Wednesday, November 15, 2023



Anonymous said...

The recruits that couldn’t pass the AIR FORCE ENTRANCE EXAM were quickly shuffled down the hallway to the other branches of the military...Bawhahaha

Anonymous said...

I haven't met a veteran that doesn't get disability benefits.

Anonymous said...

Nov. 15th @ 12:54 pm.

Wrong, the U.S. Air Force does not take entrance exams. The candidates first make appointments with the USAF Recruiters, show proof of a bachelor's degree, and get weighed and measured.
PRT or PT is done inside an air-conditioner building and on a stationary bike.

Anonymous said...

@9:46 1973 an ENTRANCE EXAM was given to enlisted recruits in order to place you in an AFSC that would best suit your IQ. PT at Lackland was done OUTSIDE MORON. It is obvious you are talking out your ass and NEVER SERVED YOUR COUNTRY! The three job descriptions that required the HIGHEST TEST SCORES were: Photo Squadron, Weather Squadron. and Crypto. I was assigned to the 1369th Photo Squadron as a Still Camera Specialist. You’re just another local with little education or life experience...a wannabe!

Anonymous said...

@1:22 PM

Veteran here. No disability benefits for me.


Anonymous said...

Good story about a great group of young men and women. Thank God!

Anonymous said...

11:59 AM Many things have changed since 1973. I am talking about now; personality tests are a waste of time and money. Candidates still need intellectual proof and a BM of less than 30. The highest scores in the Air Force now are Intelligence, Crypto, Nuclear, Air Traffic, Cyber and Special Forces, with the highest AFQT total of 99.
