Tuesday, October 17, 2023


By Omar Zapata

McALLEN — The school district’s board of trustees here during a special board meeting Monday night named current Brownsville Independent School District Dr. René Gutiérrez as the finalist for superintendent four months into the search to replace J.A. Gonzalez, who was recently hired for the top spot at the Harlingen school district.

The school board went into executive session at 7:03 p.m. and voted to name the finalist at 8:58 p.m.

Gutiérrez, who graduated from McAllen High School in 1983, has been the Brownsville ISD superintendent since June 2019. His experience includes being the Edinburg school district superintendent from 2009 to 2019. Prior to that, Gutiérrez worked as a teacher and administrator.

McAllen school board president Debbie Crane Aliseda previously told the Monitor via text on Sept. 26 that at a special board meeting on Sept. 25 that trustees started to look at "a substantial number of applications.”


Anonymous said...

I am glad Mr. Gutierrez will be gone. He is a Sylvia Atkinson hire. The man can probably articulate but he never interacted with the public or the teachers. I think that he is one of those people who think they are above others.

The board can now move on and focus on how to make BISD the best place for children to get an education.

Anonymous said...

He's a McAllen guy!

What did you expect, Toya?

Brownsville could never be good enough for him!!!


Anonymous said...

Good riddance!!! Once a pendejo always a pendejo but at least he won’t be BISD head PENDEJO anymore.

Anonymous said...

Pos i sure the haters are HAPPY, those who dont want him hey you got your wish, just hope the BISD Board dont put in a folonke like they alwasy do, juan by th way can they put in a board memebr as the superintendent? just asking for a friend, btw I Hope BISD does not turn into another mess like La Joya ISD is going thru right now. Chon Y Chuy

Anonymous said...

He mails help packages to somebody locked up. Maybe he should have applied for warden. go back to your fat city mcallen texas capitol of los mojados... fact idiota!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Debbie Clane Aliseda de McAllen por lo babosos que ensenian que son escogiendo a este menzo, pero ahora siguen los basosos de BISD que escojan a algue mejor que el, coma la Senora Zendejas que estuvo aqui doz veces y hizo milagros con el TRE que vote la gente casi 100%. Triagan a Esperanza para atras, pos ella si sabia tratar a los ninos con carino y importancia. A este vato le valiantodos menos las viejas y el solo.

Anonymous said...

We finally got rid of an idiot. But it won't be long before we inherit another one. I just hope that the corrupt and ignorant school board members currently in place will consider tying the superintendents salary with the overall performance of the schools he/she oversees. We the tax payers are paying too much and getting very little in return. In fact, instructor's salaries should also be based on their students performance. It's our money and it's time we stood up for positive results.

Anonymous said...

Juan the board should put in Minnie mouse Pena la board memebr as superintendent y ya. Problem fixed. el porter kid.

Anonymous said...

That moron Gutierrez was a happy camper at BISD. Never got involved, bid his time and now leaves with pocket’s full of cash$$$. He definitely took care of business— HIS BUSINESS!!!! Can’t blame him for looking out for himself, after all, it is was the BISD board that chose him!!! And now once again its up to the board to chose another loser. ( personally im hoping they get it right this next time) for the kids sake.. But lets not lose sight of the fact that a good superintendent is only as good as the school board that surrounds him and for the majority of the time we’ve had a bunch of clowns in that capacity. So we are at a crossroads once again, waiting to see who gets hired to lead our district. But unfortunately its in the hands of those that have more interest in themselves,rather than the interest/benefit of the community and whats more important THE CHILDREN!! Unfortunate but true

Anonymous said...

Really!!! Dr Z's(2nd time) humbleness was abused and misused by those Board Members and their family(s)in power How quickly we forget the corruption(how may board members in the last 10-15 yrs?????????) that has existed in BISD through the convenience of those "optics" and blame this super(4yrs) and stoop low to engage in destroying a marriage God does have 20/20 vision prayers for our students and teachers they are the importance!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Dr. Kuff is getting his Superintendent Hair cut and already cleaning his office out at Sharp. We are going from bad to worse. Kuff loves the ladies and is now sup single. Jessica Gonzalez already has him on speed dial and called him "boss." The other name thrown by Jessica Gonzalez is Hector Hernandez, the Principal. He would clean house and put Kuff to work.

Anonymous said...

