Monday, September 25, 2023


By Ryan Cooper
The American Prospect

When Vladimir Putin came to power in Russia in 1999, he did not become dictator overnight. It took him many years to crush independent media, make the oligarch class dependent on him, and suppress organized political opposition (in part through multiple assassinations and imprisonments). That process of power consolidation has accelerated since the invasion of Ukraine, as the former “hybrid regime” with some tacit limited freedoms has become a full-blown autocracy.

Donald Trump is openly planning something similar, should he win the 2024 election. At 
The New York Times, Jonathan Swan, Charlie Savage, and Maggie Haberman have a report with frank admissions from a host of Trump associates that Trump is planning a political purge of the entire federal government, in order to bend it to his will. Given Trump’s history, it’s clear that should he become president again, he will try to set up a dictatorship.

When Trump first came to power, he had little idea of how the federal government worked or even what he wanted to do with it, much less how to bend it to his will. In his book "The Fifth Risk." Michael Lewis recounted a scene after Trump had become the GOP nominee in 2016 when each party was setting up a transition team in case they prevailed. Chris Christie was in charge of the Republicans’ effort, and raised some money to figure out who could be nominated for what position, who’d vet their backgrounds, and so on.

Trump didn’t even know about the transition until “he read about it in the newspaper,” Lewis writes. Trump then summoned Christie to yell at him, saying something like, “You’re stealing my money! You’re stealing my fucking money! What the fuck is this?” (The quote, and the next one, seem to be a paraphrase.) 

When Christie explained that the transition process was legally obliged and funded in part with government money, Trump responded: “Fuck the law. I don’t give a fuck about the law. I want my fucking money.” The only way Steve Bannon could convince him not to shut down the transition was by arguing that cable news pundits would take it as evidence that Trump didn’t really think he could win.



Anonymous said...

Montoya, you are one lazy-ass Mexican.

Stealing stories is so you, ese. Be da Man.

Vato flojo. What's this about - you want to show good writing?

ja jaja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Talk about DICTATORSHIP, Texas Atty. Gen. Ken Paxton, He and former Gov. Rick Perry were running the state of Texas as a dictatorship for years. He and previous Gov. Rick Perry were using the entire Texas legal department to benefit them and their corrupt gas and oil companies' cronies by allowing them to governed Texas with SOVERGN IMMUNITY. SOVERGN IMMUNITY, meaning they are indeed above the law, with powers comparable to GOD. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Who cares?

local news!!!!

Anonymous said...

You're a pussy, Juan.

Those who see you say you are aging like a bad banana.

dale gas, mabraqui!

Apa, ya no puede, el guey. Se le ve en su cara larga.

Anonymous said...

If the hillbillies and rednecks want a dictorship they can all move to soutn africa con los mallates, and take muskies the cuete idiota

Anonymous said...

September 25, 2023 at 8:46 AM
Leave jotito if you don't like anything here jotito y tu mama la piruja jotiando downtown y tu hija guey tambien maricones y tu padre el hattian pinche llanta.
Just leave joto stop insulting people here maricon

Anonymous said...

September 25, 2023 at 8:46 AM September 25, 2023 at 10:19 AM

check didn't arrive in time jotito maricon? pidele a tu madre jotito she's got feria I gave her some last night junto con tu hija. Good jobs both.... pinche maricon...

Anonymous said...

jajajajaj maricon familia de jotingos maricon jitoto

Anonymous said...

Trump a dictator, now that's a big joke? Just look at the the bike and hike trail commissioner Brownsville has, spending millions of dollars from the cookie jar of the taxpayers of Brownsville. Making Brownsville a ghetto city of the RGV. Brownsville gets the leftovers businesses of the RGV. So, the local dictators are in Brownsville forever and Brownsville taxpayers will suffer forever. Put that in your eyes fool.

Anonymous said...

The writer is projecting what the Democrats want to do. When did a dictator appoint Supreme Court justices that support individual gun rights? The real dictator wannabes want to disarm you. An armed society is an obstacle to a dictatorship. Next you'll be writing about how delicious dog shit is.

Anonymous said...

how about something better to read about, other than Trump bullshit.....

