Saturday, September 16, 2023



Anonymous said...

Who cares?

you think we don't have yes, Toya?


Anonymous said...

September 16, 2023 at 9:00 AM

como chingas jotito maricon y tu mama jotiando en las cantinas but who cares if you don't pirujo maricon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"no sabo," which is the incorrect way of saying "I don't know" in Spanish (the correct translation is "no sé") has become synonymous with young Latinos who aren’t fluent in Spanish.

thanks resaca elementry for spanking me every time I spoke espanol. Ahorra "No sabo".

Anonymous said...

Didn't that cat convert to the goat effing religion?

Anonymous said...

funny, tank u, they close la resaca, I used to bathe there. why? no sabo!!

Anonymous said...

Ah la Resaca Elementary where fat and ugly white teachers attacked the Hispanic children. Thick hand rulers and hand boards were sold to the white teachers to assault the children. A folded roll of toilet paper was given to all children to use at the restrooms. The folded paper was 10 inches long. Water was rationed two cups per child per day, there was no lunch break only singing by a meskin teacher all songs were in inglish, no air condition if there was one it was never turned on. A red line was painted on all the hallways and if you crossed it you were sent to the punishment room, halls were patrolled by wanna be white cops, from there you were sent to AnnieAss Putingnag, another prison like school. That one was worst. You never went inside you were always outside playing baseball and Rocha was the pitcher. He pitched at 100 miles an hour baseballs, unhittable, remember Rocha???

Disclaimer: factual and fake are the same in this story! I wanted to write this story in espanish but "no sabo". thank you resaca for teaching me inglish only.
I know, I know, we are in the United States of Anglos...
I just wanted to talk to my parents in their native language espaniol but couldn't.
