Friday, November 3, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: Who is watching the store over at the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation? The $1.1 million they approved for "quality-of-life" projects includes these two bathrooms with a price tag of $1,102,730. We are willing to venture that the original park buildings there didn't cost as much, even with bathrooms included. With the $1.1 million you could build at least 10 homes at $100,000 each in the Southmost or Las Prietas area with the bathrooms included. 

Is it just us, or is this just another ridiculously expensive proposal passed by a board who is used to wheel and deal in obscurity using OPM [Other People's Money]? 

Suppose you're a contractor and you see that the amounts are being approved by the BCIC board before even going out for bids. What bid would you place on the contract? If they're willing to pay that kind of moolah for the bathrooms, hell, let's approximate it then. If you are a member of the public, you have  60 days to comment on this hemorrhaging of your money by this bunch).


Anonymous said...

I keep saying get rid of Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation. Why do we really need it? Don't we have enough idiots at the city that can do that work.

Anonymous said...

Why would Southmost rate, Juan?

Just because they are poor. Southmost's contribution to the city's tax revenue is woeful! They get water and electricity, ese!!! And you know it.


Anonymous said...

The cost is excessive. Were there bids? Why wasn't the public advised? What will the cost of maintenance be? Did city maintenance personnel build these toilets? You mentioned toilet paper. If toilet paper is provided it will only be stolen. Did these idiots think about a pay toilet? Please advise as to those politicians involved so we can get rid of these thieves at the polls.

Anonymous said...

I can do that project for 100,000 dollars for two outhouses and save on water and toilet paper. Project can be done in one day. My people are are already on the job site, please have check or cash on hand. Need to pay my Mexican workers their 10 dollars pay for the day.

Anonymous said...

Sadly was atvthe brownsville sport park this week. They have a giant scoreboard. Sure they over paid for it by thousands. However the issue is there were many kids
Between 9 and 13 years old approximately kicking soccer balls at the scoreboard. The scoreboard is missing big chunks of paint and who knows if it works or is even used. More appalling were the droves of parents and coached who said nothing. In addition there were no park employees in sight to stop the abuse of the scoreboard. Very very disheartening.

Anonymous said...

Progress costs money, Montoya. You're still living in 1969, ese.

$1 million isn't what it used to be.


Anonymous said...

And it continues. How much more does the Brownsville citizenship have to put up with this abuse???? Is there no one that can put a stop to this ???

Anonymous said...

Wtf! Are they gold Trump gold toilets something smells really fishy

Anonymous said...

I'm going to shit on the floor entrance.
And light it up with butane. Yeah baby!
That smell will cost 600,000.00. To clean.

Anonymous said...

Zeke, the city is replacing 50-year old bathrooms, and they're built to be indestructible to vandalism and the elements. No home builder is tearing down old homes to build new ones that are bulletproof like these bathrooms. Who vandalizes their own home? Don't forget they need to uproot the old utilities and replace them. And the contractor needs to work around all the kids and take extra precautions. Besides, it's an estimate. Better to over estimate and not need the money. At the end of the day, the city is providing a much needed facility in heavily used parks. Otherwise, our kids will continue peeing behind the trees.

Anonymous said...

It's a new dumping device it can separate frijoles dumping from ribeye steak and oysters dumping, very useful device. None are schedule for the southmost area, I wonder why???

Anonymous said...

Look at the restroom at the jettis.
Same one from the 70s.
Let it be old.

Change toilet and sink only. Stainless steel.
And a paint job.
2,000.00 dollars.

Now with the rest of the money. Fix POTHOLES and drainage system all over Brownsville.

Anonymous said...

A cagar, a cagar, vamos todos a cagar...

Anonymous said...

7:15 you have seen it with your own eyes. Your account is just another one added to the long list of stories that pertain to the ETERNAL MONEY PIT that is the sports park. From its inception until now it has always been a waste of tax payer money. Yes it has been sporadically been used for certain sporting events once in a while , and some people use it to walk, jog or play with their kids. But the magic word here is “sporadically “. Once the founding elected officials got what they wanted($$) from its construction they forgot about it. Perfect example of the ridiculous planning of this complex was the addition of “the hurricane dome” that built on the property. Whose idea was this?? This DOME should have been built in the heart of Brownsville for the use by the citizens who really would need it in case of a hurricane/storm. People whose homes would probably not make it. And how would they be able to gather their children/ elderly in the middle of the night and travel all the way to the sports park( most of them with no transportation) . We have been lucky that we haven’t needed those type of facilities but its just an example of how these officials only think of themselves and not their constituents. Time and time again its all about pet projects and other useless projects, but hey its ok ITS ONLY TAXPAYER MONEY !!!!

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics.

Anonymous said...

Zeke if you’re going to complain then go build it yourself …. Do it for community service, don’t act like you’re a giver either, you’ve taken more than most and you know it. Roasted house has taken how much from BCIC? Then miraculously you open up a shop in the court house? I still remember when Elizondo was fire chief, he would tell us you would tell him to tell us firefighters to go get snacks and coffee at your shop, he would shove it down our throat about going there, glad we never bought into that BS.

A Brownsville Fireman

Anonymous said...

2:46 maybe Zeke ( the flounder) Silva has a hidden talent we don’t know about.Wink wink. He seems to get what he wants from BCIC and now the courthouse gig?? Makes you wonder . Are those bathrooms being planned come with an attendant to wipe our ass and handout the handsoap and cologne?? Cause, at a price tag of a million plus , you would expect that and more!!! Rampant abuse at BCIC and the DA no where in sight !!!!

Anonymous said...

Why do downtown restaurants are still allowed to keep the parking spots for take out orders? Covid19 is long gone but these money hungry people still want to suck the taxpayers monies by not feeding the meters. Something is terrible wrong with Brownsville politics, way too much favoritism especially for the business people from Matamoros.

Anonymous said...

RATAS. Ratas. Ratas. Las politiqueras y los mensos que continĂșan poniendo esas ratas en los cabildos.

Anonymous said...

12:35 PM: It's NOT tax payer money, these funds are not the taxes you pay on your house, that is completely something different. This is SALES tax money, where 1/2 of a penny of every sales tax (i.e. buying shoes at the mall, shopping at Wal-Mart, etc.) funds our city branched corporations BCIC AND GBIC. BCIC is to fund quality of life, read their mission statement, and GBIC is to attract business, corporations, or bring jobs to our market. A project like this falls under quality of life hence why BCIC is taking this project under their wing.

Anonymous said...

3:30 I know it doesn’t come from property taxes, but its still a tax (sales) that we pay out of our pocket when we buy something and is being used or abused for extravagant projects. That money should be put to good use and not spent like if it were peanuts. In the end, we the taxpayer(citizens) are seeing our tax monies ( regardless of where there coming from) being wasted/spent on pet projects and other useless/ overly expensive projects. Furthermore, if we pay attention to all the stories/ rumors printed, BCIC,GBIC and “quality of life” don't belong in the same sentence. If all the stories are true , it seems to me their mission statement should be: “ to make the rich , richer”.

Anonymous said...

Designer restroom:

entrance: sofa, chairs, tables and lamps.

Ambience: aromas of vanilla

Restrooms: equipped with WI FI, mexican tile, etc, arches,

Security: a code to enter and exit, cameras in the lobby area, plus screens for all to see when they enter and exit the restroom.

Upgrade: every 4 years
