Sunday, September 3, 2023



Anonymous said...

Trump is a Crook.

Anonymous said...

His whole family, sons daughter and wife, hate the fat bastard.


Anonymous said...

The biggest loser, coward, traitor,and crook the world has ever seen . And yet, some people still want him to lead our troubled nation. Totally unbelievable

Anonymous said...

He's going to deport you if he wins, Montoya.

Anonymous said...


Si el mojado eres tu y tu mama tu hija y tu hatian padre bola de mojados pidiches. get your mama a house and quite begging for low income gimme gimme programs pinches PIDECHES!! GO BACK TO MEJICO MAMONES maricon te gusta el blog owner jotitio FACT.

Anonymous said...

Three -time draft Dodger, four times indicted, main instigator on the January 6th Capitol attack, caught red-handed trying to cheat "Georgia find me 11k votes " stole top secret documents probably for Putin, lied that Mexico would pay for the border wall, lied that he would replace Obamacare, lied about how deadly Covid19 was causing hundreds of thousands of deaths. And the list can go on and on. He still wants to be president? Wake up people, we need a true leader, not a liar and instigator who dosen't have a clue how to govern our country.

Anonymous said...

And Hunter? And Joe?

Anonymous said...

juan i was just wondering we never heard anything more from both of the Sucio Lucios junior and the Turd, guess the people have spoken on that one lol.

Anonymous said...

The GOP will be doomed again if they nominate this despicable and disrespectful person in 2024. God protects us all from another January 6th event because a sore loser cant accept the people's will. Hopefully, the GOP will be smart enough to nominate someone else as their 2024 Republican candidate.

Anonymous said...

Be Afraid

Anonymous said...

September 3, 2023 at 9:15 AM

que tienen pinche mojado he'll deport you, your mama, your daughter y tu hatian papi, bola de pinche low income RATRAS, PIDICHES MOJADOS, y maricones. jotito

Anonymous said...

September 3, 2023 at 9:15 AM

jotito he like women not jotitos como tu PINCHE MARICON.

Anonymous said...

For those who say Biden is weak on immigration: Biden has deported 2.8 million immigrants in 2 years, meanwhile trump turned away 400,00 in 4 years (with the backing of COVID-19 and other orders in play). Don’t let them twist you on this. Numbers never lie! A crook is a crook, if the law was broken consequences must be adhered to, regardless of the person.

Anonymous said...



Yous In Service
The Prosecutor

Anonymous said...

Cameron County and the city of Brownsville are the biggest rats in texas

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I did not vote for Trump the first time around. But I will say when he was in office America was stronger, cost of living was lower and other countries respected us. I just don’t get how people will lower their standards to show so much hate for a person because he is not from the same party. And then to drag him through indictments after indictments again just because he is from a different party. Unbelievable…..

Anonymous said...

September 3, 2023 at 9:15 AM


Plus he is going to become a dictator....which Americans have not experienced life under a dictatorship.

He is going to deport all naturalized citizens and those with double nationality. (but not his wife nor his father-in-law.)

Time to think about our future.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats continuous attacks against Trump has only made him stronger. Democrats can't see beyond their own shit!

Anonymous said...

racist republicans, need to say more?

Anonymous said...

My comment on his mugshot. Supposedly was planned to make him look menacing and tough. That SOB menacing/ tough ??? PLEASE, this guy is a pussy and a coward. He has single-handedly turned our country upside down with his LIES AND FANTASIES. He just needs to go away!!!

Anonymous said...

Other countries respected us???? Other countries and their leaders made fun of our narcissistic president ( look it up). Donald Trump has been a prick, con and crook before he belonged to any party. His life has been centered on fucking people over but it seems that its caught up to him. Good riddance. And as far as Hunter and Joe Biden if they also broke the law they will get theirs also. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW , NO ONE!!! TRUMP— 91 felony counts so far. HUNTER/JOE BIDEN to be determined.

Anonymous said...

the new print shop is offering your mug shot picture on any type of t-shirt and the price is right two for the price of one, or you bring your own t-shirt. A moving truck will be visiting your barrio sooooooon. HAVE YOUR MUG SHOT PICS READY. paid political ad from el cherife de kamaruco

if you have a handcuffed pic of yourself bring it, we'll print that also, for a bit more feria of course...
