Friday, September 8, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Back in May 2022, the denizens of the Brownsville Multimodal Transportation Department came before the city commission to get approval for the purchase and eventual construction of 30 new bus shelters so desperately needed to protect bus riders from the elements and give them a place to sit while waiting for the bus.

Now, imagine that since then you're one of those people who lack their own transportation and has been waiting under the hot sun (or blue northern) by the bus stop sign since then. 

It is now September 2023, one year and four months since Gennie Garica, Deputy Director of Multimodal Transportation (includes BMetro, taxis and bike riders) assured the city commission that the shelters would be in place in either June or July 2023.

Well, have a seat under a nearby tree or light pole because the shelters won't be arriving soon.

According to Garcia, who addressed the city commission June 6, 2023, everything was ready to go after performing a ridership analysis with the "stakeholders," the purchase of the deluxe shelters, the right-of-way acquired, and an engineering firm, SWG, had been hired to select and prepare the sites.

The three-phase process, according to her, would come to $737,000 for the 30 shelters. But these weren't your basic enchilada shelters, no sir. They were purchased from a firm called EnGo Planet Energy Solutions LLC. and were equipped with solar power, benches, USB chargers, solar lighting, advertising space and a space to identify a passenger's route map and bus schedule times. They would also have sidewalks, ADA ramps and concrete pads.

Gee wiz! That sounds a lot better than waiting for the bus in the shade of a nearby mesquite or a PUB light pole, Ama!

During that time – from May 2022 to June 6, 2023 – Garcia and the Multimodal crew were working with abandon to build the new and improved shelters and at the June 6, 2023 meeting had finally chosen a bidder, Houston-based EnGo Planet, the same company which sold them the shelters, to construct them. The company, in its website, identifies itself as a company that develops innovative products such as smart solar street lights, benches and bus shelters to help cities across the globe to achieve their vision of becoming sustainable and energy independent smart cities. No pos wow!

They are also avid advocates of bike and hike trails. and are members of the American Trails network that have graced the city with its active-tourism, revenue generating, hike and bike trails.  Yup, the same kind of guys who cashed in on city commissioner Rose Gowen's vision of svelte, diabetes-free, bike-pedaling Brownsvillians and bike-riding enthusiast tourists spending millions to come to ride their chiscas in Browntown.

But we digress.

By June 6, after all the heavy lifting, Garcia and her crew recommended awarding of  the construction contract to EnGo Planet. At a total cost of $737,000, each shelter comes to about $24,560. 

Still standing there waiting under the mesquite?

Well, Garcia and her minions came back to the city commission this last Tuesday, four months after the contract award, and asked the  commissioners – through city manager Helen Ramirez and under the commission's consent agenda where the item does not need to be discussed – to rescind the contract with EnGo Planet because, apparently, they could not produce the Payment and Performance bond required from vendors on a public project.   

We looked up the meaning of these bonds and found out that performance bonds guarantee the company's adherence to contract terms and are used to protect the project owner from financial loss if the contractor breaks the contract. Payment bonds, often obtained with performance bonds, guarantee that the contractor will pay subcontractors, laborers, and material suppliers required by the contract, even if they default. Public construction jobs can’t place liens, so a payment bond protects labor or materials suppliers on a public job.

They would need to rebid the job, according to the agenda memo provided to the city commissioners by city manager Helen Ramirez.

So now, a job that Garcia and the Multimodal guys assured the city commission would be complete by June or July 2023, just got delayed again for another two or three months, say December, after the bidding and evaluation of the proposals which are submitted. Another 120 day construction period after that and it might be May or June 2024. If these were the same guys who sold the city the equipment, why didn't the city and the Multimodal denizens do their due diligence before awarding them the contract? No one knows.

But wait until they get here. Some of the new bus shelter locations promised to bus riders include one at Hortencia Boulevard and 30th Street to placate the Southmost quadrant, FM 802 and Valley Resaca Palms Apartments, Alton Gloor Boulevard outside Walmart, the Frontage Road near Sams Club, 1304 and 1101 Central Boulevard and McDavitt Boulevard and Roosevelt Street.

"We are currently looking to improve 30 sites throughout the city and looking at these sites. They have no shelters or amenities. We looked at the top highest ridership in areas that had right-of-way access to identify which sites we would be installing bus shelters," Garcia told the gullible commissioners and the equally gullible public in May 2022.

The city has 600 bus stops and of that number maybe 100 have shelters in various stages of disrepair. The new coverings are promised to be  5-feet-by-10-feet prefabricated bus shelters. At a rate of 30 every two years, it will be 2054 before the city can convert the remaining 500 bus stop signs to shelters. By then the waiting bus rider will have been long dead and buried.

Garcia said some of the benefits of having bus shelters is to protect the bus riders from harsh weather conditions and have lighting in them for safety reasons.

Each city commission district was to get between six to eight bus shelters, Garcia said. They consist of residential and commercial areas.

Still waiting? Sientate pa que no te canses.


