Tuesday, September 12, 2023



Anonymous said...

These people might have money, Trump lives a lavish life style, but at the end of they are nothing but POS hoodlums.

Anonymous said...

Winners plan and sacrifice to better themselves.

Losers lollygag and 'go with the flow'

Anonymous said...

All thee proud boys got a long prison sentence for following orders of their leader, "Fight like hell ". I wonder how many years the main instigator will get? I do hope that he gets many years behind bars, LOCK HIM UP, karma is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

The voice of a STUPID MEXICAN which is most of the Rio Grand Delta region...

Anonymous said...

Friendly Reminder: Susan Rubelcava lost her election!!!! She likes to discuss nonsense on the “Panel of Losers Show” a long side the crack head looking Mr. Clean….. hahahahahahahaha

- Nopalito

Anonymous said...

Fleas are fat and blond that survive by feeding on pendejos and/or idiotas. Their presents can cause discomfort, itchiness, and irritation. Sometimes, fleas can cause people to believe they are special by giving money that cause fleas
into thinking you are a pendejetes and/or an idiota and in turn causes pocket scratch disease, searching for more money to give.

There is no known cure for this fretful disease.

Anonymous said...

Todos esos hijos de la chingada se miran enfermitos.

Anonymous said...

September 12, 2023 at 10:42 AM

coming from a coco wanna be white mamon who cares. NOBODY, NOT EVEN YOUR GRINGO FRIENDS. PENDEJO

Anonymous said...

September 12, 2023 at 1:48 PM
wrong posting not for September 12, 2023 at 10:42 AM so sorry...

Anonymous said...

Tonya, thought you were referring Susie Lucios and Gallegos..Good work ese..

Anonymous said...

The bigger they Re the harder they fall

These traitors were so big in their own minds

Anonymous said...

Enrique Tarrio isn't even white for one, Teo they raised 500,000 dollars for their appeal which all Americans are entitled too. It's hard to believe how divided Americans are on this issue. Antifa looted whole cities and started fires to burn down actual police stations and court houses.. the biggest sentence was no more than 5 years.. This is a miscarriage of justice..

Anonymous said...

In 2023, Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Friday, Sept. 15 and ends at sundown on Sunday, Sept. 17.

Anonymous said...

rosh what? what the shit is that?

Anonymous said...

9/12/23 10:42 and the next post. That has to be the geriatric HOBO! He’s probably not getting any hits so now he’s acting like Anna Nicole Smith to get attention. Go collect your social security check dumbass. Have you seen her page that shit has a lot of traffic, that’s why you’re trying to misinform people. Successful woman in the private sector and then you have a guy that lives with his dad. Give me a break. When I think of this guy I think of Forest Gump, “I’m not a smart man, Jenny. But I know football”. Fuck off!!

Anonymous said...

PB = Puros Babosos...

Anonymous said...

Where are the Blacks in all this? Oh! They were only having peaceful demonstrations burning buildings and destroying private property. All this divisiveness created by the Democratic Party needs to end. We need to bring our country together. All it takes is the correct vote in November!

Anonymous said...

rosh what? what the shit is that?

September 13, 2023 at 7:27 AM

Rosh Hashanah.

It is the Jewish New Year. The Jews ask for forgiveness for all the sins committed during the year.

Very interesting.
There are a lot of Jews here in the Valley. Good people.

Anonymous said...

rosh what? what the shit is that?

September 13, 2023 at 7:27 AM

Try to eat green beans, carrots, honey, fish, pomegranates, apples, brisket, cake,

Anonymous said...

The divisiveness has always been there. However, Trump made the divisiveness a normal.

Anonymous said...

Estoy de acuerdo que estos pendejos se miran enfermitos. Pero los negros hacienda su desmadre se miran no mas enfermos pero como changos en la selva. Espero que nuestra raza no caigan con esta enfermedad.

Anonymous said...

Wait one minute, when Trumpo gets into office all of you will be Pardon, dont worry be happy.

Anonymous said...

September 12, 2023 at 10:42 AM

COMING FROM A COCO! WHAT YOU EXPECT? OTRO MAMON wanna be gringo but can't esta mas prieto que el color negro. coco mamon. the gringos call your ass mescan't, mojado, bracero, ilegal, rata, noincome mamon, pidiches, hediondos but their famorite one is MOJADO.
