Sunday, November 12, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It took nearly a month, but after getting support from fellow Brownsville Independent School District board member Frank Ortiz, Carlos Elizondo was able to place an item on the board's agenda for Tuesday's rescheduled regular meeting to determine whether a majority will approve an investigation into alleged influence peddling against fellow board member Eddie Garcia.

The agenda item provides no back up to the alleged offense – Garcia reportedly using his influence as a board member to get a Food and Nutrition Services Department employee, a woman, a promotion within the department outside of the regular process.

It is, in a way, a tit-for-tat because it was Garcia and BISD board president Jessica Gonzalez who placed an item on the October 3 regular meeting's agenda to censure Elizondo for being rude and insulting toward the chair and denigrating a consultant speaking before the board. In that vote, a majority made up of Garcia, Gonzalez, Daniella Lopez-Valdez, and Denise Garza voted to censure Elizondo. Elizondo was supported by a minority made up of Ortiz and Minerva Peña. 

Elizondo had been trying to place the item on the agenda since October 13, but it took  board member  support from Ortiz before president Gonzalez placed it on Tuesday's meeting agenda. Under local board policy, a member is allowed to place one item on the agenda per month.

This is not the first time that Garcia has been the object of accusations involving alleged influence peddling involving the woman. In a past social media posting, none other than Frankie Olivo, who ran an unsuccessful campaign for the BISD board, said another woman who used to work at FNS had provided him with proof – emails and photos – that he said showed that the woman had been in an improper relationship with Garcia. 

The woman, who later moved from the BISD to the Cameron County Auditor's office, had allegedly shared the incriminating evidence and was willing to share it on Olivo's podcast. Olivo claimed that she got angry when Garcia could not deliver on getting her job back with the BISD.

Garcia at that time, an now, has denied any improper involvement with that employee and said she was willing to speak to the media about the alleged relationship to deny any suggestion of  impropriety.

"It is political," he countered. "I have nothing to worry about. There's nothing to worry about."

The identity of the woman covered by the agenda item on Tuesday's meeting, is unknown.

But talk about throwing stones while living in a glass house. Olivo was himself indicted and pleaded guilty to sending unsolicited pictures of his private parts and suggestive texts to  the secretary of a local attorney when he was a court administrator for 404th District Judge Elia Cornejo-Lopez. 

In that case, in 2018, he was charged with stalking and sexual harassment. The victim was a married woman and a mom. At the time, Olivo controlled the administration of a district court, a position of the highest sobriety and responsibility. Officers arrested him hauled him off for booking following the issuance of the indictment by a grand jury.

He was given pre-trial diversion where the state agrees to remove the defendant from the ordinary channels of prosecution so that he may complete certain conditions. Once the defendant met the conditions, either the prosecutor or the court will dismiss the charges.

And Elizondo, of course, has had several brushes with the law. As a former Brownsville Fire Department Chief, he had theft charges filed against him way back in 2002 after he reportedly stole a $1,500 wheelchair which were dismissed after he paid restitution. His lawyer was court-appointed Armando Villalobos before he himself was nailed for corruption and sent to the pokey. The case was before 404th District Judge Abel Limas, who also served time for judicial corruption.

Elizondo was found not guilty Sept. 18, 2019 of computer security breach of the Brownsville Fire Department emergency reporting system. The following October District Judge Benjamin Euresti of the 107th state District Court granted Elizondo's motion for an expunction from the record of all the offenses of which he was acquitted. The courts and state agencies were ordered to remove any records of the charges or release them to the public.

But he's not out of the monte yet. He is still awaiting trial on felony theft which charges him with one count of theft by a public servant and one count of misapplication of fiduciary property for allegedly stealing money from the Firefighters union. 

On at least one occasion he was said to have paid the filing fee for fellow BISD trustee Minerva Peña's bid to run for a justice of the peace office with union funds.

He also played a role in releasing secretly recorded audio tapes where a former city commissioner used the "N" word toward two Cameron County Assistant District Attorneys. At the time, Elizondo was the target of an audit to determine whether he had committed any wrongdoings in relation to the city's ambulance system to steer clients to a private ambulance firm with which he had a personal connections. 

Peña, of course, has had her own troubles. She was censured by the board for  alleged nepotism as a result of her appointing or voting for the appointment of her late daughter-in-law to a teaching position at Veterans Memorial Early College High School between June and August 2021. When given a choice between stepping down from the board or having her daughter-in-law terminated, Peña opted to stay on the board and her daughter-in-law resigned. The woman later committed suicide and the trial court's ruling to quash the indictment was upheld by the 13th Court of Appeals.