It is a blessing this idiot is finally leaving. What are the 4 stooges on the BISD board going to do now? Now that their puppet left them after they voted to give him a raise and extend his contract a few months ago? Rene Gutierres played them like a fiddle. They extended his contract, gave him a good evalution and then he turned around and pissed on their legs. That is what a dog does when he doesn't like their master anymore. He pisses on them.

I wonder what Jessica Gonzalez is going to do now? Cry and beg him to stay? Offer him more money to tell her how smart she is, how her teeth look straight? Good day for BISD the day he quits and never comes back. Once Silvia Atkinson gets released from Federal Prison, she will be a consultant at McAlllen ISD along with Dr. Cantu. Pura Ratas con dos patas miserables, apestosas.

Hey Rene...don't let the door hit you where the Good Lord Split you on your way out. Caminando y meando para que no hagas charco guey.

Anonymous said...

Jerry Martinez is Running Scared of Mr Caballero running for school board he's worried that he will be caught doing his corruption with vendors

Anonymous said...

Correction Jerry Martinez is very worried they can catch the wheeling and dealing happening at maintenance Department laugh out loud the guy can run can barely move falls asleep at the board meeting haha

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

12:12 your are so right about ex-board members who made it hard on Dr Z as
was being pushed Dr. Atkinson (now in jail for taking bribes. And now they
want to name the stadium after the other one who stole or took kickbacks when he pushed his company for athletic equipment. It all was blamed on Dr, Z
when she was actually involved with our children, as expected, Bring her
back! Hector??? He is a skirt chaser and could not even do his job as an
assistant at Faulk and now they send him back to Faulk when he never worked
with the kids, Now Supt??? Fired the inapt guy who earns his money chasing
skirts with a cup of coffee in his hand - vale madre el vato, Mr, Cuff is
not strong enough to do the job required at BISD,

Y la Jessica que compone? Who gave her so much power? Ya se le va su

Anonymous said...

They have their heads up the superintendent's ass

Anonymous said...

Stop, take a deep breath, and thank God that the district will not pay a cent upon the departure of this superintendent. Wish him well and move on, BISD. Bring someone for the permanent position with knowledge to run a large district. Don't hire someone who is going to learn on the job or who has less than 5 schools in their current position, hoping they can manage the district. BISD has bigger fish to fry with the issues of facilities, insurance, personnel and student performance. How will BISD do this coming report card? These are the discussions that should be taking place. The district is losing students and priority should be about how to attract them back. It will not be a simple task to find someone to can manage the many issues facing the district.

Anonymous said...

Read there were some rumblings about the SUP’s proposed salary by the school board in Mcallen. Only sensible people are going to balk at that morons salary demands. Oh but not at BISD, they even extended his contract( $$$) . Sure go for it you clowns, its not your money and you could continue having your puppet at your disposal. Only in Brownsville!!

Anonymous said...

Bring back the only person who has done it twice already and able to get us out of the mud twice. She cares about bISD and many employees were very -pleased with all she did, but one idiot on the board decided to go after her
and never gave the employees a chance to speak their mind. We found out about it after the fact and Dr. Z was gone before we knew it. She was always working at the schools, with the teachers, the principals and mostly the students who all knew what she was doing for them and appreciated her efforts,

If only she would consider coming back???? Board members need to be aware
that we can get back on track if we bring her back. Que dice usted, Dr. Z?
Usted si conoce al districto y la comunida y la necitamos que regrese con
nostros! Los ninos la necesitan mucho!!!

Anonymous said...

Otro run away agency here in browntown. puros mamones, llorones y lambiscone. do your job ojetes. stop complaining. get your monthly salary y vallensen para las vegas. bola de mamones, just like the cops.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people are shaking in their shoes. The High School principals that don't do anything for their schools but this fool would keep them in place because the TEACHERS had students score well in STAAR test. Hanna is up for change, Porter is up for change in Principal and Head Coach. Pace will survive due to some success. Lopez has discipline and will remain the same. Rivera high School will have change in Head Coach, the list goes on and on.
Hope who ever they bring does not wait to the end of the school year. Do it in December. Set the district on it's feet again.

Anonymous said...

Ya no se fue el hijo de la chingada. Who tf else is going to pay him over three hundred thousand. The sad thing is that here our hijos de la chingada board members will probably pay him off. The board members do not have the balls to put up with him until the end of his contract. Que aguanten la vara si son tan chingones.
