Tuesday, September 5, 2023


By Jesse Dorsett
Letters to the Editor

Remember the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 when then-President James Monroe and the U.S. government saw the need to keep all European powers from further colonization in this hemisphere? What chutzpah! Here we were a new country and we were already setting rules and laws regarding this entire Western Hemisphere as if we owned it.

Even way back then this country was claiming that we were the boss, the masters of this hemisphere.

Later came the Mexican-American War when this country, inspired by its own conjured up Manifest Destiny, decided it had the power to expand its borders from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and that whoever got in the way of this God-inspired mandate had better get out of the way. So the Mexican-American War ensued and the Manifest Destiny slogan became a reality when Mexico was relieved of half its territory for a paltry $15 million.

Since then this country has been seen as the bully of the north by our southern neighbors and for good reason. Even as not too long ago in our history, all we have to do is look at the Iran Contra affair during the Reagan administration. Remember the ghoulish death squads that were sent down to Guatemala and El Salvador to assassinate Catholic priests because they were said to be promoting communist ideas.

Later this same President Reagan sent the Marines into Panama because he felt the need to arrest a dictator, Manuel Noriega, who had fallen into disfavor with our State Department. So our sorry history in dealing with our neighbors to the south has much to be desired.

This attitude of superiority toward our southern neighbors still exists today. Just recently I have heard more than one Republican politician express the idea that we should bomb the cartels in Mexico, a sovereign country! To these guys might always makes right, so why not just go ahead and drop bombs on a sovereign country?

Have these guys ever thought of doing something in this country to lower the demand for these illicit drugs?

This is the root of the problem; the demand from folks on this side is what is keeping this drug business thriving. Why don’t we invest in more mental health clinics to help people deal with the root cause of drug addiction?

Also, have they even stopped to consider curtailing the sale of these dangerous weapons of war, those assault rifles that the cartels can easily acquire from any border town? We should stop selling these weapons to the cartels immediately because this alone will help the Mexican police deal with the drug cartel problem.
But of course, they will never agree to this because it would hurt our gun manufacturers’ profits and that would mean they could cut back on their political contributions to the Republicans in government. So to these folks on the right the only reasonable solution is the easiest one: bomb the cartels in Mexico, never mind that this is an act of war. 

These guys’ sentiments are, who cares about respecting Mexico’s territorial integrity? These folks still think it is 1823 when the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny were alive and well, when we felt we were the kings in this hemisphere and we could do with it as we please.

I hope this is just foolish talk and we don’t start acting like Teddy Roosevelt or James Polk again. This “walk softly but carry a big stick” and “it’s our way or the highway” attitude will not fly in today’s world.

Instead, let’s take to heart what Benito Juarez, the great Mexican statesman, said: “Respect for the rights of others is peace. In other words, we need to respect other people’s property and let them live in peace. Dropping bombs in Mexico will not solve the fentanyl problem in this country.


BobbyWC said...

He has the history correct. They call it Tiosamismo. But he is wrong about controlling the drugs. Our Black ops are already in Mexico waiting for the go ahead to take out the drug cartel leaders. Mexico is beyond corrupt. With advanced warning our drones can level the homes of every leader within the cartels. Mexico will complain but the people will not.

We cannot fix the addiction our people have, but we can slow down the supply of the drugs. If we put the cartel leaders into caves as the only safe place they can live. their followers will think twice. We should not target the small guy, just the leaders and chaos will follow as they then kill each other for control.

Mexico is allowing for a war against our addicts. War is hell, but with drones we can target the real enemy and if Mexico wants to complain let them, because I am sure the Mexican people who are suffering will be happy with the homes of the leaders being turned to dust.

Anonymous said...

Dream on pinches grinogs they go around telling people to wipe their ass when in fact their own asses need wiping. Nothing you can do, it's in their DNA.

Anonymous said...

20 Star W.B. Heneral, make a good candidate for cameron county sheriff. Drones as campaigners and vote pickers. The future is here.

approved by the blog author!!!!!

this is a moderation comment

Anonymous said...

@8:30 AM

The cartels do not have a "headquarters" to bomb, you idiot. Mexico will not stand for it, but what do you know? You seem just another eater and shitter. The U.S. thinks that would rid it of drugs?

Ha ha ha

Another group in another country would quickly fill the void, as Mexico did after Kingpin Pablo Escobar was killed in Colombia and Mexico went from trampoline to drug store.

The cartels do something you ignore here, moron. They build schools and clinics and aid in medical care. They are often appreciated by the Mexican people.

But what do you know, you slobbering fool!

Stop insulting us and open your own blog, pendejo.

(We always known it was you)

Anonymous said...

Reagan sent the U.S. Marines into Grenada in 1983 - NOT Panama.

That was George H.W. Bush.

Anonymous said...

Start arresting the White Boys using drugs and then we'll get somewhere.

