Saturday, October 28, 2023


(Rrun-Rrun graphic)
Texas Tribune

The Texas House Thursday approved three bills aimed at beefing up border security, one that would appropriate more than $1 billion for additional border barriers, one that would allow police officers to send back migrants who cross the border illegally and another that would increase penalties for human smugglers.

Lawmakers spent hours debating the measures. All three bills drew Democratic opposition, but the most contentious debate was House Bill 4, which would empower police officers to apprehend, arrest or send back migrants who cross the border illegally. Tempers flared when state Rep. Cody Harris, R-Palestine, made a motion to block new amendments, a rare move used to end a debate sooner.

After that motion passed, House Speaker DAde Phelan called a break as members posed parliamentary inquiries about the motion and the House stood at ease for hours. When they returned, Phelan called for the dozens of pending amendments to be heard.

State Rep Armando Lucio Walle, D-Houston, confronted Harris during a break, saying it’s unfair for Republicans to cut off debate when they’re proposing legislation that “hurts our community.”

“It hurts us to our fucking core,” Walle said, according to posted on social media. “And you don’t understand that, you don't live in our skin. And that’s what pisses me off.”

The measure eventually passed 84-60. It will now head to the Senate, where there's strong support for the GOP's border security agenda.

The package of bills continues the state’s recent push to deter illegal immigration at the Texas-Mexico border, which has been a priority for Gov. Greg Abbott. The state has spent billions, and lawmakers are proposing to spend $1.5 billion more, as part of Abbott’s Operation Lone Star.


Anonymous said...

White people are amok.

Time for some retribution, as Trump likes to say.

Anonymous said...

Coach Wanted:

Flour Bluff 57

Brownsville Porter 0

Anonymous said...

One day we'll have only White people as residents of Greg Abbott's Texas. It will be cool to see Anglo garbage collectors, fruit pickers, roofers, highway construction dudes, landscapers and car wash employees.

Anonymous said...

I see a white dude drive by picking up junk and doing some yard work and charges in pesos, thinks he's in mesco. pendejo... and we pay him in pesos.... he's learning, need more of those from alababa and giorgina and some are from teenesisi all are good states for harding working whites, about time.

Anonymous said...

He keeps her inside so she can lose some of the brown color and look more white, como quiera es una pinche mojada, y mamona actually she's the maid WITH PAPERS..

BobbyWC said...


This week locally we buried someone who died of Covid. My brother is now entering his 5th week of Covid. The doctors are clueless. When you have 20 people at a gathering and the healthiest person there develops Covid, there has to be an underlying problem especially since everyone else tested negative, and the person felt ill at the event.

My brother ended up in the ER again because of loss of his bladder control. There are a handful of cases in long term covid where this can happen. But given our family history of bladder and kidney cancer, you would think they would give him a referral to see a specialist. Nope, the recommendation was to go home and stay there for another two weeks and then get tested for Covid again. If he still has it, they may refer him to someone who knows about long term covid. The problem is the doctors are rejecting the idea an underlying problem could be why he caught Covid to begin with. As people have gotten way too lazy about Covid, so too have the doctors. It is spreading and the doctors are being dismissive.

Anonymous said...

Cecilia used to be hot, Montoya. She needs to be deported back to the Valley and live on minimum wage con la raza pa que sepa lo que es amar a Dios en tierra ajena. This is fucked up. A los bolillos no los paran. Que se lleven a Mayra "La Mayreada" Flores o a Eddie "La Rata Muerta" Lucio! pinche indio feo y prieto vestido de payaso jugando golf y sobandole los huevos a los gabachos. Hey bro, half mis camaradas no tienen papeles asi que vastar cabron.

Anonymous said...

It's not the Mexicans who are coming in. Its everyone else. Do you think it fair to support all the illegals but we who are from here get nothing.Stop blaming Trump. He has nothing to do with it.if you want an open border then you take them in. You all just want to cry about it. We need to close the border!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Abbott, do you realize your kids and grandkids have AZTEC blood running through their veins?? Just saying….

Anonymous said...

Fuera!!! Pinche welfare mojados. Los que Jalen se pueden quedar!

Anonymous said...

Abbotti is Trump's Culo Cleaner. His own laws don't apply to him.

Anonymous said...

Cornyn, Cruz lead another GOP delegation on border tour of RGV

Advertising in the washington dc newspapers,"COME TO SOUTH TEXAS TO SEE THE WETBACKS CROSS THE CHANNEL INTO AMERICA AND DESTROY IT". While there visit with the cocos wanna be white racist republicans.....

idiotas its a rio!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Gov! Great news. Feel free to move out of Texas if you don’t like it. It’s a free country, after all! Beto will save you! LoL!

Anonymous said...

This so-called State Rep. Armando Walle seems to be out of control, he has a foul mouth. He is a disgrace to whomever he represents. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

@9:46 Keep see the White folk are EDUCATED and the Mexicans are DUMBER THAN A SACK OF HAMMERS! Any questions?

Anonymous said...

Que dice en español por favor 😂

Anonymous said...

Porter will have a new coach Win one soon from China or Taiwon for 2024 and change the color of their uniforms to red white and blue, i think those old unifroms are jinxws same color as dallas cowgirls.

Anonymous said...

Quit complaining and try to open your minds to the truth. The truth being there is a process already in place to enter into this country legally but these illegals encouraged by Democrats are refusing to comply. This is all political and those indoctrinated follow like little sheep to the orders of the Democratic politicians. Please try and understand that open borders, not only brings illegal Mexicans to our country but people from terrorist countries that want to harm our citizens at all costs. I hope it doesn’t take another 9/11 to open your minds. Here locally Space X would be a great target. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

9:46 AM, where do negroes fit in that scheme?

Imagine the number of federal lawsuits from the abuse of that law. Most abusive will be the chicano cop who hates Mexicans, not whites. This white looking Mexican always had problems at the checkpoints with the dark meat chicano federal agents.

Anonymous said...

Let's just say that we have to go to war, will these illegals suit up and fight for United States or flee back to their violent inhumane country? This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

October 29, 2023 at 6:10 AM
you forgot to mention the border guards at all bridges. They are the worst they really think they are white and protect the border like it was their mommie. pinches cocos mamones.... AND THIS IS FACT...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey Abbott, do you realize your kids and grandkids have AZTEC blood running through their veins?? Just saying….

October 28, 2023 at 12:54 PM
If I’m not mistaken , I think she is adopted. Nothing wrong with that , but not sure what runs through her veins .

Anonymous said...

porter don't need no new coach they need new students!

Anonymous said...

Brownsville mayor and city commissioners will lead a special group of democrats to show that the Texas border is safe and nobody is crossing illegal by going to downtown Brownsville for some Mexican drinks at the exmayors and excommissioners bars. Our local democrats leaders will put a 100 mile long shoe string to stop all illegal immigrants. The string has an English message: go under the string and welcome to everything is free for you illegals. PUB will even give you a Tenska check for free utilities payments. Welcome to stupid Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

October 28, 2023 at 12:54 PM
can't have no children inutil!!

Anonymous said...

more white squatters comin' to tedejas. make it a federal law to squat only whites know how to squat properly.

Anonymous said...

don't worry about the illegals worry about the squatter RATAS ANDtheyareallwhites.

Anonymous said...

if its white and moves don't trust it
if its white and moves stop on it
if its white and continues to move
feed it to a color!
