Friday, November 3, 2023



Anonymous said...

Cameron County Sheriff’s Department receives new unit!!!


mochis, kickbacks, raqetas, mordidas, scratch my back???? just wondering das al.



Y COSTO? don't want to blow your mind so its a BIG SECRET. not to worry is came out of your property taxes.


Anonymous said...

First off this editorial is full of incorrect info and straight up misinformation. That kid did make that threat. There’s more info that what is available. Bisd cannot control what Cameron county juvenile does. Body cam was activated way before. This mother has been a huge problem for everyone. She loves to play the victim for everything. Her son needs help but if you say you gonna kill someone it doesn’t matter they are going to accept you into juvenile. And the handcuffing age thing is only for administrative duties not criminal. Maybe the journalist should read a bit more. Besides this involves a juvenile so no judge will release any info.

Anonymous said...

Where was the counselor and the nurse at the time he felt frustrated when being bullied. Why was the teacher not included.
Principal thinks she knows it all. And does not want to hear problems. Just collect a check.
She will be transfered.
Is she myrta Ayala?
If so control freak like her mother.

Poor kid.
He should have sent him home so he could calm down.
You sent him to jail rather than address his concerns.
Where was the counselor?

Anonymous said...

Obvious signs of mental health issues even high academic achieving students are not exempt
Bereavement tends to set mental health issue patients off
Very credible he made threats to others or himself
Parents get the help.stop being in denial
Administration thanks for protecting the other 900 students
E dicho

Anonymous said...

He needs school choice so that poor school administrators and teachers can hopefully improve their behavior.

Anonymous said...

Is the same principal that has allowed former staff to bully board members and top admin? No one feels sorry for you, Myrta! Karma is a bitch!! Remember when you wished terrible things happen to your husband's former mistress. You asked for “prayer,” but really, you wanted people to pray bad stuff happen to the young lady he was with. You are not a good person! No wonder Canales/Longoria had shitty staff. They followed their shitty leader. Original Canales staff are happy you are gone!

Anonymous said...

all they think about is HOW to get a pay increase (payraise) I'll give ya al a clue "WORK"!!! STOP THINKING ABOUT LAS VEGAS AND WOIK

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't expect anything less! BISD discriminates when it comes to students with special needs! That principal is just like her sister Marisol Ayala. For the Ayala family it's about control! They roam around all BISD thinking they own it!

BobbyWC said...

About 15 years ago I worked on a similar case. The principal immediately called the parents. The parents took him to the doctor for help. He got the help he needed. BISD administrators in special needs were a complete obstacle until the state forced their hand.

This is why when we were electing a judge for the juvenile court, I was so adamant we elect someone who understand the underlying issues with children.

These parents were lucky that the principal called them.

Upon complete medical examination it turned out he had a neurological disorder caused in utero.

BISD has a lot of good programs, which this kid proved through his awards, good teachers and good administrators, but the person who chimed in for BISD should not be allowed around children.

This case was a complete failure by BISD.

Bobby WC

Anonymous said...

Our public schools are run by LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE MORONS, DemocRATS. These Administrators have no life experience, have never lived anywhere else other than the Rio Grande Delta, and have never served their country in one if the branches of the military. They have a Mexican mentality and are only Americans on paper. might as well be in Matamoros! You need to get your kids out of the cesspool of schools in Brownsville and home school them.

Anonymous said...

Is it solitary?
Or protected custody for suicidal people with padded walls?


Anonymous said...

The child needs emotional. His mother probably needs emotional help as well. Believable that Myrta Ayala Garza is just there for the pay check. The name of the Ayala game is blame everyone else and wiggle your way out of the responsibility.

Anonymous said...

BISD will pay he family, transfer the principal to the glass palace and bury this.
Sad story.
Even worse, people defending the actions of the principal and the Police officers. It was wrong period.
Principal, the police officer, and the chief made the wrong call and arrest this student. If student said kill, they are to investigate, if he said shoot her, is there a gun, if he said cut her, is there a knife, if he said drown her, was he in possession of a water jug. They extremely overreacted. BISD police with no arrest experience throws the book at the good students but allows the bad ones to run the schools because they are afraid of them.

Anonymous said...

The Principal is an obvious RACIST...” we can’t have White kids questioning a Mexican Administrator.” Too bad you don’t have more White kids in your school; your State test scores would be much HIGHER!

Anonymous said...