 And a challenge to her 2020 election is still making its way through the courts. This past Friday the Texas Supreme Court voided her election in 2020 and ordered the BISD to hold a new election.

Of course, there are always political aspects to anything that happens in this city. Garcia is one of several candidates for the Cameron County Tax Assessor-Collector's Office now held by Tony Yzaguirre, who has held it for the better part of three decades (almost 30 years). The Democratic Party primary will determine the party's candidate and will be held in March, only about four months from now.

The ball is now on the BISD board's court. If a majority votes against the investigation, will it appear like they are trying to cover up inappropriate behavior by one of its members? And if a majority of the board approves the investigation and hires an outside investigator to determine if there is anything there, will it influence the outcome of the primary and derail Garcia's candidacy?


Anonymous said...

investigate why you put the pay raise again FOR VOTE, when the governor had already approved one? INVESTIGATE YOUR ASSES MAMONES RATAS!!!

Anonymous said...

Crabs in a bucket

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The power of that Jelly Roll

Anonymous said...

You got to be kidding me? You have two crooks wanting to investigate Eddie Garcia for using his influence for an employee? BISD board has always had crooks and pedophile loving voted into the board. Are these two idiots doing this for crook, tony yzaguirre' benefit? BISD has a history of doing crooked things! So, what is the difference?

Anonymous said...

Take a good look at the entire Corrupt set-up Cameron Judicial System
in favor of this corrupt thief Carlos Elizondo. Check out all the corrupt judges involved in his cases, Abel Limas, Arturo Nelson, Benjamin Uresti, the expunction happy judge. Armando Villalobos, Eddie Lucio, Noe Gonzales, all covering up for this thief, Carlos Elizondo. But we must not forget to give credit to the former district clerk Aurora de la Garza and Eric Garza for making sure the expunction did away with all incriminating evidence destroyed against this thief. No wonder Eric Garza got blessed with the sheriff position as a blessing for all the corrupt cover-ups. This corrupt judicial system was set-up by our so-called historic corrupt leaders such as Charles Stillman, Mifflin Kennedy, Richard King and many more who used the Cameron County Judicial System to steal large Texas land grants from the true heirs such as Juan Cortina, and the Narciso Cavazos heirs, the dist. clerk was Yturria who made sure the deeds to these land grants were ignored or destroyed.

Anonymous said...

Just what we expected when we voted for some of these idiots. Get things going and do your job honestly and for the children of BISD. All we ever hear about, thanks to El Rrun Rrun, is the corruption that these so-called dedicated citizens are involved with. Let's get down to working on finding a way to get a new superintendent who will come in and do her job as expected and will not be afraid to go against individual board members who want to
micromanage the district and all those who sell things to the district and get priority due to the amount of pay back or should i say, Kickback?

BISD taxpayer said...

Will Eddie Garcia be there at the meeting because he's having too much cinnamon roll with cream in bed

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica sugar daddy left now what you going to do now

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Carlos

Anonymous said...

The entire BISD board, administrators, teachers, staff, clerks, BISD police, cafeteria staff, the entire school system is corrupt. Money and more money is running wild. This education system is a joke, just like the rest of Cameron County.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone in the media even asked the D.A. why Elizondo has a theft charge pending for such a long time?

Anonymous said...

if the EdGar has nothing to hide, then he would welcome an investigation. Were they complaints made via texts/emails? IF SO, were they trying to cover this up for awhile? Intriguing minds would like to know....

el de la Cunningham

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the BISD board of trustees is a cesspool. All the ones mentioned in the article have some sort of shady/nefarious past. Aren’t we so lucky?? Funny how all these trustees past indiscretions are so well documented and yet they continue to get voted in and/or re-elected. This is more like a dysfunctional family at each other’s throats. Hey Ms Jessica, i bet your boy, ex-sup Gutierrez is laughing all the way to the bank , happy to have left all you losers in the rear view mirror. As far as those women mentioned with Eddie Garcia, they must be really desperate to get involved with a troll/elf looking dude. NASTY!!!

Anonymous said...

The games have started. Unfortunately it is the students and tax payers who pay the price.

Anonymous said...

What an example to the students is this the best choice what a corrupt X cup and board president

Anonymous said...

