Wednesday, November 8, 2023



Anonymous said...

Because he's the only one who will stick it to the cockroach FBI, cockroach CIA, and any other leftist motherfucker. We love the way he treats the lapdog media. Like the shit that they are. Quieres saber mas?

Anonymous said...

"Yo soy loyal por que quiero una patada en el culo" or so they say.

Anonymous said...

All of what he said also applies to El Paya Jerry Mchale.

Ask Tony Zavaleta!

Anonymous said...

November 8, 2023 at 10:09 AM

And he hates meskins like yourself y zavapatas apestosas el gran coco del valle. He hates mirrors cause he can see his real color BROWNASS, and he hates it. Zavapatas aspestosas, maricon, coco

Anonymous said...

A report says Blogger Jim Barton has little hands, Like Trump!

That's a scoop, ese.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trump shouldn't be running for president but should be running straight to jail for all the harm and caos he caused our nation. Lied that Mexico would pay for the border wall, lied that he would replace Obamacare, lied on how deadly Covid19 was causing hundreds of thousands of needless deaths. Instigated his followers to attack the Capitol and to fight like hell almost causing an insurrection. Claims rigged elections but the one caught trying to cheat was himself "Georgia find me 11k votes" calls himself patriotic but refused to served in the armed forces not one but three times while his fellow Americans were dying in Vietnam. Great admirer of Vladimir Putin even calls him a genius. Granted, we need a new president but certainly not Trump. He had his chance and blew it big time.

Anonymous said...

Trump me la pela.

And anyone who supports Trump tambien me la pela!

El Paya Jerry is a closet Trump puto. El me la pela!

Barton loves Trump. Ese gordiflon de manitas chicas me la pela!!!
