Wednesday, September 27, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: This now-yellowing photo was taken of baby Jose Enrique and yours truly by my colleague the late Brownsville Herald photographer Joe Hermosa when we used to live on Poinsettia Place and he lived on Hibiscus Court down the street in the Los Ebanos Subdivision off Palm Blvd.

Jose Enrique (Kike) was named Jose after one of my brothers [Jose Luis] who passed away in Houston and Enrique, after Enrique [Henry] Sanchez, a former member of the Texas House of Representatives from Brownsville. Henry and I started the weekly tabloid Crossroads and often used "Pretty Boy" Hermosa's photography in its pages. Henry's crusade was to do away with the UT System-TSC "partnership" with the community college district subsidizing the oil-and-gas wealthy university system. 

There's a saying that only a fool gets paid in full in his lifetime, and 20 years later he was vindicated when the partnership was dissolved and TSC returned to its community mission. He was no fool. He was proven right. Henry had passed away February 27, 1995, seven months before Kike was born. [Hermosa also took the photo at right of Crossroads turning three featuring Kike.]

We miss all three and think that the two for whom he was named would be proud to know that their namesake is a successful AP World History teacher and coaches Social Studies teachers of his district. And his mother, if she still lived, we're sure, would have been, too. 

He also wrote the exams and course work for several units of IDEA Charter schools across the state. He is scheduled to receive his Master's degree this December from UTRGV. My hair is no longer the dark brown it used to be and Kike is now standing on his own two feet, thank you. Happy birthday, son.)


Anonymous said...

Juan, your hair was black, ese.

I've known your most of your adult life!

Why lie?

David Guerrero said...

Happy birthday 🎂 to your Son

Anonymous said...

NOBODY CARES...any questions?!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous September 27, 2023 at 9:55 AM:
Really?!? Can you not just enjoy the written piece and not offer stupid, negative commentary. You must be living a shitty life, you sorry example of a human being. Lighten up, enjoy life. Get out from under that rock in the shit pile that you live in, friend. What a flonkie you are.

Anonymous said...

Eres CHINGON Montoya.

Anonymous said...

September 27, 2023 at 9:55 AM

como chingas cul* you don't like anything here so what do you want? fundi** LEAVE VETE JOTINGO STOP INSULTING EVERYBODYHERE AND THE BLOG OWNER PINCHE JOTITO!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats and thank you for sharing your family with all of us. gracias

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your baby boy!
I remember Joe Hermosa from mu days at Gulf Mart
Great memories!

Anonymous said...

Eddie Guerra se la come y tu tambien alv!

You critize the world and now you want to share with people something like this...pinche hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

Come on people even on a story like this you find a way to spin it and comment negative things. You sir are one Sorry individual.

Anonymous said...

(Eres CHINGON Montoya.)

I agree, Juan. 100%.


Anonymous said...

September 27,2023 at 1:07 PM

Pues you care enough to comment. Pendejo! You so big an idiot that you don't know it. Hahaha 😆

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture. Many blessings.

Anonymous said...

RIP Brooks Robinson

Dead at 86.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your brother Juan. Way too early. I know you are proud of your son, way to go sir.
Happy birthday to your son.

Anonymous said...

Hibiscus, my life as a kid.👣🥰

Anonymous said...

Your son's nickname is a slur fors Jews in English. Spell it Quique and don't be accused of bigotry. En serio, Montoya.

Anonymous said...

Te calo?

Anonymous said...

Juan, thanks for your insight..although I don't always agree with you..Te respecto..

Anonymous said...

September 27, 2023 at 9:55 AM
Quit insulting people here pinche maricon don't like vete a la chingada joto

Anonymous said...

September 27, 2023 at 1:07 PM

Si donde anda tu madre? any questions pendejo y tu hija?