Here we go again DEMOCRATS/REPUBLICANS ???? What does that have to do with the issue at hand. Its about having idiotic, clueless, self serving leadership at our educational institutions. Mental health is a global crisis that needs attention now!!! This is a perfect example how our local mental health “experts” and supporting staff are dropping the ball. Hoping this incident as well as others that may exist are resolved effectively for the sake of those involved. Good luck

Anonymous said...

People shouldn't procreate after a certain age

Anonymous said...

The family needs to hire legal counsel if they haven't already. If after a thorough investigation this case turns out to have been handled incorrectly everyone involved needs to be held accountable. That includes not only BISD staff, but staff at the Juvenile Justice Department and Brownsville Police Department. No reprimands or transfers. That's a pile of BS! When you mess up, guess what? You get fired. Solitary confinement for three days? Was this youth caring some type of explosive? Covid? Shit everyone at the District has COVID. What a cop-out. Bottom line this youth did not get the help he needed. Maybe this is why our governor is pushing for school choice. BISD is an institution that for a long time has needed to be dismantled along with TEA!

Anonymous said...

John Shergold is the BEST Education Attorney in the region. I am encouraging the family of this young man to give him a call. He’s a real bulldozer! He don’t play....

Anonymous said...

This lady is being protected by Frank Ortiz, Minerva Pena, and Carlos La Rata Elizondo. Word is they are making their calls to protect her. Shame on these three who cover this woman! Hopefully, the others demand answers! Remember Eddie Garcia, Daniella Lopez, Denise Garza, and Jessica Gonzalez. This woman had an “army” working against you. Go after her like she has done to others. Why hasn't Lesbo Maggie posted about this? Because Maggie only posts one-sided shit, and Mytra has been the leak all along, sharing info from Admin Meetings. Let's continue to blast this woman and those who protect her. Show no mercy for this woman who has no business being a principal. Only Became principal has a favor to her mother from board members.

Anonymous said...

How long did BISD think they could cover up this injustice? The disrespect the principal showed is ghastly and demonstrates how little she cares for the wellbeing of the students. He seems to have been blatantly harassed by her. The student's civil rights were extremely violated. the administration and BISD police did not follow the rules of the law. Obviously there was no threat assessment conducted. She was irked because she was on a growth plan and the obvious fact that the student is of higher intelligence than her. His requests to speak to a counselor were ignored. Every student should have access to a counselor. Is he under the special ed or 504 umbrella? BISD wants more money from tax payers to supposedly pays teachers and staff more. They need to get their shit together before that happens. Myrta needs to be investigated by an outside source. They've covered up her misdeeds for too long.

Anonymous said...

“Legacy”????? A very NEGATIvE and AUTHORITARIAN one. I wouldn’t name a school after anyone of those ladies.

Anonymous said...

This is a case of a student being bullied and the bully claims to be the victim. The bully in this case was the principal. BISD has strict codes against bullying. Timothy was at a loss because the bully was the person that should have guarded and assured that the help he was requesting be provided to him. Theres no excuse for her behavior. He had made an outcry for help and was instead harassed and bullied for having the insight to put in writing his need for help and clarification. He went to the person that he thought would help him and instead it backfired on him. He wasn't expecting an evil doer to instigate against him. Theres an apology here. The child predator is usually someone the child trusts. He put his trust in the principal ( a person of authority and trust). Who ultimately betrayed him. She should be banned from being around children for the rest of her life . BISD claims to being committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for all. They instead shielded the perpetrator allowing her to continue her evil acts towards children.

Anonymous said...

@10:30am Yes, Principal is Myrta Ayala Garza, daughter of ex BISD Mini Terror, Rachel Ayala. Sister of Marisol Ayala Principal at Pace and little Rachel Ayala, Principal at BECHS. Juan, all of these Ayala's are horrible. The Mother Rachel Ayala got her daughters their jobs with all her begging and deals. Nothing will happen to Myrta. She will be moved to the Administration Building and smooch with the Superintendent. Myrta Ayala has a history of bullying everyone and she used her staff and Librarian to do her dirty deeds at Canales. Myrta would talk real bad about her Librarian when things got out of hand. Never trust Myrta Ayala.

Anonymous said...

November 3, 2023 at 9:32 AM
open your own blog idiota!!

Anonymous said...

November 3, 2023 at 9:32 AM
PENDEJO first blogs are not formal pendejo open your own guey

Anonymous said...

BISD needs your vote. Vote YES so that continue to mistreat you, abuse your tax money and keep you away from the public schools.

Only 200 votes needed to win the election here in Brownsville.
