Saturday, October 21, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: We had a breakfast of un menudo chico con tres taquitos de barbacoa over at Las Casuelitas yesterday when we were pleasantly surprised by this trio of musicians plying their wares and handing out their cards for their full mariachi band. The mariachi chiquito wandered over the downtown restaurants handing out their cards for their full mariachi. We admire their pluck and industriousness and print it here as a public service to these hard-working musicos. Animo!)


Anonymous said...

Juan, eating menudo will give you wrinkles in your face. I can see in your photos that you've eaten too much of it.

Go for meat loaf or pot roast, like I do.


Anonymous said...

U.S. in Israel for Justice! US Soldiers in Dangerous HAMA

You want justice give the seniors a bigger paycheck not a measly 3.2%

Anonymous said...

Eating menudo makes you venudo. Hang tough and give your lady a great ride.

Anonymous said...

Does your cardiologist know what you’re consuming? But not to worry you can eat healthier if you substitute cows stomach with cat or dog meat. Next time you’re visiting Matamoros try their menudo. It has a more delicious flavor. Mexicans have been able to provide a healthier solution for regular menudo and eliminate the problem of stray dogs and cats. A win win for everyone.

Anonymous said...

das why they should close down elizabeth and make is a walk around area. close it from 7th st to the bridge. put tables, lights, benches, fancy brick designs like mata did 30 years ago. AAAAAyyyy but we have a commssioner that wants more murals.

"screw the voters and citizens I do as I please", that's the way they all think and believe in....

Anonymous said...

October 22, 2023 at 6:32 AM

IDIOTA its venudo, venudo...

Anonymous said...

Menudo...Mexican slop! No wonder diabetes rages in this region!

Anonymous said...

The slob that gringos love is meat loaf with mouse gravy on top no wonder they go holding their heart.

Anonymous said...

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed 175 years ago but this is still Mexico.

Anonymous said...

12:22 PM

Nope, this is not Mexico. I was born here and my birth certificate does not say Mexico. If this is Mexico what the fuck are you doing here?

Anonymous said...

October 23, 2023 at 12:22 PM

NO. This is how WAR begins. We do not want a war with Mexico.

We do not want our kids to think this way.