Eddie Garcia thinks he's above the law as a school board member thinks he could do whatever sure not voting for him for Cameron County tax Assessor

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the impartial and objective narrative (eye rolling). There is so much more to the story; however, the soon to be ex-superintendent, select Board Member(s), and top District Administrators are themselves exacting pressure to squash the story. Why doesn’t anyone speak to the individuals/employees in FNS who have first hand knowledge? Because the truth will be told and the District would rather protect unethical and illegal behavior than protect the very employees affected by this ordeal. Facts of the matter are: there was an illicit affair, incessant pressure to hire this unqualified employee, threats by Eddie Garcia towards FNS employees, coverups by Dr. Rene Gutierrez, and nefarious behavior by the employee herself. Here’s a novel idea: Protect the employees of the District instead of trying to silence them. And as per the female employee in question, she herself proudly boasted that Eddie Garcia was able to bully the proprietor of this blog to not publish a story exposing the inappropriate behavior between Eddie Garcia and the ex-FNS Department secretary.

Anonymous said...

Prayers to the board member and his family being targeted by dirty politics justice will prevail unbelievable how people forget what previous board member(s) did and left the district in a mess!!!!!!!!and they themselves did exactly what apparently this board member is wrongly being accused We need board members who are true to students education teachers not for their political agendas and because they are not in control/power as they were before????

Anonymous said...

What is good for the goose, should be good for the gander. Regretfully, this has not been the case. Elizondo's situation should have been handled in closed session. The majority chose otherwise and now, the same approach should be utilized. I don't like it but fair is faire.

Anonymous said...

Juan this is not something new, it has always been this way, you help a candidate and in return you get a job for you or one of your family members or a friend, it works the same at the city or county porque se asan PENDEJOS. Juan Just ask any elected official if he has ever help some one yes or no. Just ask your compadre the county tax assessor collector Tony Yzaguirre, in the 30 years he has been re-elected many times if he has helped any one? ME VISTES, tony favorite saying. Eddie dont worry be happy and keep on trucking, if anything make Tony Y spend some money for his re-election baby, cha ching cha ching. chon

Anonymous said...

His sister Gabby Garcia is just as corrupt as a judge.

Anonymous said...

Where is his Judge sister to defend him? The Judge is married to a convicted felon and drug trafficker. Juan, is she paying you to keep her ex-con hubby out of the spotlight. Eddie “the elf” is just as unethical by having an affair with a BISD employee. Where is the DA?

Anonymous said...

What? PANOECHARTE mentiras…the Judge is married to a convicted Drug trafficking felon? Check it out Juanito.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Six years ago and the case against Elizondo is still pending. These are serious allegations of taking money from his fellow firefighter brothers.

If he did this then, what is he capable of? Just wondering what he did while he was last a board member at BISD. Just one contract to look at would be the led lighting contract. That can be the beginning, just saying! Looks like he's unhappy as he has not been able to fulfill promises made. They're now asking for their return to include positions for votes!

You can fill in the blanks, "Once a _ _ _ _ Always A _ _ _ _".

Anonymous said...

I see no one talking about students, academic performance, curriculum and instruction, budget issues, teachers and staff, Etc. Sigh…..and the beat goes on.

Anonymous said...

How can Olivo get himself involved in this mess if he knows he was involved in a mess himself. He sent nude pictures to female that did not welcome it. He used his position to try to get in her pants. This man still has the guts to run for office, and be a public figure. IDIOT.
un PENDEJO completo.

Anonymous said...

EdGar throwing ppl dirt doesn’t change the fact that you messed up. It seems as if your political career is over, chale

Anonymous said...

Olivo, Elizondo,Peña, Garcia(including the sister ), and the rest of the board are all rotten to the core. Some for allegedly committing the crimes and the others for allowing them to do so. They all have hidden agendas and they are all gonna run cover for each other. They have no choice. Thats just the culture at these entities. Year in and year out. If you are honest and trustworthy, need not apply!!! They are a disgrace and an embarrassment to the community.

Anonymous said...

November 13, 2023 at 11:49 AM

Excellent point. If the School Board talked about academics, sports, health, reading, writing, skills, ...the parents would send their kids to BISD.

Now the students go to Harmony, Idea, Promesa, etc

Anonymous said...

This is a prime example of what happens when stupid people vote for stupid people!!!!

Anonymous said...