Anonymous said...

Is the Is this just a smoke screen? Are the city commissioners finally really looking out for the best interest of its voters? Only time will tell. Show me the amount of revenue our city and county brings in then show me the expenditures.

Anonymous said...

This ass hole , over pay Garcia is a product of higher educated idiot that does nothing but looks around for vendors that fuck the taxpayers of Brownsville. So much money for a few bus stop covers? Set up some umbrellas for less idiots of the COB. She couldn't get a vendor from Matamoros for a better price? Again, idiot COB, commissioners, mayor and high price employee.

Anonymous said...

Someone is stealing. Once the shelters are put in place the Brownsville citizens will destroy them. To be honest I don't think that such fancy shelters are needed. $24,000 for shelter that is crazy. Phone chargers should be installed in the busses.

Anonymous said...

If these bus shelters were bike lines or walking trails, they would have been long constructed. Pet projects are more important than what community really need. That's how COB operates, without a doubt.

Anonymous said...

City of Brownsville officials, are you guys for real ???!! Simple ordinary bus shelters still can’t be installed?? And at almost $25,000 a pop??!!?( why all the bells/whistles ?) This has been ongoing for years and you guys still can’t get it right. City commission, what seems to be the problem??? The same issues, over and over. Streets, trash, flooding, bus shelters and you guys are MIA. But as soon as Charro days festivities start, or a flag raising ceremony comes along, or someone gets a plaque for whatever YOU GUYS SWARM THE EVENTS, for the pictures, the food and the spirits 🍺. Your lack of initiative and indifference towards the citizens of Brownsville is just unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

They thought the whites were going to use the bike and hike trails, which 90% of the tax payers here are meskins, meaning these luxuries are for gringos only. Aqui se chingaron, why, because here the gringos are all lazy...

Anonymous said...

Is the $737,000 set aside for this project still in tact? Or is it also lost? I don't understand why people who are so incompetent remain employed. I guess this is the difference between the private and public sector. In the private sector if you don't produce you're out of a job. Simple! Maybe its time to contract city and county department functions to the private sector.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

McAllen announces Drew Pearson, Tony Hill returning to parade

Anonymous said...

San Benito passing $16.8 million budget, focusing on workers’ wages

Anonymous said...

Harlingen passes $57.8 million budget; cuts tax rate to lowest level in 20 years

Anonymous said...

yall are a bunch of idiots that think things happen when you yell or snap your fingers. Sorry pendejas, there is a process to everything, unfortunately there is bureaucracy in these processes but they will eventually be built. If you guys have the land, access to the land, permission from the land owner, have the right of way from tx dot bring them forward so we can build the shelters. But you think its easy....

Anonymous said...

Friendly reminder Susan Rubelcava lost her election!!!! hahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Bus system not working, completely messed up.

Anonymous said...

We are not pendejos, do some research and you will find out that this has been ongoing for YEARS!!! Same as the street repairs, flood issues etc. We are not pendejos ( or stupid) we are FRUSTRATED with the lack of initiative from our city officials. Furthermore, we are also aware that there is a process to everything, but in Brownsville it seems that the process is all talk and no action. These projects are always talked about , planned and in the end they never get started or completed. So in conclusion, we have a right to complain and bitch about this stuff BUT we are far from being pendejos. Have a blessed day

Anonymous said...

Gotta see which commissioner's relative recently opened a bus shelter building company
Wouldn't surprise anyone

Anonymous said...

Juan this $737K can come out of the sales tax funds the 4B or 4A EDC corporation get every month, but hell no we have to give away all these funds to our compadres and the hell with the public. Isn't this B-Metro run by a private firm? just asking for a friend. Helen Ramirez ya sacate el dedo del fufis y ponte a trabajar, do your job witch or pack your bags and go to colorado with el conjunto Bernal.

Anonymous said...

en browntown "pasa la botella"

Anonymous said...

September 8, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Way to go! You hit the ball out of the ballpark. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

A list of popular digni-terrys will open the charro days parade, staring with villaperros and ending with el mazz famoso cherife (singing las mananitas). Somewhere in the middel is the governor on wheels, with his red balloons and barb wire. ENJOY...
Featuring a million horses and a couple of thousand floats and only 2 bands from stell and resaca (anewschool). chairs will be on sale at 50 bucks each.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

9:13 AM I would never hit a woman …. But you don’t know shit bitch, that’s why you lost your election hahahahahahaha …… call it a political career y’a no le sacas de tu familia, ni de tus “companias” ….. ha ha ha ha ha ha

- el del El Valle West

Anonymous said...

Juan just curios san benito has a $16 million dollar surplus, Harlingen has a $33 million dollar surplus and what about Brownsville ? do we have a surplus or a deficit? Can you ask Helen ramirez-Bernal about that? thank you

Anonymous said...

browntown is in the hole all da time. the question should have been in what hole? I saw elena trying to pawn the bike trails at a local pawn shop, does that answer your question?
