Monday, October 9, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

If you attend or watch the meetings of the Brownsville Independent School District or have seen the performance of the board, you will quickly notice that one of them delights in engaging in the antics of a ham actor ready to hog the spotlight, upstage the administrators, legal counsel, and her fellow board members.

If you guessed that we are talking about Minerva Peña, you get the small stuffed animal.

In meeting after meeting, Peña delights in telling and retelling (ad nauseam) about her stint as a Porter H.S. Belle, her Texas Department of Safety background, her father's military service and moral training, and, of course, her sanctimoniousness derived from her Christian devoutness.

It doesn't matter if the subject matter before the board has nothing to do with any of those categories, but apparently chanting that mantra has earned her a local following which has put her on the board for a few terms. In fact, she ran against the late Joe Rodriguez for her position a few years back. That's her, appropriately at the far right, in the picture on top.

Take, for example, an item brought before the board this past meeting of October 3 by board member Daniella Lopez-Valdez to name the Sams Stadium football field after the same Joe A. Rodriguez, a coach, teacher and former board member. With Rodriguez family members present in the audience, Lopez-Valdez eulogized him for his love for education, sports and for believing in his players.

"He has left an indelible mark in countless lives...leveling the playing field for Valley players, (and) was a mentor, a father figure to numerous BISD students," Lopez-Valdrez read from a prepared statement. "It would be a fitting tribute to a man who believed in leading by example...and believed in the potential of every student..."

Pipes in Peña: "I have a little concern about putting the name on the field," she said. "I wouldn't want my dad's name there cause they are going to spit on it, throw up on it, and step all over it."

Instead, she said, perhaps member Lopez-Valdez would consider an amendment placing the name on the new concession stand where everyone who goes to get snacks can see the name up high.

"It's really nice and big, and I would really like to see his name on it, in Memory of Joe A. Rodriguez...," Peña emphasized by holding up her arm and picturing Coach Joe's name besides the Diet Coke sign and buttered popcorn. "Maybe we could put it up there instead of putting it out on the field, where the chance of it being seen on the field is going to be very slim with the players stepping on it."

Lopez-Valdez would have none of those inanities and declined to amend her motion. 

At that, Peña, speaking out of turn, goaded BISD Superintendent Dr.

Rene Gutierrez to give his opinion and recommendation, which Gutierrez properly declined, but assured her that the name itself would not be placed on the playing field, but rather that a monument with a plaque would suffice.

"It won't be on the actual field," Gutierrez told Peña. "There won't be anything like a name on the field per se," he said. We were thinking that perhaps a plaque by the entrance, like  a monument with a plaque so everybody coming in to the stadium can see it." 

On the other hand, perhaps Peña's proposed amendment was aimed at enlightening the board and the public about Coach Joe's ability to promote and sell himself (to the BISD purchasing department), and his goods and services for decades, for a slight fee, of course.

There was no mention of the fact that Rodriguez was adamant on increasing the $650,000 approved by the board sitting then to purchase a new electronic scoreboard at Sams and pouring in almost another $1 million to up the cost to $1.4 million. Neither were the $100,000s in sports equipment sales to the district from a company which he headed, even while on the board from which he annually pocketed hefty commissions.

In the end, after Peña's buffoonish detour, a unanimous board authorized Gutierrez and administrators to get together and plan a nice ceremony and iron out the details of the memorial to Rodriguez. 


Anonymous said...

Eddie & Rosa sitting on a tree . F.u.c.k.❤️n.g. First comes lust then comes divorce chaparro . He has a burner account on face that he uses, Ed Gar. Pobre vato, your Napoleón syndrome is what ultimately will be your demise. You’re the talk of the district carnal. That guys story on you has been shared so many times and has lead to more questions. Did you or did you not use your position given by the ppl to make sure that your pan caliente got a promotion ? Remember, every you say will be used against you. You are so full of it that you thought no one would challenge you. Well let’s just say, those ppl you tried to intimidate kept receipts. Also, did you harass other women for pan? This is the beginning of the end of your political career, next is you’re not so bright judge of a sister. Just when you thought things were getting better at the school district. The circus is back. Popcorn sales are up. And the main attraction will be getting you removed from the board. Por pende*o. Your short lived political career should be called “entre amor y pan” perrrrrrrrro.

Anonymous said...

Joe Rodriguez screw those children he mentored enough. He is like a bad nightmare. Enough is enough! Let him stay in his grave. Viejo Rata. "Rata Stadium" No, thank you.

Anonymous said...

In my dreary-as-shit life, it is always fourth & long, Juan.


Anonymous said...

Wow you ripped off the district you ripped off the community taxpayers money and you name the stadium after someone who has done all this this is wrong I'm sorry rest in peace Joe left a lot of money behind

Anonymous said...

comic you mean like "PAYASOS", how true. La vergueza es, they are all supposed to be highly educated with the exception of un BABODSO.

Anonymous said...

Remove all the gringo names and replace with self-glorifying money stealing hispanic names

Anonymous said...

