Tuesday, October 10, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: We know that Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza is getting his campaign signs "donated" by friends in Matamoros, as reported by U.S. Customs agents after they stopped a truck coming from that city loaded with "hundreds and hundreds" of 4' X 8' Garza campaign signs.

Now those same friends are said to have gifted Garza this gold-plated handgun bearing his department call number – Cameron County 101 – the number one man at the department. 

The only possible mistake is the word "deputy" on the sheriff's badge embossed on the grip panel. What Garza has done for his friends over there and why they went through the trouble and expense to gold-plate this pistol in not known. Does it come with gold-plated bullets, we wonder?)


Anonymous said...

So, he has friends in Mexico? So what, Juan. You exaggerate, ese.


Anonymous said...

You voted for him. He's disqualified by Eric's Law. He doesn't have five years in law enforcement.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gold-plated means cheapo, Montoya.

Are you daft?

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

Manny Trevino for Sheriff!

Anonymous said...

This is espooky shit.

Even though Garza is incompetent at his job we must admit that no matter who gets elected will work with the folks across the border. Working with criminals is part of the political job.

The thing with Erica Garza is that the bitch really inept.

Anonymous said...

He was wearing a shirt with gold stars around his neck. Otro regalo from we all know de quien...

Anonymous said...

What we need is a true leader here in Cameron County! Someone who can bring Respect back to the Sheriffs Office. Eric just keeps digging his hole deeper.
Manny Trevino for SHERIFF!!!

Anonymous said...

That is one pretty weapon. Carry it with pride Eric. You've earned it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

El que no transa-No avansa

Lupe Trevino

Anonymous said...


Conrado Cantu

Anonymous said...

poor lorraine garcia, eddie le esta poniendo los cuernos. Now whenever he says, "be back hunny, going to work uber" she will know that he will deviate from routes to go to his pan caliente. rosa and edddddie sitting on a tree. f*u*c*k*eye*n*g*, first comes lust next comes divorce perrrrrrrrrrro.

Anonymous said...

Manny the woman beater you mean????

Anonymous said...

los signs are donated by Steve Guerra.

cheken el invoice.

Anonymous said...

Ese Barney Fife de Cameron County, nomas le dan una bala y usa el sombrero al revez. Pinche payaso

Anonymous said...

Manuel “Manny” Trevino for Cameron County Sheriff!!!

Anonymous said...

You should see the vault of gold and diamond encrusted guns that were given to Sheriff Alex Perez! Don’t forget the ca$h payments gifted to Omar Lucio either.

Anonymous said...

Eric no sabe.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a cheap faggot gun that only a a faggot would carry.

Anonymous said...

Pinche choco gordo shrek

Anonymous said...

Nice "Quete", gold plated and all. Especially liked the 101, respect.
Mr. Erik Garza,
do a process of elimination on who has access to these pictures and you find your RATA, Mole, keyboard warrior who always talks shit about your department. If you only showed it to 10 guys, check with your close friends who they say take the pictures and you found the RATA.
Then bring him in your office and put your hat backwards to see if he takes another picture, of course the gutless RATA will not.
Get rid of his ass.
Pinches RATAS, you bite the hand that feeds you.

Puro Valluco...

Anonymous said...

Who ever wrote @ October 10, 2023 at 11:40 AM

Woman beater? what you talking about, Mr. Manny is currently a Chief of police, he can not have a family violence violation?
You are talking out of your a_ _ . come on man why try to bring a guy down let them fight it out in a political way.
Why bring stuff like this up, leave it clean don't involve family or things that happened years ago. People pay for their mistakes and move on.
Mr. Trevino run the race my friend.

Anonymous said...

Dumb Mexicans vote for dumb Mexicans...

Anonymous said...

Manny Trevino for Sheriff? lol if Garza has this gold gun, Manny has a gold rifle. Mas tranza que la chingada el Manny

Anonymous said...

Hey Rosie, for your anniversary are you gonna have an event at the jail? Rosie = I'm in charge of the school OT and everyone needs to be very professional like me. Also Rosie = got married with an inmate at the jail while she was blowing Lucio admin that kept her in CID. Lol can't even make this shit up

Anonymous said...

Manny Trevino is the best and most qualified candidate running for sheriff. Rosas claims to have 20 years what he fails to mention is that some of that "experience" is as a jailer. So when speaking about actual police work, Rosas is lying to the people. Ronnie Saenz left the profession many years ago and now wants to be the top cop for Cameron County. It seems that Ronnie wants to enrich himself especially after the fiasco that his wife was recently involved in. As for Eric...well his actions since taking office speak for itself.

Anonymous said...

@9:17 AM
Everyone knows that Frank Gonzalez AKA 124 is the one making up all these rumors and posting. Just go make your deliveries paper boy or (paper Bit**). Left the SO because he was no longer getting the special treatment from his daddies the Reynas and now complains about everything. Just enjoy your crap job in precint 4 Franky and forget about the SO.

Anonymous said...

The sheriff must be a complete dumb ass if he needs to get schooled by a valluco (1:25 PM) on how to run an investigation.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:32

lol u said it yourself lmaoooo (It happened years ago, people pay for their mistakes) JAJAJAJAJA there you go...

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you shoot a car with that gun if the car would sustain BULLET WOUNDS--- I wonder--

What do you think Frank

si o no

Anonymous said...

Did you put the signs that were donated from Mexico in your campaign finance report? Probably not. Thats how Lupe Trevino went down.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:15 AM

I don't think he should try. I doubt they'll fit in the campaign report.

Anonymous said...

Wow! So, Eric is going over the head of Gracia to kiss the cartel's ass? Remember Eric got a hefty campaign contribution from Gracia, who all that knew him was a cheap skate? And, Eric is giving money (maybe) to someone in Mexico to make his signs. Not even supporting a local business, pretty sad! I would venture to say that Eric has crossed the line and maybe become crooked? But, typical of the democrats here in Cameron County to vote for a lame public official. Eric only proved that he was an ass kisser, who doesn't have any idea how to run a law enforcement agency. Then, to bring back a lot of dead weight who never proved anything in law enforcement. The choices are not any better in the upcoming campaign? You have Ronnie Saenz who has a lucrative business wanting a title because supposedly the democrat party asked him to run? Jesus Rosas, who nobody knows even in law enforcement circles. Manuel Trevino, whose been in law enforcement for many years and known in the circle. But, unknown if he could turn things around? He has survived the politics in Primera, TX as police chief for over ten years? Maybe he is the choice? Either way the CCSO is a disgrace to this county and Eric has proven that all he is a model for uniforms and a lousy administrator in law enforcement!
