being the fluffer old man.

Anonymous said...

They were All sitting at that fancy place by the resaca splitting the property tax funds, provided by los pobres de todos los barrios (anewconjuntogroup)...

Da place was packed (allelectedofficialsonly) and the rounds just kept commin'. citycreditcard of course.

Anonymous said...

Like most Browntown politicians, Cowen and his group of corrupt friends profit from insider Realestate deals. People in Browntown are to stupid to understand that.

Anonymous said...

What legacy did ex Mayor Martinez leave, Puro pinche Tenaska CaCa.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mayor Martinez has the legacy of his son the Padresito.

Anonymous said...

September 14, 2023 at 9:46 AM

Susan im sorry no one wants to toss your salad, can you blame them? Not only would it be a menacing situation but I'm sure it would cause major back and neck problems. If this is what you long for you should make sure you don't leave any capirotada in the area, as we are nearly positive you and Myra Flores eat from the same olla de frijoles a la charra, but I get it you can't reach!!!


Tino wins!!! Tino wins!!! Tino wins again!!!


Anonymous said...

Cowen should take his ancestors rat infected plantation and put it in his own back yard. First and for all Brownsville was Juan Cortina's plantation, it was stolen by slave lover Charles Stillman and his corrupt greedy compadres. Check the land grant deeds in Cameron County Dist. Court and see for yourselves Brownsville was owned by Mrs. Gosecochea, this was Juan Cortinas mother. There is a will made by her, but of course these so-called land thieves never bothered to respect her will. Enough of these so-called land thieves, trying to lead Texas. Check the Atty. Gen. Ken Paxton impeachment trial that confirms that he had SOVEREIGN Immunity. Sovereign Immunity comparing him to rule as a king or God. This is total bullshit. His attorney Buzbee even argued, and that GENERAL Ken Paxton had the power to do just about anything even changing Statutes and vetoing, because he was Gen. Ken Paxton with total Sovereign powers. Paxton didn't have to follow procedures nor follow the laws of the land. The laws of the land didn't apply to Ken Paxton. Paxton was above the law. His attorney came pretty close to making sure the Senators, who were the jurors got the message that to Impeach Paxton would set a precedent, and this could affect some of them.
This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

SpaceX sues Attorney General Garland, claims unconstitutional move by DOJ

It’s in response to a lawsuit the Department of Justice filed against SpaceX on Aug. 24 alleging the use of hiring practices that discriminate against refugees and asylum seekers.

The DOJ suit claims that “from at least September 2018 to May 2022, SpaceX routinely discouraged asylees and refugees from applying and refused to hire or consider them, because of their citizenship status, in violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).”


Anonymous said...

Juan Nepomuceno Cortina Goseacochea (16 May 1824 – 30 October 1894) was a Mexican general, politician, caudillo, and outlaw of American West who engaged in socially-motivated border banditry against the United States from 1859 to 1861 in the "Cortina Troubles.

Juan Nepomuceno Cortina Gosecochea was born in Camargo, Tamaulipas, Mexico on 16 May 1824, and he was raised in the disputed Rio Grande Valley region on the border of Mexico and the Republic of Texas. He joined the Mexican Army in 1846 at the start of the Mexican-American War, and he fought at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma. With the end of the war and the US annexation of Texas, Cortina became an important political boss for the South Texas Democratic Party and remained a large rancher, even as his estates were taken away from him. He went on to train a private army in response to the harassment of the Hispanic Tejanos by the white "Anglos", and the tensions between his army and the Brownsville authorities escalated into open conflict on 13 July 1859, when he seized the town, holding it until 30 September 1859. He led his paramilitary mounted militia in several raids against Anglo-American settlers in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, but he was easily defeated by the Texas Rangers and the US Army and forced to flee into Mexico. President Benito Juarez appointed Cortina the commander of the Mexican Army in Tamaulipas, and, from 1862 to 1866, he was the de facto ruler of the state during the Franco-Mexican War, briefly joining the invaders before turning on them and aiding in their defeat. He later supported Porfirio Diaz's rise to power, only to be imprisoned for his continued raids on Texas. He was imprisoned at the Santiago Tlatelolco military prison until 1890, when he was moved to house arrest. Cortina died in the Mexico City suburb of Azcapotzalco

Anonymous said...

Hey team Cowen up there, suck a fat dick bitch. Your white privileged ass fucking reeks. With all of the current posts comments are pointing to you two faced mother fuckers. Blue collar and hard working families are footing the bill. I would shut the fuck up with your white privilege. You’re seeing more comments here and about those fucking ratas that sell out their own people. No racist shit here, but sit this one the fuck out. Some history is coming out. Our economy is not good, high fucking everything!!!! The more you show your snake ass head, people get pissed. So settle down at let the people hash out their comments. Hey old HoBo suck a duck bitch..

Juan, fist to the chest. Thanks for letting us talk shit bro.

Anonymous said...

a lot of mamones cocos here, they love gringos pinches cocos, gringos hate meskins estupidos, bootlickers, specially racist republicans.

Anonymous said...

Juan Cowhen is seen daily at the property deeds office. Da mayorcito wants to get more land. Muskies is now selling lots at the moon and mars. Las cantinas de la catorce are incorporating to buy an acre of moon land to built 20 cantinas. A pizza place, a top of the line car dealership, charro days Inc are also buying and selling, mostly chairs, a horse stable is on the planning stages, el cartel de matamoscas wants to open up a bank. Muskies is happy.

The only problem here is, HOW THE HELL TO GET THERE????

3-2-1 BANG BOOM BONG oh well manana..
