Wednesday, October 25, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
For the last two weeks or so, Islamophobic graffiti has been appearing on the walls of downtown businesses scrawled by someone using a black spray can.

No, this not your benign anti-gentrification brand of protest on an Elon Musk-funded mural that Brownsville police swooped down upon with the aid of former mayor Trey Mendez and arrested the nefarious scrawler Rebekah Hinojosa in a pre-dawn raid to restore the honor of the billionaire's art.

Rather, it appears that it is more of an attempt to incite hate against the Islamic faithful who, as far as we know, mostly keep to themselves and worship in peace in their own homes or temples.

The graffiti started to appear on buildings like the Palm Lounge, Pluton Brewery across 8th Street, Parra's Furiture, the Zorba's sports store, and some finance companies a block east on Washington Street.

Alarmed that the graffiti on their walls would contribute to the social tensions and religious intolerance generated by the Israeli-Palestinian war raging across the Mideast, business owners reported the incidents to the Brownsville Police Department and told them that the defacing of their walls had started around Monday, October 16. 

The BPD took the report and told them that they would check the downtown surveillance system, a $500,000 system installed to deter just such offenses.

But when the cops went to check their high-tech, high-priced eye-in-the-sky they told the local owners that the system had been down during the time that the perpetrators had sprayed the graffiti on nearby walls. 

"I couldn't believe it," said one of the business owners." "You have this expensive surveillance system and it's not working? Yet, there was an accident the other day when old man ran the light at Eighth and Elizabeth Street and they recorded that. It sounded kind of strange. So we checked the cameras on our building and we saw the person painting the graffiti clear as day. As a matter of fat, it was at exactly 7 p.m. on Monday, October 16 when it was recorded. We showed them to the detectives and they got a copy of the tape."

Much to their surprise, it turned out that the man pictured on the recordings turned out to be Genovevo Izaguirre, the pastor of the Mision Divina evangelical church sandwiched betwen the Yerberia Azteca and a finance company on Elizabeth. In the tape, clear as day, Izaguirre is recorded using a spray can of black paint on the wall of the Palm Lounge facing 8th Street and then standing before his work facing the camera and and then walking away.
But then the plot thickens, the business owner say.

Aware that there had been complaints to the police about his handiwork from business owners, Izaguirre paid them a personal visit and tried to smooth over the issue, saying that he would paint over the graffiti and call it even. One, the Zorba sports store, allowed to have the signs painted over. Others refused on advice of the investigating police detectives.

"He (Izaguirre) came to the Palm Lounge with a heavy-set companion and demanded to talk to the owner (Edwin Hernandez) to apologize and offered to have someone paint over the signs," said a worker who was tending bar when they arrived there this last Sunday. "Edwin wouldn't talk to him and said that the police detectives had told him not to touch the signs until they had gathered the necessary evidence. He told us to tell him he did not want them to touch his building and they left."

Another of the affected businesses was the Pluton Brewery, whose wall facing the alley was decorated with the anti-Islam graffiti (second picture from the top). Danny Arizpe, one of the owners, said Izaguirre walked in with another man and said he was a Vietnam Air Force veteran and born-again Christian, that suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and that he was willing to let bygones be bygones and put the incident behind them.

"We didn't agree to anything," Arizpe said. "As a business we have to be inclusive and cater to everyone, regardless of their religion, their race, or lifestyle. "Having that on our walls goes against all that. After he spoke to us he left."

But then Arizpe and the others found out that Izaguirre had gone to the police department an spoke to the detectives on the case telling them that he had straightened out the matter with the full agreement of the affected businesses. Detectives told him that none of the business owner they had spoken to had told them anything about an agreement and said they were proceeding withe case.

"The detectives said that based on the evidence and his own admission that he had painted the anti-Islamic graffiti, they were seeking a criminal arrest warrant on Izaguirre," Arizpe said. "But now they can't seem to find him because he isn't holding his regular services like he did before and is using another place to hold his services."

Then owners said that they looked up Izaguirre's Facebook page and discovered that the pastor calls himself a fire-and-brimstone "Apostole" who ministers to a similar evangelical congregation in Matamoros as he does in Brownsville and, that besides posting anti-Islamic memes, he was also posting memes disparaging the city's LGBTQ Task Force and same-sex couple adoptions, among others of similar ilk. 

One business owner said that Izaguirre had twisted El Hueso del Fraile's celebration of El Dia de las Brujas into being witch and devil worship.
Brownsville police have not reported Izaguirre's arrest based on the criminal warrant they said they were seeking, and his photo has not appeared on the BPD website of inmates. No one at Mision Divina is available to say where Izaguirre is and his whereabouts are unknown. Downtown business owners are glad the intolerant graffiti has stopped and wonder how long the graffiti crusader can stay on the run.


Anonymous said...

That's a lot of writing, Toya.

you think locals care?

naaaaaaaah, we don't.

Anonymous said...

And the guy in the first comment is right. Why don’t people here care about it? Well just look at the sister city name? Very anti Moor and their religion too. In the words of Rodney King … “Why can’t we all just get along.” Unfortunately the main stream depicts the intolerance of the Islamic faith. Many are tolerant of other faiths and realize peace is the way.

Anonymous said...

October 25, 2023 at 6:27 AM
you don't speak for me pendejo keep up the great work montoya don't listen to envidiosos they come and go with the turds in the toilets. apestosos como la Chin....

Anonymous said...

