Thursday, November 16, 2023


By Rosa Flores and Sara Weisfeldt

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is expected to sign a bill that would make it a new state crime for entering Texas illegally and gives local law enforcement the power to arrest and order migrants to leave the United States, an extraordinary step in the hard-fought legal battle between the state and the federal government over its efforts to curtail illegal immigration.

The bill, SB4, which gives law enforcement the power to arrest migrants and grants judges the power to issue orders to remove violators to Mexico, has sent ripples of fear throughout the Latino community in Texas –- which makes up 40 percent of the state's population.

Civil rights organizations and immigration advocacy groups, including the ACLU of Texas, call the measure “anti-immigrant” and warn that the powers afforded to law enforcement will lead to racial profiling of Latinos, not just on the border but across the state.

The ACLU of Texas condemned the passage of the border bills and called it “some of the most radical anti-immigrant bills ever passed by any state” and threatened to sue Abbott if he signs SB4.

“Texans across the state have resoundingly opposed these bills from the beginning and we’re not backing down. If Gov. Abbott signs S.B. 4 (88-4) into law, we will sue,” Oni K. Blair, executive director of the ACLU of Texas, said in a statement Tuesday.

A group of 30 former immigration judges, who were appointed and served under both Republican and Democratic administrations, opposed the bill and said it’s unlawful.

“Immigration is plainly a federal function,” the former judges said in a statement. “The proposed Texas legislation, which would allow a state court magistrate judge to issue a removal order, is not lawful.”

When asked last week about possible concerns about the constitutionality of SB4 and possible legal challenges, Abbott said he wouldn’t be surprised if the legislation is challenged in the courts.

“I feel good about the bill that’s on a pathway to reach my desk showing once again, Texas is doing more than any state has ever done in the history of America to address Joe Biden’s open border policies,” the governor said.

The state House also passed SB3 Tuesday, which would appropriate $1.5 billion to build a border wall. It now heads back to the state Senate. Texas taxpayers would be footing between $20 and $30 million per mile of border wall, according to the floor discussion by lawmakers.

SB3 and SB4 were introduced last week after the Republican governor announced a fourth special legislative session with a focus on border security and education. The Texas Senate suspended its rules to swiftly move SB4 through the chamber in a matter of days.

The ongoing surge of migration at the US-Mexico border has placed immense pressure on local and federal resources. Abbott and the Biden administration have sparred over some of the state’s measures along the southern border in its latest effort to curb illegal immigration.

Democratic House members said the bill oversteps on the federal government’s powers and echoes Arizona’s immigration status provision which opponents dubbed the “show me your papers” law. The law was mostly rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2012 when it upheld that the federal government sets immigration policy and laws.

The Republican author of the bill maintains that the bill is constitutional.

At least one Texas Republican is also concerned about the constitutionality of the bill.

Texas state Sen. Brian Birdwell, a Republican and author of the previous version of SB4, expressed his opposition to the bill on the floor of the Senate last week. He said Texas was setting a “terrible precedent” by “invalidating our obedience and faithfulness to our Constitution” – which specifies that “all power and responsibility for immigration is delegated to the federal government.”

Tensions flared on the House floor when a previous version of this bill moved swiftly through the legislature late last month.

“The shit that happens on this goddamn floor hurts,” Democratic Texas state Rep. Armando Walle said in a video posted on social media by a Texas lawmaker.

Walle, a Mexican American lawmaker representing a predominantly Hispanic area of north Houston, issued a statement after the video circulated social media saying the legislation moving through the Texas legislature will put Latino families – including his family – in danger.

“This is an emotional issue. This affects my family and puts so many families like mine at risk. We come to the Texas House as lawmakers to advocate for our communities. To protect our people,” Walle said in a statement.


Anonymous said...

So what else is new in Texas. At the end of the day the Texas Taxpayers are the ones paying for all the migration disfunction. When we are paying for these preventable taxes, we must remember to give our thanks to ours so-called chingones assholes as Filemon Vela, Henry Cuellar, Vicente Gonzalez, Chuy Hinojosa, Sheila Jackson and many more Texas political leaders for allowing us to pay the price for their failures. The ACLU of Texas, the civil rights attorney should know that Texas is a "SOVEREGNTY" state. The Texas civil rights judges appointed by Texas and paid with Texas's taxpayers' monies, haven't got a stick to shit on. Governor Abbott runs Texas as a third world country, and there hasn't been any judgement by any judge who has taken him down. Texas immigration judges get the facts right, you were hired by Texas not the Federal Government. If Texas now turns on Homeland Security Mayorkas and blames him for all this overflow of ILLEGALS in Texas, you appointed Texas civil right judges haven't got shit. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

FCK greg abbott

Anonymous said...

guess the gov wants to tke matters into his owns hands since the BIDEN adm wont take care of business, btw what are other border states doing, new mexico, arizona, californaia, are they implementing the same laws? just asking. JBOND

Anonymous said...

El PAYA JERRY McHALE still saying you're the Number 3 blog writer in town, Juan - behind him and the loser Barton.

Fuck him, Montoya!

Anonymous said...

MORON Montoya...INVASION and IMMIGRATION are not the same thing. Your racist mindset and mentality won’t let you see the TRUTH. You are typical of the population in the Rio Grande Delta!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Abbott and DPS!

Anonymous said...

His legs may not work, but he has brass balls! Thank you Mr. Abbott!

Anonymous said...

Wondering how Janie Lopez voted on this bill

Anonymous said...

If you don't like our state please move out and find your happiness in either California or New York. Governor Abbott must be doing something right if numerous companies and people are moving to our state.

Anonymous said...

To you small minded individuals, illegal immigration is just that illegal. Immigration laws have existed for numerous years and with no problems. However, thanks to Biden with his open border policies Immigration has become a serious issue in this country. Every country has immigration policies, Why? Don't blame our great governor for the idiotic policies of the president you brainless Democrats voted into office. Biden will go down in history as the worse president of this country beating out Jimmy Carter by a long shot.

Anonymous said...

The Bucket is overflowing.

Anonymous said...

ABBOTT! ABBOTT! ABBOTT! If you don’t like it GTFO of Texas. All you fucking morons don’t worry, BETO will save you, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Armando Walle...not only are you UNPROFESSIONAL, you are just simply an IDIOT.

Anonymous said...

At least someone has the balls to stop the flow of illegals coming into this country that the demoturds have created, Like someone mentioned above, if you dont like Texas get the hell out, blame all the stupid people that fucked up and voted for Biden just cause they didn't like Trump.....

Anonymous said...

When you start pointing finger at who done the shit, take a good look at our so--called swamp ass political leaders, Chuy Hinojosa for starters, he has been a senator of decades, he represents district 20, which include Mcallen, Edinburg, Pharr, Mission and Corpus Christi, these are the red flagged illegal border entries. He was present during the Ken Paxton Impeachment hearing, he knows darn well how Corrupt Texas is run with him included. His district includes a convicted Sheriff Lupe Trevino, a convicted District Judge Rudy Delgado doing business with cons for favors and not to mention the Weslaco water issue. Chuy Hinojosa, like Mayorca, has derelict his duties as Tex. Senator and admits that the border crisis needs EFFECTIVE tending too. No shit. This is my opinion.

Anonymous said...

