Monday, October 2, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Those saucy folks out in racy Los Fresnos never cease to amaze us.

The latest rrun-rrun over there concerns an incident at Los Fresnos High School. An instructor (which shall be nameless because of the nature of the allegations against him) was allegedly hired over an experienced applicant to instruct the EMT Program at LFHS.

As the story goes, he had about ten students in class, including several females. The instructor was hired over a more experienced applicant because of politics: he happened to be married to a Los Fresnos CISD administrator. 

Well, on a particular day, the lesson included studying the side effects of  Viagra on some emergency-call patients and our hero (or is it anti-hero?) goes full board on the effects and so on and so on, to the point of being very explicit. Was he speaking from personal experience?

A female student was very uncomfortable and decides to record this. She goes home and tells mom about it and plays the recording. Yep, mother goes ballistic! First thing in the morning, they go to the principal and play the recording. 

From what we hear in the gossip tree, the principal doesn't even play the whole thing because it is too explicit. Guess what, they suspend Mr. Viagra, who is now crying foul! Lesson learned, the school turned to the experienced applicant they had rejected to instruct the EMT program.

A hard lesson to learn about hiring politically-connected applicants over qualified ones, it would seem.


Anonymous said...


tempest in a teapot.

what about TSC, Juan? News there?

Anonymous said...

Same thing happening at BISD, uncertified subs are being hired in vacancy position instead of retired certified teachers. A secretary is setting up her sub friends in vacant positions as permanent sub. None of these subs are certified and most have never worked at a school. Imagine your child in a (STAR Testing Grade) and they had a sub the whole year who was unqualified,not certified and never worked at a school. It happened.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ October 2, 2023 at 7:54 AM
The only problem with a vacant situation is that T.E.A will only allow subs, who are retired certified teachers, to work in a vacant position for only 20 days for that said vacancy for the whole school year. However, that same retired certified teacher can do another vacancy.
(20 days) The problem is that vacant positions are taking long to fill.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that young woman shouldn't go into that career. She's going to see and smell a lot of that in the field.

Anonymous said...

Would any student in that class have a lasting affect on that lesson the unqualified instructor taught? are the students being counseled? Are the families of all those students questions to see if the familes also were affected? NO NO NO AND NO ITS LOS FRESNOS SAME AS SANBENE BOLA DE BABOSOS

Anonymous said...

Los Fresnos Admin claims husband has never used viagra. Los Fresnos HR has gotten so bad now with the politics and about to get worse. Word is that a Montes guy running for LF Board wants to get his significant other as the Los Fresnos HR Director. Say no to Montes. The Montes guy says he is the best choice but has fathered kids with so many women. What an example! Now Los Fresnos, if the Board Members and Administrators keep hiring their relatives above others will go so low like BISD, San Benito and La Feria.

Anonymous said...

That is precisely why emergency services should be well vetted, tested, and best qualified applicants from the Civil Service process.

Anonymous said...

Juan, I Googled the TEKS for the EMT program and there is nothing there about Viagra. There is stuff a out diabetic medication but nothing about medication for the pilongo.

The dude had no idea what he was doing. Derepente solo se calentava. He is not right in the head if he was revving up his engine.

Anonymous said...

Juan, this EMT teacher claims he has never taken Viagra. The wife told the Principal that her husband can do it without the use of Viagra and can prove it??? What we want to know is if he is suspended with pay or was fired? The wife is upset and wants to sue LFCISD.

Anonymous said...

Who gives a hell about LF….. next story ….

Anonymous said...

It came out as a headliner in the los fresnos agriculure news, and sanbene did the same thing it got printed on the El Nortenio Nuevas, a gringo owned newpaper.

Anonymous said...

Why single out LFCISD? BISD for decades has been hiring based on politics. The issue at LFCISD is a walk in the park if you compare some of the illegalities and corruption going on at BISD. However, teachers and some administrators are afraid to speak out due to fears of retaliation. BISD is good at hiding their dirty laundry. Maybe this is one of the reasons why more parents are looking towards privatization.

Anonymous said...

However, teachers and some administrators are afraid to speak out due to fears of retaliation.

October 3, 2023 at 6:55 AMj

These are very smart teachers. Save your salaries, count the years for retirement and do your job.

Anonymous said...

too funny, got offended, yet knows more about the lesson than was taught.

Anonymous said...

fake teachers just like fake news just like trumputo a fake presidente

Anonymous said...

is a fresno a tree? Yes? oh don't go there juanito too many trees.... in los fresnos. sanbene has lots of postes de fiero. idiotas but they have a big bandeja to cook tamales...

Anonymous said...

BISD substitute teacher under investigation after incident at ___.

Was it in los fresnos, sanbene, here, o la catorce?

Parents want to know, here to purchase those blue pastillas!!!! to keep the school district in operation, mas werquitos mas estampillas...

El Coyote Buster said...

Lesson probably how viagra would interact with other heart meds. Good point to be taught when someone is saving your life. If you are uncomfortable about something as minor as that you shouldn’t be getting ito that field of work. Sound like the wrong person was removed from that class.

Anonymous said...

Los Fresnos isd sucks biiiiggg time .. they like to keep things hush hush until it suits them… its no secret that this district hires the most unqualified and incompetent people… some of the teachers , not all , walk around like their shit don’t stink .. if your thinking of ever applying,, DONT !!!! Turn back and find another place

Anonymous said...

at 9:36 pm
Reminds me of the movie Something Gotta Give. When Jack Nickelson takes viagra ends in the hospital for heart attack and doc asked if he took viagra as medication can cause a serious reaction. Nickelson pulls off the ivy line.