October 25, 2023 at 6:27 AM
jotito maricon

Anonymous said...

DELIA’S TAMALES SUED are tortillas inc next? IRS hitting meskins hard. I thought I was in mesco? is not gonna help in their defense idiotas... samuelito is always lookin'.

Anonymous said...

He should be licking the arse of islam like Juan Montoya.

Anonymous said...

How about the BPD investigating and reporting all the pot holes in Brownsville? I like to report that I have a suspect that is causing the pot holes in the city streets but involves the city. The BUS is causing the city the streets to fall apart but the BPD is blind to report it? Forget about the city manager, that's another lose cause.

Anonymous said...

October 25, 2023 at 9:45 AM

and who's arse do you lick el diablo? idiota

Anonymous said...

Shouldn’t be too hard to find. Typical Brownsville PD.

Anonymous said...

The serveillance camera system is run by Brownsville PD, well, by Commander Mamlouie. Just like Commander Mamalouie, the sysytem is full of flaws and unrealiable, but both are still fully backed by yet another worthless POS, Chief El Chapo Sauceda.
This incident makes PD look worthless since they had to rely on a private citizen's video system rather than their million dollar system.
Way to go "Chief" "City Manager" Sauceda, may you rot in peace....

Anonymous said...

We care!!! Keep in writing! It doesn’t mean I agree with your points of view all the time, but I appreciate you bringing up the topics and we can all engage in productive discourse. Of course, for those who have the intellectual capacity to engage. For those who who can’t write and only know the same old “joto” and cliche phrases such as “we don’t care”, grow up and educate yourself because your statements only show your ignorance. If you don’t care, why do you even read the blog and comment???

Anonymous said...

Well we know the fearless D.A. And the F.B.I. will bring everything they have to arrest this brazen criminal running around in Brownsville!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn’t be surprised if this idiot pastor was the same one who painted over the rainbow sidewalk downtown. Very homophobic and fake person who think just because he “repents” every shitty act he commits he’s going to look good in the eyes of his imaginary friend. Mexican born wanna be white republican piece of trash. SMH. They need to shut down that church before you have his congregation committing more terrible acts.

Anonymous said...

Wow! A pastor of Christ spreading lies, hate, anger, and discord. To top it off he is a fugitive of the law. This reminds me of El Padre del Padresito con TENESTA V**gisa y me llevo el dinero del pueblo and the Sewer Rat Erasmo with his deceptions. The thing is that there are some who follow these charlatans.

We just need to have a firm mindset.

Anonymous said...

Wow! A pastor of Christ spreading lies, hate, anger, and discord. To top it off he is a fugitive of the law. This reminds me of El Padre del Padresito con TENESTA V**gisa y me llevo el dinero del pueblo and the Sewer Rat Erasmo with his deceptions. The thing is that there are some who follow these charlatans.

We just need to have a firm mindset.

Anonymous said...

the real question here is who leaked the video.

Anonymous said...

Pastor or whatever, this criminal wants to address himself he committed a class B Misdemeanor. There is already a precedent that was charged in 2022 for the same offense and charged and booked for over 24 hours in jail in her pajamas accompanied with four police officers., Bekah Hinojosa was arrested and treated as criminal by Cameron County police officers and former corrupt Mayor Trey Mendez for the same offense. Mendez even went as far as to post it on face book. Book and charge this Bastard with a Class Misdemeanor for the same offense. Ask former corrupt Trey Mendez how to handle this issue. This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter who leaked the video. It's really great for this to be able to come into the light especially when BPD chooses when and for who those cameras work for.

Anonymous said...

Interesting case.
The criminal repents, goes and asks for forgiveness, but he is not given a chance.

Get him. Arrest him. NOW.

No mercy for criminals, abusive people etc. Brownsville needs to be strong when facing criminals.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what he preaches to his congregation? Would be interesting to find out. This is one perfect example of idiots that pollute the minds of people. I know we have freedom of religion but some of these charlatans hide behind religion to spread hatred.

Anonymous said...

SaRa aldrete Is related to some yzaguirres in brownsville
Yall remember her
Just sayin

Anonymous said...

October 25, 2023 at 10:58 AM
agree or disagree is fine but when insults are added to a disagreement it opens up other comments to defend or not to defend if you can take it fine but if you can't don't open that can... seems like you can't take it, so quit insulting... simple
who who learn to write or go back to school "QUIT THE INSULTS".


Anonymous said...

Thank you for reporting the news.

Anonymous said...

You pendejo's think the system didnt work or that the police dont have the footage? You dont play poker and show youre hand you idiotas. Of course their system worked, of course they have footage, and now theyre just waiting to snag that Trump supporting phony (go figure) up.

Anonymous said...

When will the people of this world learn to be respectful and understanding of each other? Hatred is fueled by ignorance. There is a thin line between love and hate. This sick graffiti artist has no idea about the history between Israel and Palestine. He is definitely a product of poor education and parenting. The issues in the Middle East are complicated and will not easily be resolved especially now that Hamas has attacked Israel. The guilty ones here are all members of the United Nations who did nothing in Ukraine or Israel to stop the madness. What is the UN really good for other than to take our money. Definitely not to stop wars. Abolish the United Nations too much money for nothing. One point for Trump on this one.

Anonymous said...

I too believe that the cameras were working. For whatever reason this POS was being protected. Hopefully life/karma will get back at him.

Anonymous said...