Same ole, same ole, BISD poltics as usual, joe Rod was for Joe Rod no se agan pendejos. era cool arrow, he dont deserve anything chon

Anonymous said...

First and foremost, Minerva Pena has always been a PSYCHO!! When she worked for DPS she was a psycho with a badge, as a Porter belle she was a psycho with pom poms ( or whatever it is they use) etc you get my point( you look up crazy in dictionary and her picture is there) . As far as Joe Rodriguez is concerned, his GREED and SELF-INDULGENCE tainted his legacy. He may have cared for the kids(athletes) at one time, but unfortunately he seemed to have cared more for himself and his wallet. As far as a small recognition and plaque , i guess that would be ok, but don’t even think of renaming the stadium after him!!! May he rest in peace. My opinion

Anonymous said...

October 9, 2023 at 9:36 AM
The only difference here is the time. gringos started first in the late 1800 now its the meskins turn. Steal from the poor to feed yourselves and your families and friends. RATAS ARE RATAS DON'T MATTER THE RACE.

Anonymous said...

The truth about Joe Rodriguez is: he was an asshole true and true. Mean to a lot of people especially to other football teams that came to play at Sam's stadium. Rodriguez would be seeing getting involved in football games when he needed to be sitting in the stands. He would push people who didn't agree with him and did what ever. He only won one district title in 69. Naming the Sam's stadium for him is a joke and did he teach in the classroom? Was he in Vietnam oh did he got a college deferment? A political move by the board just like what board did to change the name of Brownsville High School to Hanna High School? MR. B told me personally. The name Rodriguez stadium can be changed by the next new board because the current board has nothing to do but cause problems. Sam's stadium was given that name for the men who died in WWII. The memorial with the names of those men is in front of the old gym and past music hall. Bad people get their names on buildings.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville idiots. Old Joe was as crooked as they come. King of the BISD kick backs. He liked to ogle the young cheerleaders also.

Anonymous said...

All comments are RIGHT! As a former player for Coach Joe and retired coach, He made our lives as coaches miserable. He was not the person that everone thinks he was. But we kept quite for Joe's wrath would come upon all those who opposed him. He's gone now and we should let it rest. I for one vote NO for renaming the staduim for him.

Anonymous said...

The fking guy was getting a commission on sports equipment for BISD GTFOH!!

BobbyWC said...

The briefs are done in the Pena Leal case before the supreme court. Both sides agree the judge made no finding one illegal ballot was cast in the BISD race.

You have to know it will go national if Gilbert loses and the headline is.
"Chair of Texas Democratic Party loses attempt to steal an election.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Let's ban Da Blimp again!

He stinks up the joint.


Anonymous said...

Joe was true asshole… he was removed from the board and stole from the school district. He was a womanizer many times over and hurt a lot of people. They should name a toilet in his honor at sams statium. That man deserves nothing in his honor

Anonymous said...

Joe Rata Rodriguez R.I.P.
Minerva Cabbage Patch Pena Kiss My Fucking Ass!

Anonymous said...

Not a good example for BISD students/staff.
Please get help.
Your outrageous.

Anonymous said...

October 9, 2023 at 10:08 AM
este pinche coco mamon .wanna be coach always played the gringos at football even if they were worthless ass hol*** than they all got letter jackets pinches momones gracias pinche worthless coach.. and this is fact I was there pinche lambiscon coco

Anonymous said...

@ 2:39 PM

You beat me to it! He may have started out good early in his career, but he quickly lost his way. He was a womanizer and a half and was always looking to make a quick buck off of BISD. To top it off, he was a tyrant and would come down on any employee that would dare question him. You are right, I WOULDN'T NAME A RESTROOM after that old heap of trash! Oh, and life is always better when Boobie is not around.

Wild Cabbage said...

There were stories of Little Eddie stopping female drivers for minor traffic infractions and releasing the
In exchange for their phone number. I wonder how many of these females gave him pan? Just asking…where there is smoke, there is fire.

Anonymous said...

There were stories of Little Eddie stopping female drivers for minor traffic infractions and releasing the
In exchange for their phone number. I wonder how many of these females gave him pan? Just asking…where there is smoke, there is fire.

Anonymous said...

Minerva is coco for coco puffs and/or coo coo ( take your pick). As far as Joe Rodriguez, with all due respect to his family, he was a despicable and disgusting man. He had a few and apart positive moments, but were unfortunately overshadowed by his arrogance and pettiness. Sorry COACH “you reap what you sow” and in your case not much was good. Im sure at one time or another he cared about the kids( athletes) but unfortunately he cared more about himself and his wallet. These are 2 examples (Pena and Rodriguez) of the negative type of school board members that should have never been voted in.

Anonymous said...

I for one hope that Joe Rodriguez has no peace in the after life. May his soul be seared with Satan's hoof. In this case the hoof is going to have a Benjamin Franklin imprint.

Anonymous said...

If the stadium is named in honor of WWII veterans why change the name? All that Joe Rodriguez did in the end was take from rhe citizens on Brownsville. He did not give anything to Brownsville.

I will not vote for any BISD board member who agrees to change the name of the stadium.