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden, voters and Democrats owe me gas and grocery money.

Anonymous said...

Thank Trump for keeping you employed!

Jim Barton said...

The comments above show why Trump says he loves the uneducated.

Anonymous said...

Mamasela a Biden Juan…. Vato inĂștil!

Anonymous said...

September 25, 2023 at 12:05 PM
open your own blog pinche maricon jotito

Anonymous said...

September 25, 2023 at 10:19 AM September 25, 2023 at 12:05 PM
tu mama is another topic and better to read about her putismo and with who. wanna read about that jotito? Oh you already know. joto maricon

Anonymous said...

"Joe Biden, voters and Democrats owe me gas and grocery money."

Son, try to be more self-sufficient. Earn your living with your own two hands.

Anonymous said...

(The comments above show why Trump says he loves the uneducated.)

LOL!!! Thank you, Jim!


Anonymous said...

There’s a major career fair slated for job seekers in Brownsville this week


Anonymous said...

Amid spread of AI tools, advocates for new digital standard say it would help sort fact from fiction

ABC News that the Content Authenticity Initiative's digital standard would allow creators to display "content credentials," about the entire history of that piece of content -- including how it was captured and if and how it was edited. The goal is to have those credentials displayed wherever the piece of content publishes online, whether through a website or a social media platform.


oooopps i lied so arrest me and throw me in jail.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who is 80 years old and can’t think or walk without assistance should not remain a Dictator. Biden has accumulated a nice fortune working for our government. Not including the money his family has received from China. But Enough is Enough! Goodbye crooked Joe!

Anonymous said...

September 25, 2023 at 8:46 AM September 25, 2023 at 10:19 AM September 25, 2023 at 12:05 PM September 25, 2023 at 6:48 PM

Puros vendidos cocos now even a gringo is making fun of all you fools AND IN PUBLIC. BOLA DE MAMONES IF YOU DON'T LIKE ANYTHING HERE VALLENSE JOTINGOS, MAMONES. Haven't seen a gringo making fun of you mexican cocos in decades. BOLA DE MAMONES

Anonymous said...

Trump should be running but not for president but straight to jail for all the harm he caused our nation. January 6th attack on the Capitol, caught trying to cheat on the elections " Georgia find me 11k votes " stole top secret documents and took them home probably for Putin. Lied that Mexico would pay for the border wall, lied that he would replace Obamacare and the list is endless. By the way, "Putin is a genius" Putin will be delighted to have his puppet back. Dont forget his famous call for foreign interference on the 2016 election " Russia if you're listening " God protect us if this despicable and disrespectful person is elected again. We'll certainly have another January 6th because a sore loser can't accept defeat.

Anonymous said...

Trump calls himself patriotic but refused to served his country in time of war (Vietnam) not one but three times because of "bone spurs " probably from playing too much golf. But he was quick to criticize Senator John McCain because he was a POW for six years after his plane was shot down by the North Vietnamese. I dont call that patriotic but pathetic. I do hope and pray that he will never, ever, gets elected for any public office after all the damaged he caused our nation.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Democrats need to get a new runner, sleepy joe time has come and gone, i wont vote for el viejito any more, Y con el Trump pos it hard to say, i think both of these political parties are in trouble and need to get some new people in the race, and please dont say Hillary or mike/michelle obama. Guess now is the ripe time for a third party candiate since neiher one of these tow parties can produce anyhting good. Maybe it time to bring back the Raza Undia Party since there are many more hispanics in the Natio, maybe they can win this time? just maybe? just saying. Im dreaming of a white christmas. adios

Anonymous said...

Mr. Trump what are you, some kind of dooms day machine? JW Peper

Anonymous said...

September 25, 2023 at 8:46 AM

como chinga jotito y tu mama jotiando quit insulting people here pinche jotito maricon... aqui esta tu hija.. joto

Anonymous said...

September 25, 2023 at 8:46 AM


Anonymous said...

No real difference than what we have now, montoya? How are you enjoying those billions that money launderer Brandon has given away? You fucking stupid democrat followers, keep drinking the stupid cool aid!