It never happens, tho.

Anonymous said...

So why does the president of Mexico tell US Hispanics not to vote Republican? Why is he interfering in the internal affairs of the United States. It goes both ways.

Anonymous said...

(Mexico is beyond corrupt. With advanced warning our drones can level the homes of every leader within the cartels. Mexico will complain but the people will not.)

If the drones don't work, our military needs to go in there and do their thing to completely obliterate the damned cartels. Obliterate their president and everybody else getting paid by the cartels, too.


Anonymous said...

Ken Paxton Pleads Not Guilty in Trial Before Texas Senate

Of course, what you people expect, a hanging? he's gringo remember and a racist republican. His punishment if found guilty was he be sent to the RGV and run an elected office. MAS RATAS but spare us he was found inocente.

Anonymous said...

Capitol doctor: McConnell did not have a stroke or seizure when freezing before cameras
He had a mojon stuck, a big one so I hoid, y apestoso como la chingada.fuwi,

Anonymous said...

Ex-Proud jotito leader El Gran Mamon was sentenced to 41 mamadas over the refusal to wipe has ass. pinche apestoso just like his mami, daughter and papi el hattian.


Anonymous said...

Bobby, that is typical American arrogance. Might is right ! Invade a sovereign country, because we’re Americans damnit ! Haven’t learned a damn thing from Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq. Cut the heads off the cartels and more will sprout. It’s our failed interference in Latin America from previous years that is contributing to the mess we see today. Finding a cure for addiction is a good start.

Anonymous said...

Proud Boys chairman CRIES HYSTERICALLY begging Judge 'chance to get married' after 22-year sentence to a federal penitentiary.

El jotito show here how brave he is but when it comes to pay up they ALL cry like little babies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How many drug cartel members live among us? Who owns the majority of the luxury cars, homes and businesses in the valley? The real estate companies and car dealerships aren’t complaining. The city and county officials aren’t complaining. The valley survives only because of the illicit drug trade. Kill this trade and the valley will spin into depression. Be careful what you wish for.

Anonymous said...

The cartels get their weapons from the Mexican government. The U.S. supplies arms to Mexico and the Mexican government turns around and either gives or sells them to the cartels.It's not like a cartel member just walks into a gun shop and purchases a 50 calibre Barrett.

BobbyWC said...

You will never hear me blame anyone by the U.S. for the mess in Latin American. The countries you reference are nothing like Mexico. First I mention drones so there are no troops on the ground, which by the way we do now with Mexico's permission.

Our arrogance did cost us the other wars. The tribal leaders were with us in the beginning but instead of working with them in Afghanistan we worked with the corrupt leaders. We did the same in Venezuela.

Destroying the homes of the leaders force them underground. They may do good here and there but on balance they use the poor in Mexico to do their dirty work only to see them die young.

When you are in a perpetual state of hiding it is hard to run a cartel.

Cascos is correct, we need a southbound check point to check for weapons and money.

So you actually believe I am not saying to destroy the homes of anyone who replaces them. No you just keep on destroying every home, headquarters and processing facility.

There is no cure to addiction. Billions are spent in recovery facilities every day and nothing changes.

In Afghanistan the tribal leaders wanted total control of all their minerals while they paid U.S. companies to mine the minerals. We said no. So they turned on us. Vietnam was not their war so they did not fight.

Doing nothing will mean things getting only worse.

Speech in the US so so limited we cannot talk about how many parents put so much pressure on their kids they turn to drugs, OD and die. They then blame Biden.

We given these kids records instead of hope, so when they cannot find a good job, they just keep on doing drugs.

Anonymous said...

Queen Lili'uokalani -

The First and Last Queen of Hawai'i ...

Lili'uokalani dedicated much of her reign to restoring native Hawaiian rights,

but a group of American plantation and business owners, backed by the U.S. military, staged a coup to overthrow her in 1893.

Anonymous said...

Its la mafia that dictates to all the gringos idiotas. They still rule and will always try to create hot spots, so idiotas like the ones here will complain about latin america. Distraction is how they keep hidden away from the main news. More than half of all congressmen from the east coast belong to la mafia. The mafiosos rule all eastern america, nothing is done without their approval. NOTHING. they rule the car industry, metal, mining, factories, state and local governments just to mention a few. OH but careful with the hispanics and their marijuana. THEY ARE THE DANGER HERE IN THE USofA.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Juan, DEA Agent Kike Camarena was killed in 1983-1984 and here we are forty (40) years later still doing this war on drugs program US Govt is spending Billions, just make all these drugs legal like marijuana in some states and charge taxes on it and the state can make a bundle, the state of Colorado made BILLIONS the first year they legalized MARIJUANA pa fumar, la cucaracha.

Anonymous said...

September 5, 2023 at 10:59 AM
yes they do its call city hall pinche gringo pendejo!!!
no te digo, bola de idiotas.
