Friday, September 29, 2023


By Fatma Khaled
The Messenger

The posters in a Vancouver suburb said: "Are you looking for somewhere your children can play with others that look like them?"

Officials in a Vancouver suburb are furious after posters cropped up that advertised a "whites only" toddler playgroup and urged residents to report any sightings of the “vile garbage” to the police.

Social media posts about the racist “Whites-Only Moms and Tots” group circulated online –

drawing widespread condemnation, CBS News reported . The advertisements were spotted hanging across Port Coquitlam, British Columbia – a Canadian city of 62,000 outside Vancouver.

“Regarding a racist sign in our city: As soon as it was brought to our attention, Bylaw officers immediately searched the area & all bus stops, but no signs were present. Perhaps being removed by
someone else. This vile garbage isn’t welcome in our community, or anywhere else,” Port Coquitlam Mayor Brad West wrote on X on Monday.

In another tweet, he urged residents to report those signs to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) if spotted, and wrote “the City of Port Coquitlam condemns this in the strongest terms and promotes an environment without hate.”

The whites-only group poster reads: “Are you looking for somewhere your children can play with others that look like them? Are they tired of being a minority in their schools or daycares? Escape forced ‘diversity’ and join other proud parents of European children as we create an atmosphere in which our kids can feel like they belong. Invest in your child’s sense of well being and racial identity by giving them the gift of time spent amongst their own people – because they deserve it.”

Contact information for the “White Tri-Cities Parents and Tots” group, including a Telegram channel l and an email, were included at the bottom of the poster. Some of the posters were spotted ripped down at the shopping center Coquitlam Centre, according to CBC.

Port Coquitlam, like much of the Vancouver area, has seen a significant increase in Asian residents over the last 20 years – with the portion of residents with European heritage dropping from 75 percent to 57 percent of the city.

East Asian residents, including Chinese-Canadians and Chinese immigrants, have increase from 11 percent of the population to 16 percent.

Hate crimes saw a 21 percent increase in 2021 in British Columbia, CBS News reported last year.


Anonymous said...


News, Toya?

Anonymous said...

Nope not news, she was old as shit. That’s the problem with these old as fuck politicians. The signs were everywhere. Nancy wanted push congressman shifty shiff(big 👀 balls), so she can push her daughter in his position. Newsome wanted to place his guy. So now theirs gonna be a big fight. That’s why Nancy is running again, she’s too is old as fuck. They don’t know when to walk away.

Hobo, suck a dick, it’s Friday take the load

Anonymous said...

Laggard blogger Jim Barton has fallen off the TSC story.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the news; it is admirable that a community and its leaders would come together to stand against xenophobia and hatred.

Anonymous said...

In the USA, most hate crimes are committed by minorities. That kind of advertising can actually be seen in reverse today. Montoya and the press just won't report it.

Anonymous said...

September 29, 2023 at 10:34 AM September 29, 2023 at 8:53 AM

You cocos just love los pinches gringos, open up your own blog and there you can glorify all your beloved gringos pinches cocos mamones youknowwhoyouare mamones.

Anonymous said...

Since you feel a need to continue harping on racism why don’t you write on the numerous Mexicans that were tortured and killed by the Rinches, a special security force of Richard King founder of the King Ranch.

Anonymous said...

There used to be a grocery store close to ramonville where local tejanos went to buy their groceries. According to some historians most of the tejanos that went there owned land in and around that area. Knowing this king sent a group of his workers to start a fight and he also called the rangers to help. They killed all the tejanos and king quickly filed quick deeds to all the lands belonging to the Tejanos that were murdered. A book about this is located at the Pan Am library in Edinburg. THIS IS A FACT. A lot of local tejanos here suffered the same fate, the sad thing is most of the thieves and murderers are still living here. another fact...

Anonymous said...

U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, a centrist Democrat who was elected to the Senate in 1992 in the “Year of the Woman” and broke gender barriers throughout her long career in local and national politics, has died. She was 90.

Anonymous said...

"harping on racism", history will not repeat itself if know atrocities by the majority are reported and often remembered. NOW, justice is another big problem. As seen here in south texas most of the thieves and murderers are still here and living on stolen lands.
WHERE IS JUSTICE? Here the moment you get a degree you in your micro mind become a coco and forget about history. Your friends all of a sudden are all whites, you become a racist republican. voting against your own race mojado race....that's what the gringo calls your ass but behind your back...THIS IS FACT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's ignorance and the need for social programs that keeps Hispanics voting Democrat. If you ask any Hispanic about the Constitutional Amendments coming up this November 7,2023 few truly understand their meaning yet they will vote on them.Ignorance at its finest point!
