Friday, November 17, 2023


AIM Editorial Board

The Texas Legislature has passed a bill that would enable local law enforcement agencies and courts to arrest suspected illegal immigrants and deport them to Mexico. Gov. Greg Abbott, who has clamored for stricter border policies in his calls for special sessions, is sure to sign it.

We can only hope that most local policing agencies think better of the measure and steer clear of enforcing it.

Senate Bill 4 makes illegal entry from a foreign country a misdemeanor and gives courts the power to drop the charges if the defendants agree to be deported to Mexico or another country. Refusal to accept deportation, however, automatically aggravates the charge to a felony, with prison terms that could be as long as 20 years.

Legal experts say the bill is unconstitutional. It is similar to an Arizona law that the Supreme Court invalidated in 2012, asserting that immigration is a federal issue and states can’t enforce federal laws. Some people believe, however, that this is a test case to see if the current court’s makeup will decide differently. Although most of the court’s current conservative majority said during their Senate confirmation hearings that they were constitutional traditionalists, in some key cases they have disregarded the wording of the document and previous rulings.

Lawmakers obviously know SB4 is problematic. They included provisions that if Mexico or another country refuses to accept the deportation, the immigrant can present that information to the trial judge, who can take it into consideration. The bill also grants asylum at schools, places of worship or facilities that provide services to people who are survivors of sexual violence. It does not, however, offer protections for children or victims of sexual or physical abuse, even though such abuse is a valid reason to receive refugee protections under federal and international law.

Allowing for Mexico’s rejection of deportation suggests that lawmakers know our southern neighbor has no reason, and probably no inclination, to be America’s dumping ground — especially since most migrants arriving at our borders at this time aren’t from Mexico; more likely they are from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, and increasingly from India, China and Cuba. In addition, a majority are asking for asylum. U.S. and international laws offer protections to refugees and they are not to be considered illegal entrants once their claims have been received.

SB4 is sure to face plenty of legal challenges, and any local law enforcement agency will become mired in that costly and cumbersome litigation. Moreover, police chiefs and sheriffs have long held that such enforcement actually makes their jobs harder, and our communities less safe, because victims and witnesses are less likely to report crimes if they fear that doing so will lead to their detention or deportation — even if they are legal residents.

Abbott and like-minded Republicans want to send a message against immigration with these kinds of efforts. The message has been received. Local agencies should leave it at that — and leave this troublesome legislation alone.


Anonymous said...

Here for the launch -

Watching my wife strip down in the car and wander the beach at sunset, pretty beach. Who knows where it is and where we are?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Gov. Abbott.

Anonymous said...

If the law is passed and the law enforcement agencies do not enforce the law, then we as Texas taxpayers should not pay taxes for the border wall, that our corrupt Texas political leaders sneaked in along with S.B.4. Our so-called Texas lawmakers sneaked in Senate Bill 3, MAKING THE TEXAS TAXPAYERS LEGAL CITIZENS TO PAY FOR THE BORDER WALL IN TEXAS. Governor Abbott has been running the state of Texas as if it was his personal interest. He was allowing his rich oil and gas buddies to fund and build the unauthorized border wall using their own monies, now it seems he wants the taxpayers to pay back his rich buddies by imposing us Legal citizens to pay them back with charging us taxes. TEXAS CONGRESSMAN HENRY CUELLAR, VICENTE GONZALEZ, FILEMON VELA, CHUY HINOJOS, AND SHIELA JACKSON SHOULD BE ASHAME OF WHAT CORRUPTION THEY CAUSED. The Border Wall is a FEDERAL ISSUE, not a SOVERENTY TEXAS ISSUE ONLY.THIS IS MY OPINION

Anonymous said...

Good job Gregg! Send these COCKROACHES back to wherever they came from!

Anonymous said...

Sime one has to control the mess the ass clown in the white house created, Thanks to all the dumbasses out there that voted for Biden....

Anonymous said...

The illegal immigration is out of control people. I love my fellow man, just as anyone does but, we have to have rules and regulations that help us do things correctly and properly. It is not good to have people come in and destroy our country because they don’t like the way things are done here. Not everyone that is migrating into the country wants to come and work and help grow this country. Think about it..

Anonymous said...

Illegals will never get anything from the Demonrats cause illegals are breaking United States Law.You break a law in Mexico you get locked up in some crappy prison.

Anonymous said...

Mexico needs to be held accountable for allowing people to pass by to go to USA lots of money has been given to Mexico what do they do with all that money illegals sleeping in tents in streets.All these Illegals have destroyed there country by giving the vote to corrupt governments now they come to destroy our country.
