Saturday, October 14, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
It seems like it was only yesterday when Cameron County officials had the official ribbon-cutting of the new Levee Street Building, and although some may not remember that a ceremony was held, in reality it was November 14, 2017 when it was officially opened to the public with a ceremony. 

This past Thursday, county officials whose offices are located in the building held a 6th Anniversary open house celebration that offered tours for the public and an update on the services offered. In the photo above, Pct. 2 Constable Abel Gomez, Pct. 2-1 JP Linda Salazar, JP 2-2 Cyndi Hinojosa, JP 2-3 Mary Esther Sorola, County Clerk Sylvia Garza Perez, and Tax-Assessor Collector Tony Yzaguirre were there to meet the public.

Some of the officials present in the 2017 ribbon-cutting ceremony are no longer with us or in public service, but some still are. For history's sake, we're sharing a photo from the original ribbon-cutting held then.
Participants in the photo taken then were some county office holders and luminaries who took part in the ribbon-cutting ceremonies at the newly-refurbished old Wells Fargo Bank building were: (from left to right) JP 2-3 Mary Esther Sorola, JP 2-2 Jonathan Gracia, Treasurer David Betancourt, Sheriff Omar Lucio (rear), Pct. 1 commissioner Sofia Benavides, County Judge Eddie TreviƱo, District Judge Gloria Rincones, an unidentified architect, Pct. 4 commissioner Gus Ruiz, Pct. 2 Admin. Asst. Zeke Silva, County Clerk Sylvia Garza Perez, and JP 2-1 Linda Salazar.)

The faces may not all be the same, but the general consensus is that the Levee Street Building has greatly expanded the availability of services to the public. Happy 6th Birthday and many more!


Anonymous said...

A chorus line of RATS. A timeline of corruption throughout the years. Take your pick and if the shoe fits, wear it. Building brings back memories of going to the bank with mom and dad back in the day. Back in the day when Brownsville was “cleaner”(in many ways) and our elected officials were more about community service and not so much about SELF SERVICE!!

Anonymous said...

What happened to the 5th anniversary?

We celebrating now during a election season where 3/4 are up for re election.

Some things just don't change.

Anonymous said...

La flaca ya no esta flaca at 350k a year he shouldn't be unlessss???? but he's not, don't start a rumor pinches haters!!!!

Anonymous said...

Obese people everwhere getting fat of the starving poor

Anonymous said...

Waste of money some got on selling this building to the county? I wonder who's friend got the take to open this building in downtown Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:31 PM

Where are they getting it?

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't these people be working instead of posing for a ribbon cutting. Pura bola de mamones!