A la Rata Pelona y a su vieja la avaricia se les ve en la cara.

Anonymous said...

@el de la Cunningham, November 12, 2023 at 4:23 PM. There was and continues to be a coverup. But guess what? No one cares to investigate the inappropriate behavior and tomorrow night, the majority four (4) will once again sweep Eddie Garcia’s indiscretions under the rug. He was basically exchanging sex for promises. Ugh. 😣

Anonymous said...

Did we forget of Mr. Ortiz and his visits to 1801 Central Blvd?

Plus, his past history at BISD?

Carlos y Ortiz como se dice son 💩 y uña.

Well this ain't NO Little Saint. Stay tuned for more in due time!

Board should be focusing on students!

Anonymous said...

Board needs to spend more time on students needs instead of attacking each other. This last election of board members has been a nightmare. All you see are personal agendas instead of focusing on the district/students. Voted for the WRONG CANDIDATES! Previous board had their issues, but still managed to get things done. We can only hope things will get better!

Anonymous said...

Gabby Garcia husband, Juan is Antonio Yzaguirre cousin. Even in his old age Yzaguirre always finds was to screw you.

Anonymous said...

1801 Central Blv. Gran Mancion Hotel. Did Ortiz take you there or did one of your loved ones go with him? Ese lugar se mira bien pulgoso. BTW I Googled the address.

Anonymous said...

So nobody wants to say the truth. Eddie Garcia fucked 2 different women in exchange for jobs. Now that is a crime that can't be overlooked. Let's say that it is a lie (which isn't) but lets just say it, he now needs the truth to come out. If he has nothing to hide, then he should vote for the investiagation. The information is out there. There is hundreds of emails back and forth from Eddie Garcia and BISD staff demanding answers as to why his mistresses were not hired when the Super Intedents said to do it? He denied other departments to hire people when his loose ass women were not hired. He thinks the fucked him becasue women love men in uniform and power.

If Denis Garza starts with No, it is because her husband is also a law enforcement officer and did the same thing. Now Denis, her husband are BFF drkining together every opportunity they can. It is not to help the staff nor students, it is how to get kick backs from contractors. I mean, for crying out loud, they are law enforcement officers, who would suspect them right?

Jessica Gonzalez it too stupid to do anything anyway. She hates Carlos and she is just a vote. None of them will support her on her re-eletion. She is just being used. She is to stupid to realize it.

Everyone gets busted, just look at Trump.

Anonymous said...

BISD’s dirty laundry for all to see!! What a disgrace. Where are the TEA investigators that went to Donna and La Joya ISD’s. Where is our lazy DA? According to articles there’s talk of bribes/under the table deals with contractors etc with tax payer money$$ ?? Makes you wonder what else or what other deals are being made ?? And as far as those accusations of sexual nature, doesn’t the board have a code of ethics?? Is this the example/message the so called “ leaders “ want to send to the community and the children ??? IS THIS BEHAVIOR ACCEPTABLE?? If all these stories and rumors are true, what an embarrassment for the district. All those involved should resign and if any laws were broken they should be arrested!!

Anonymous said...

Well, the majority has voted not to investigate Eddie ! Ladies and Eddie wouldn't you be curious or upset if your significant other cheated on you and gave someone benefits at our expense ? Eddie, the district is not your domain to accommodate your movidas! Que te crees? We all pay taxes and you used my taxes and others to use our district as your playground ! This makes all of you look really bad !

Anonymous said...

So investigate Frank and Carlos too. Frank meets up with a lady at the Flamingo Hotel next to El piquin. Carlos has a chick at purchasing who gives him info about contracts. All of this is facts, but I guess these men were voted to disrupt and cause issues. Frank is constantly complaining about money being spent, yet he wants to conduct an investigation. Frank, do you not know that certain funds can only be used a certain way? Not all money can be used for teacher salaries. You are constantly undermining the top admin, yet I guess you forgot how the budget works. Carlos made promises on contracts and has not been able to fulfill these promises, so he is upset that he is not making money. Frank, Minerva, and Carlos, your AOBE and Maggie supporters are just a few of your supporters the rest of the community is not on your side. People regret voting these two idiots in. Did Frank give his compadre Randy Park from the graduation center a contract? These three are pieces of shit, and I hope the 4 use this to bring the 3 idiots down, but possibly not cause they are the only ones moving our district forward.

Anonymous said...

Pura pinche rata de dos patas en Brownsville politics.
