Thursday, October 19, 2023


RIP Lt. Milton Resendez
“He made the ultimate sacrifice while serving his community last night, and our entire law enforcement family grieves alongside you,” a post by the Brownsville Police Department.

San Benito Police Chief Mario Perea said at a news conference that two suspects now under custody  shot an “unknown amount of rounds,” two striking the unit. One of the rounds struck the door and hit Resendez in the abdomen below his body armor.

Resendez, who served as a police officer for more than 30 years, was pronounced dead after being transported to Valley Baptist Hospital. Social media indicates that he was less than a year from retirement. Our condolences to his family. May he Rest in Peace.


Anonymous said...

May his family find the strength and courage to carry on. RIP 🙏

Anonymous said...

My condolence to the Ramirez family. This country has always been weak in regards to crime. No death penalty. Pobrecitos! People need to be held accountable for their actions. The penalty should fit the crime. Look towards Singapore. This country has the strictest laws. Cashless bail, defund the police, open borders, and weak sentences for all crimes has just added to the Anarchy.

Anonymous said...

I will miss you my friend. My deepest condolences to his family and friends .


Anonymous said...

You live by the sword, you die by the sword.


Anonymous said...

RIP a protector of the community.
Delen gracias a diosito que tenemas este tipo de protectores gracias is not enough god bless all of his familia...


Anonymous said...

YOU knew the risk when you took the job. In the skydiving community, we had an old saying...”pay your money and take your chances.”

Anonymous said...

NRA and gov abbott, have blood on their hands. You make it easy for anybody to get their hands on guns. Thoughts and prayers, huh?

Anonymous said...

Put those 2 P.O.S. on the death row express lane ASAP! They serve no good to society. Not needed! Get rid of them!

Thank You for your service officer Resendez. RIP

Anonymous said...

@11:21 You are a SIMPLETON and a MORON... the gun didn’t kill him...a couple of crackheads one being an ILLEGAL ALIEN killed him. You voted for CREEPY JOE THE LITTLE GIRL SNIFFER; he’s the one with the bloody hands. By the way, what grade did you drop-out of school?!

Anonymous said...

For October 19, 2023 at 10:23 AM

Eres un pendejo, CTPM.
Stupid thing to comment.

Anonymous said...

Condolences to his family and may God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

The way things are: the killers plead NOT GUILTY and the judge agrees with them.

No justice for cops.

Anonymous said...

Killed by an illegal alien. Vote Democratic. Keep the border open.

Anonymous said...

Abbott has blood on his hands? One of the suspects is a Mexican national and he had a fully Automatic rifle which is illegal so what could Abbott have done about an illegal alien and illegal weapon? Lmao retard

Anonymous said...

To the pendejo at 11:21 AM, Illegal aliens and criminals aren't allowed to own guns. Talk out of your ass in public and you'll make yourself look stupid. Let's see if the DAs people seek the death penalty. They let the man who shot the three women on SPI get off.

Anonymous said...

For ALL of those that have nothing good to say about this man and all that serve to proctect, I say FUCK YOU ALL!!!

Anonymous said...

Where did they say full auto?

Anonymous said...

As per Liberty Daily News...the ILLEGAL ALIEN SCUM that participated in the execution of this police officer was PREVIOUSLY DEPORTED and had ties with CARTEL. So Valleyites that voted for DEMENTIA JOE THE LITTLE GIRL SNIFFER, the chickens have come home to roost! YOU DESERVE every bad thing that has happened and will continue to happen...morons!

Anonymous said...

October 21, 2023 at 5:32 PM


Anonymous said...

Hurry up and bury the DemocRAT that voted for Dementia Joe which facilitated his execution..,be careful who you vote for!!! Your hatred for people will come back to haunt you!!! Bawhahaha
