Thursday, November 2, 2023


 Special to El Rrun-Rrun

After it was pointed out to the board members of the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation (BCIC) that their approval of the minutes for the August 23 meeting which erroneously stated that they voted unanimously to award former City of Brownsville mayor Trey Mendez and his business partner Ramiro Gonzalez  $33,000 for the old Coca Cola building, the board will consider approving amended minutes to show they had not.

The BCIC board will meet today at 5:30 p.m. at the eBridge Center for Business & Commercialization, 1304 E. Adams St. 
A video of the August 23 meeting confirmed that the minutes of the meeting were incorrect when they listed the $33,000 Business and Improvement Growth (BIG) grant to Urban 8 Properties LLC – a corporation owned buy former mayor Trey Mendez and his fellow managing agent Ramiro Gonzalez – as having been approved unanimously.

The tape shows that one board member – chairperson Jill Dominguez – was the lone "nay" vote. 
Once alerted to the error, chairperson Dominguez insisted the minutes be changed before they could be brought before the board for their approval. BCIC, by the way, does not broadcast its meetings. That will change as of February 1, 2024 when it and other boards will be required to broadcast their meetings after an agenda item proposed by city commissioner Roy De los Santos passed unanimously during the city commission meeting October 17.

And although the error was caught, the tape of the meeting was incredibly low-tech, with the board pictured in a tiny corner on the top right side and the rest of the screen taken up by the Power Point screen that covers more than 90 percent of the viewing area  making it extremely difficult to ascribe voices to the members or who is making the motions or how the they voted.

"It looks like the meeting was taped using a laptop camera much like the kids at the BISD used for distance learning during the pandemic," said a meeting participant. "It seems like the board doesn't want people to know what's going on in their meetings. This is amazing since earlier in the meeting they were talking about spending thousands of dollars to acquire high-tech hardware for the eBridge building."

BCIC Director of Business Development Nathan Burkhart had made a presentation early in the where he outlined the progress on the eBridge Center Project and reported that he was in the process of acquiring additional security cameras, access control systems, more locks, additional networking equipment, training room equipment, a sound-masking system, blueprint lab prototype space, and other high-tech (and expensive) equipment and software.

BCIC Director of Marketing and Communications Nelson Amaro gave members with a Power Point presentation using graphs which purported to show "social-media growth" for BCIC, StartUp Texas, eBridge, and Boarder (sic) and Sea. He stated he would be doing Success Stories for all BCIC programs and an "Impact Map" showing the corporation was doing Quality-of-Life projects.

But even thought BCIC counsel Deborah Goetz, of Atlas, Hall and Rodriguez, was present virtually, and City of Brownsville Chief Finance Officer Micheal Delmore and his assistant Salvador Villalpando were in attendance in person and were in agreement (as per BCIC guidelines) that the BIG grants would be limited to $25,000 per applicant, Abusalim made the motion to give Mendez and Gonzalez their request for $45,000.

When he was informed that the BIG fund would be depleted, he made the motion to grant them $33,000 instead so that the fund would not be zeroed out.

Macias then seconded the motion and the rest of the board – with the exception of Dominguez – voted to ignore their own grant limit of $25,000 and give the former mayor $8,000 more for the fire suppression system installed at their building at 1018 E. Washington Street (the old Coca Cola Building).

"Why have rules if you are going to ignore them even when your legal counsel and  the city's Finance CEO are present and watching?," asked a meeting participant. "The board members apparently think that they can do as they wish regardless."

There was, however, one chink in the armor of BCIC CEO Cori Peña. After emerging from executive session, members voted on extending her contract for another year until September 30, 2024. The minutes (if correct) show that board member and United Way CEO Traci Wickett made the motion seconded by Zoraima Diaz. Mark Horowitz voted against and Abusalim abstained. With a city audit being performed on the BCIC's finances and procurement process, are storm clouds gathering in her horizon?


Anonymous said...

It could be a million and still nobody would say anything, not even the gringos who started all these thievery. Learned from the best in the universe.
Lets just shut da f... up and keep voting all these RATAS into a position of future riches.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville police: Pastor caught on camera spray-painting anti-Muslim messages
If you run a paper and print anti whatever messages will the cops arrest your ass? If you take a picture of an anti something message and than paste it on a wall is it illegal? is the first amendment still in effect? OH NOT HERE WE ARE EXCLUDED, oh ok.....gracias.....

Anonymous said...

So bottom line, all this Yada Yada Yada is about the correction of the minutes NOT THE FACT that the $33,000 grant was still gifted to the “blood sucking vampires “. All this ink being wasted and yet the cruel fact remains that the BCIC continúes to be the ATM for the rich!! Totally shameful

Anonymous said...

Two Days of Israeli Airstrikes Leave Vast Destruction in Gaza Neighborhood
Pendejos what you expect gifts from the jews?

Anonymous said...

Linda Macias and her husband are a bunch of losers tying to broker deals from every vedor in the City of Brownville. If you think they are the in love couple, they are in their minds.... the go to people for contracts with the City.

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk

Nov 1
The scale of illegal immigration across the US southern border is staggering

Now he wants to control immigration. He's destroying boca chica and he wants to destroy immigration. Pinches enanos you brought him over here bola de mamones...

Anonymous said...

Money for nothing and chicks for free, only in brownsville well not cameron and hidalgo county everywhere RATAS ARE US, etc etc etc

Anonymous said...

Linda macias voted in favor of ignoring the rules and forgets how she campaigned to be off Bcic and here we are

friends in high places

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics. FACT.

Anonymous said...

The problem with most of the people in this organization is that they don't respect our community. They pretty much follow the disgusting examples of our County, City , Bisd, TSC and
nepo-PUB/Port's big ego's. All of you are supposed to be leaders, but your ego's continue to get in the way.
Is "Maquinita-Mural Buster Saenz" so blind by looking the other way that nothing is done or doesn't bring someone to investigate so many disturbing things that have happened in the city and county? ( Or does he have too many friends in these groups ?) Their motto is "Getting rich with other people's money and I can get away with it "! Their EGO'S have so blinded them from making ethical decisions. However, thanks to the one's who are making right decisions for the people you are supposed to represent.

Anonymous said...

Funny how they get rid of Graham and put his friends (Mark and Murad) in his place. It’s all about who you know.
