Friday, September 22, 2023



Anonymous said...

Why complain? You all elected him. Next time think before you vote. A major problem with Democrats!

Anonymous said...

And now even El mas lambiscon Luis Mendietta is talking shit about Eric and especially Cornejo. Hahahahaha

Things are really messed up here

Anonymous said...

You forgot worthless Hoskins.

Anonymous said...

That is what happens when you vote for compadres with no experience.

Anonymous said...

I didn't vote for that clown and his circus. Democrats you really know how to pick them.

Anonymous said...

Incompetence at its finest!!! GLAD I left that agency. The Sheriff's Office is in dire need of a qualified candidate and it's coming March!!!

Manuel "Manny" Trevino 2024!!!

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza pulled a fast one on Cameron County. He talked a good game but completely fucked up the sheriff department. Eddie Garcia is using the same strategy as Eric but will he be able to FOOL Cameron county voters too ?

Don't be FOOLED , do not vote for Eddie Garcia

No EXPERIENCE , just another bullshiter like Eric Garza

Anonymous said...

Ese VATO Eric I bet can’t even conduct a proper traffic stop much less a felony stop. Y’all should have voted for the other guey.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Elizondo is the rat that should have never been elected. Get this mofo and the County Judge out of office.

Anonymous said...

Hoskins is worse that a fly on a plate of food,,, just looking to see where to score ANYTHING for free while doing no work, unless you can count getting information for the sheriff behind his own friends back. Hoskins was a mistake since he was born.....

Anonymous said...

Eric take your gorda back to 7300 we don't want her here in 71

Anonymous said...

The jail is so bad that we don't even get restroom break reliefs. We have to piss in cups and in water bottles. nobody cares , one of guys had to crap in the waste basket because nobody relieved him, things are very bad and everyone wants out

alot of fighting going around with one another because the admin doesn't have a clue on how to run a jail and everyone wants to quit. it is not worth risking your life in the jail because nobody wants to work here because the supervisors dont know what to do or how to handle the jail. everyone is blaming mendieta, cornejo and the sheriff

Anonymous said...

Manuel “Manny” Trevino for Sheriff!

Anonymous said...

Montoya, do you get paid to attack the sheriff? Or do you expect to profit out of it in any way? The zealous in your effort is concerning.
You should teach an ethics class, or you should write the ethics policy for the COB that Tony promised but never delivered.

Did you see the recording of Dave Portnoy and the WP reporter trying to boycott his event? You are as ethical/professional as that reporter. Typical woke garbage writing.

Anonymous said...

Here’s a few quotes on the daily when the jail gets fucked 😂

“No pasa nada”
-sgt Delosreyes

“Me vale verga”
- cpl azteka

“This is Fine”
- Sgt Madrigal

Anonymous said...

September 22, 2023 at 1:26 PM

Hoskins still Breathing? He must be around 85 years old, can he work? is he on a wheelchair? baston? just asskin' for a maricon, she/he wants to know.

Anonymous said...

Manny Trevino for Sheriff!!! He is the only qualified candidate.

Anonymous said...

No sheriff is qualified to be sheriff here in browntown maybe sanbene but not here. we really don't need a cherife aqui. Pero pa que? mamar, ratismo, compadrismo?

Anonymous said...

More quotes from our outstanding supervisors
“Hopes and dreams”- Sgt Madrigal aka Sniper
“Micro managing at its finest”- Sgt Olivarez aka CID Pin
“Eres un buen elemento” - LT. Lazo
“I have a bachelors” -Sgt Delos Reyes

Anonymous said...

Manny Treviño isn't worth shit. Ask anyone who has worked for him, he'll quickly put you aside for someone else who brown noses him.

Anonymous said...

September 25, 2023 at 1:54pm

I have worked for him and he’s been the best boss I’ve ever served under. And no, I don’t brown nose. In fact, I’ve had my share of words with Manny. Please identify your sources that say, “he isn’t worth shit.” I’ll wait…..

Anonymous said...

TO Post September 25, 2023 at 1:54 PM

What are you basing your comment that Manny Trevino is worth for Shit? Did he deny your vacation, did he set you straight on a mistake you made? Do you think brown nosing is a person that does his/her job and is friendly and talks well to their boss?
I wonder where you ended up working at, I hope you are not a cop anymore, you sound like a person that is bitter, hate life. You probably beat on your wife. Respect whoever your boss is, bringing them coffee is not brown nosing, its being friendly. I would take coffee to the custodian and to the boss, its being a human being.
Think before you open that mouth,
I guess a brown nose

Anonymous said...

That would make a great keyboard cat commercial. Play something Jack. Something to ease the pain...

Anonymous said...

Manny Treviño isn't worth shit. Ask anyone who has worked for him, he'll quickly put you aside for someone else who brown noses him.

Anybody that brown noses are fking losers. There’s always been plenty of that at the sheriffs office even before erick

Anonymous said...

el cherife tocando el violin good night erica

Anonymous said...

@ September 26,2023 at 11:07pm

AGAIN… can’t back up your statement with credible sources. How pathetic! Manny probably fired you because it was well deserved and now all you have is sour grapes. I’m leaning that Manny canned your ass and if he did it was for a damn good reason because the guy gives so many chances before he releases you. I’d love to hear your story other than, “Manny isn’t worth shit!” Cmon man, back up your statements with facts not opinions. Change our mind!

Anonymous said...

CPL Rodriguez jose puting pregnant woman in retraining chair in carrizalez rucker the guy has to be let go no brains at all .

Anonymous said...

Great work CPL Rodriguez! Hopefully she sits in the 'retraining' chair long enough and she changes her ways. Maybe once she is done @ 5:45 PM can sit on the 'retraining'chair as well.

Anonymous said...

Junto con la puta de cantu marrisa aka puta de los paisas

Anonymous said...

Don’t forget guys Cpl Rodriguez also deploys OC in cells where females are pregnant like in Kilo 3 hahaha how are they still allowing him to keep his ranks? He obviously doesn’t learn from his mistakes

Anonymous said...

How many 'ranks' does he occupy?

Anonymous said...

@September 30, 2023 at 10:00 AM

Sorry “their” grammar nazi, CC only requires a ged to be employed. We’re jailers not English majors

Anonymous said...

@ 5:37 PM

Wow, bro, that is quite an attitude! It is unfortunate that you are selling yourself and your fellow jailers short. It's also not a good argument to pose when your department is claiming to be underpaid.

Anonymous said...

@11:11 pm

Jajaja you really let a badge or a position get to your head. The CC or CCSO doesn’t care what happens to you or the next person. You’re just a name on a roster so Eric and the cheerleading team can kick their feet up and feel safe in the schools.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:59 PM

You completely missed the point of the comment:self-worth & self-esteem.
