Friday, September 29, 2023


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

A federal judge has extended the time that the government has to find all inter-agency emails and documents related to the case of Ruben Gallegos Sr. an Ruben Gallegos Jr., and Juan Gonzalez, respectively the the former president and vice president and CFO of International Educational Services who are charged with conspiracy, and theft concerning programs receiving federal funds.

Judge Fernando Rodriguez Jr. On Thursday set October 19 as the date that the government has to search and provide the legal representatives of the men with any documents that they can find related to the case. Defense attorneys are hoping that among the materials the government produces there might be exculpatory evidence to assist them in their defense.

"It's a fishing expedition," said an attorney close to the case. "There's nothing there."

Among the charges and according to a portion of the indictment, Gallegos Jr. was paid a salary way over the $183,000 cap limit with his 2017 salary at $435,416.88. 

But that only covers that year. Other documentation filed on IRS Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, listed their salaries and benefits, respectively, $677,242 (Sr.), $663,240 (Jr.), and $546,877 (Gonzalez) in salaries and benefits. Gonzalez is married to the sister of Ruben Gallegos Sr., making him his brother-in-law, and uncle (politico) to Ruben Jr.)

In the indictment the government charged that in a series of meetings between them they conspired to to pay themselves $100,000s more than the $183,000 in executive compensation allowed then under the federal grants 2014 through 2018  to the tune of $506,003.22 for Sr., $492,001.62 for Jr., and $377,060.96.

Later, they upped the ante a bit, and gave themselves more raises as can be seen in their non-profit reports to the government. However, the Gallegos Jr. indictment does not over this period. In that report they state that they earned, respectively $677,242 (Sr.), $663,240 (Jr.), and $546,877 (CFO and cuñado and Unc Gonzalez) in salaries and benefits.

The government also charged that the men engaged in real-estate transactions theat violated the arm's-length requirements of the law.

“In September 2017, the OIG identified to Administration for Children and Families (ACF) findings that included less than arms-length agreements related to property leases, violation of executive compensation levels, non-compliance with conflict of interest requirements and procurement procedures, and numerous examples of substantial failures of IES failing to comply with regulations governing allowable costs under (Health and Human Services) awards,” the letter from the ACF to IES stated.

Accordingly, on the disallowance determination, the amount remaining in dispute is $19,633,161.05, which represents the difference between the $19,655,761.05 disallowed minus the $22,600 for which IES does not seek Board review.

"We issue one decision for both appeals consistent with our prior order consolidating the appeals under lead docket number A-18-46. For the reasons and bases set out below, we uphold a total disallowance of $17,673,785.40. This amount accounts for disallowances of $851,756.35 in excess executive compensation, $217,500 in depreciation costs on related-party leases, $8,111,360.35 (of $10,070,736 disallowed) for related-party lease costs, and $8,493,168.70 for the San Benito shelter costs. We also uphold ACF’s decision to withhold a non-competing continuation award."


Anonymous said...

nothing on TSC, Juan?

Is McHale right then?

you bailed?

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump & Trump Org Being Investigated As A Criminal Enterprise _ .

BobbyWC said...

At least 12 people have called me to tell me their Medicare, Medicaid and VA aides have informed them they will not show for work on Monday if the government shuts down. I told them there is nothing they can do.

People need to make sure their loved ones have someone to care for them. This is going to be a mess.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Don't drive Juanito there are a lot of trees here and use the finger there are a lot of maricons aqui.

Anonymous said...

Haven't read your post yet. Just by reading the title I think "ya se safron las ratas."

Anonymous said...

extra time, is extra gravey

Anonymous said...

McAllen airport named Official Airport of the UTRGV Vaqueros. And the Brownsville airlessport just keeps falling further behind.

Anonymous said...

Juanito fix that I am not a robot thingy not working no need to fill it out 20 times.... numbers will go down

Anonymous said...

It is said the Lucios
Are trying to stay away from the investigation.
Orchestrated by the Lucio Eddie, corruption.

Anonymous said...

4:28 you may be right, hope not but this is starting to smell rotten. These are the times we are living in, the rich always seem to get away with things.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the lucios are always involved or in the circle of corruption in Brownsville and Cameron County. Is the FBI that stupid that they can't figure it out and local law enforcement so corrupt. He'll even Trump an ex President got indicated and these local fking bozos are un touchable wtf!!

Anonymous said...

Did the vendido god say what year? the same year trumputo will go to trial. 2028. Remember all judges here think they are God. bad news for all of us but we keep re-electing these so call dioses....

Anonymous said...

With a high school diploma, you can rob a train.
With a college and university diploma, you can rob the railroad system.

A famous president said this. Who was it?

Anonymous said...

Ya valio puro pedo. why do they get extra time? Se mocharon con algue.
they stole from the fed govt and it seems they will get away with it.

Anonymous said...

These crooks are going to walk FREE. Someone got bought. The federal government does not have a tight reign on the numerous shady non-profit organizations. Instead of unleashing the dogs (IRS) on the working man they should hit all non-profit organizations. The great majority of them are just a waste of tax pay money.

Anonymous said...

Fixation. Feds should concentrate on others who truly commit crimes.
