Sunday, October 22, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The catchphrase “Release the Kraken” is trending on Twitter after Trump's legal adviser, Sidney Powell, who made unfounded allegations of fraud in connection to the 2020 presidential election, pleaded guilty to various charges stemming from the Georgia election interference case.

In 2020, during an interview with Fox News host Lou Dobbs, Sidney Powell made unfounded allegations of voter fraud in the presidential election. She claimed that Trump’s team had amassed sizable evidence that would overturn the election results in key states.

While threatening to unleash the alleged evidence that Powell claimed would potentially topple President Joe Biden’s victory, she went on to assert that “I’m going to release the Kraken,” in reference to a catchphrase from the 1981 movie “The Clash of the Titans.”

In the movie, the Kraken is a mythical sea monster that rises from the ocean to annihilate its enemies. At the time, Powell claimed that the case she was building against Biden was akin to a Kraken when unleashed, would destroy his victory in the U.S. presidential election.


Anonymous said...


Harlingen South 64

Brownsville Lopez 7

Anonymous said...

More will flip on The Stay Puffed Marshmallow

Anonymous said...

Now the deranged orange man is saying that S Powell was not his attorney!!LOL. For all you MAGA followers this is your fearless leader in all his splendor. LIES,DECEPTION,EXCUSES, DECEIT,HYPOCRISY ETC. Perfect role model for you and your families.

Anonymous said...

October 22, 2023 at 10:25 AM

BISD sell the muli billion dollar no score board and hire a dozen good coaches. problem solved.
the team that scores more points against any browntown school gets first crack at buying this useless score board.
or sent it back so the company can remove the home team score section.
or just quit playing american football and start playing sucker ball.
or just do not teach/coach american football PERIOD!!!!!

Anonymous said...

October 22, 2023 at 6:26PM

Better than youre senile, mumbling, tripping, vegetable, Biden with a nut sack on his chin, cause all his plastic surgery is falling apart. He was even bald in the early 80's and now the old man has hair. Biden, can't even finish a complete sentence withouth wondering off and mumbling nonsense. Embarrassing to the U.S. of A. We need a real president that can finish complete sentences, and has balls.

Anonymous said...

The same applies to our current president who is always backtracking on all his poor decisions. What about the missing money? How convenient! I say let's vote for Trump. We need a strong leader not a weak individual who can't even climb a flight of stairs without falling. Weakness brings out the wolves.

Anonymous said...

October 22, 2023 11:53 PM

Yes, we need another president but not Trump. Release the Kraken! Trump is the Kraken and we should all avoid him like as if he has COVID. Just the stench of him is poisoning. Run Forest run!

Anonymous said...

11:54 Yes Biden does have issues and unfortunately its called OLD AGE( and we are all headed that way) But old age can not compare to the clear and present danger that Trump represents. Oh yeah i forgot , Trump has balls ?? just like when he said he had bone spurs to avoid the draft. It takes a lot of balls to come up with that excuse LOL COWARD!!!

Anonymous said...

5:46 AM
What are you going to put in your resume? DUMBASS?

Anonymous said...

October 23, 2023 at 10:05 AM

So if you knew he was old an incompetent why did you vote for that old idiot? If you're so proud of him why don't you wear a Biden shirt every day to remind and show people that you are part of the idiots that voted for a bigger idiot.

As for getting old, I get that. We all get old, but we gotta know when it's time to pass the torch. Biden, and the democratic party is burning with the torch and don't realize it, or just refuse to pass it on.

Thank you, haters. You fucked up the Country and it's costing you and all of us.

Anonymous said...

12:13 i was kinda agreeing with you in that Biden has issues and that he’s old( and he definitely shouldn’t be running for re-election) and now you go off calling me an idiot?? Relax , chill , i was just giving my opinion , which is what you do in an informal blog like this. Never in my comment did i directly throw insults at you. Have a blessed day.