Brownsville is better off with Joe Rodriguez gone? He was friends with Sylvia Atkinson. Makes me wonder how many deals they cooked up.

Anonymous said...

He socks.

Anonymous said...








Anonymous said...

Joe was in it for himself

Eff that guy

He cudda shared the wealth but he didn't

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Based on the Uniform Crime Report conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation ,Brownsville metropolitan area ranked last on its list of the "Most Dangerous Cities" in Texas,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is this the most important thing that the board needs to be concentrating on? BISD is operating in the red. Our kids are graduating not knowing how to read or write. Yet the board members are more concerned about changing the name of our stadium. The name of our stadium doesn’t need to be changed, since anyone seeing the humungous electronic scoreboard reminds us of the man that made a fortune from it. No statues no name changing of our stadium. The scoreboard should suffice. But the BISD school board members could speak to the South Padre Island council members to see if the statue of Padre Balli could be replaced with one of Joe Rodriguez.

Anonymous said...

Why was he fired from BHS in 1974? Then he comes back and tells the same guys who fired him what to do or not. If there was money involved, he went after
that. he taught history a long time ago and he should also be history and not a celebrated idiot.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

name the score board that workless shit after him its a reflection on his stupidty. Any elected official that agrees to change the name will be replaced at the next election AND THIS IS A FACT....

Anonymous said...

browntown worst coach ever!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To name a urinal at the stadium would be more appropriate… this would give every fan a chance to piss on him

Anonymous said...

Minerva the cabbage patch , thats an excellent comparison. She’s one fugly lady and a nutcase to top it off. She must spend a fortune in sharpie’s to fill out those eyebrows. As far as Joe Rodriguez, I won’t waste my time

Anonymous said...

Changing the name of the stadium should not even be considered. If it is not broken don't fix it.

If Rodriguez's children want a shrine for their farther they can build him one in their homes. He left them enough money for them to do so...stop using tax payers money on this parasite.

Anonymous said...

They should name matching urinals for Coach Joe and one for Fire Thief Carlos RATA Elizondo.

Anonymous said...

Mrs Helen Moore was his movida for many years. She was the principal at Hanna… the very place where his wife taught. The whole Rodriguez family left Edinburg in shame

Anonymous said...

The school board doesn’t have the guts to say no … he hurt me and my family and he did it with a smile. His friend coach Chavez is another asshole

Anonymous said...

Hope his arrogant family reads all these comments… and the board as well

Anonymous said...

Joe came from Edinburg… he is not even from here and has no ties to Brownsville… Frank pancho Maldonado would be more deserving. He was a great coach and a man with dignity…

Anonymous said...

Elizondo brought his name up… another Matamoros rata as arrogant as joe

Anonymous said...

This blog should be mandatory reading for the School Board Members, so that they know the history of Brownsville from the citizens of Brownsville.

Make it a training and a workshop: go by years reading this blog so that they are informed.
Montoya....what year did this blog began? That should be the first reading and first workshop.

Ajua y Ole !!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Lopez is looking for political political contributions from the the Rodriguez family after Joe Rodriguez and his family were bad mouthing her to anyone who would listen and now she's ass kissing
No class runs in the family

Anonymous said...

Eddie Garcia loves PAN and needs more of it . Eddie Garcia is tired of BISD PAN and wants some of that delicious Cameron County PAN. Why only have Brownsville PAN when he can have PAN from the entire County. From Brownsville to La Feria Eddie Garcia wants all the PAN .

Vote for Eddie Garica 2024

Anonymous said...

Has anyone bothered to check with the Sams Foundation who were the ones who
donate tge money to build the old Tucker Stadium to the Sams Memorial Stadium.
they did it with honor and now some short skirt daughter of a politico wants to change it to be named after Coach Joe. Oh, and by the way, the name of his movida as Sharon Moore, with pencil in her mouth, for the longest time and even Mr. B knew about it and so did the kids. Una vuerguenza para su esposa
que fue maestra en la miza escuela bajo la querida de su stupido esposo.

The vote should be put up to the public. I bet not one would vote for the change of name and the board members would lose their positions for even
thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Pinche vieja ridícula, transa y rata!!!

Anonymous said...

3:48 PM
I agree the vote should be put to the public. I for one will not vote for the change or for any board members who agree to this stupid idea.

Anonymous said...

Renaming stadium shouldn't be decided by the board.

Anonymous said...

Mrs Porter donated through the sams foundation the money for the establishment of the stadium. And a name change is not possible… board members need to study the history of the foundation.. its on line

Anonymous said...

There are so many people who read this blog that lack reading comprehension. They want to name the football field after Coach Joe not change the name of SAMS stadium . The stadium will always be SAMS Stadium but the field can be named after some one or in memory of anything .

Anyways DO NOT VOTE for Eddie Garcia ! Eddie wants more PAN and needs your vote to get some more . Help Eddie's wife and vote for anyone but Eddie Garcia .

Anonymous said...

In the field of the after life I hope on of Satan's minions is kicking Joe Rodriguez's. Do not name the field after this thief.
