Thursday, November 23, 2023



(Ed.'s Note: Pictured below Mayra Flores is a photo of two of her office workers. Past financial statements indicate that Deborah Bell – the one in the rear – is in the employ of Flores, one of the candidates for 34th Congressional District of the U.S. Hose of the tune of $500 for "wages." Both "workers" are wearing what apparently is the Flores office uniform with beige blazers. The photo was posted on Bell's public FB profile.

Republicans chafe at a candidate endorsing anyone "down the ballot," and more so if they are getting paid by another to support them. Bell is challenging GOP chair Morgan Graham. CC Republican stalwart Letty Perez Garzoria, who openly questioned Bell's motives running for chair, apparently can smell a fake and asked what has been in the minds of may local party loyalists: "What accolades do you bring to the table and what if any dignifies you best for this position? Or is this search primarily just to add to your resume?")


Anonymous said...

What, pray tell, has Letty Perez-Garzoria ever won?

Accolades, she crows.

Accolades, as if.

Make something of yourself before you go dumping on another, esa.

Anonymous said...

Perez-Garzoria is a Trumper.

Lose her, Toya.

ain't clean is ain't clean.


Anonymous said...

it's spelled M A Y R A, you fool!

Elderly pachuco!!!

Anonymous said...

Here we go again!!! Another election cycle set to begin, and having to put up with all the BULLSHIT promoted by these self serving and lying hacks. Year in and year out its the same crap and the only ones that benefit are these so called candidates. We live in a brave new world where lying, corruption, and greed are normalized. God help us all !!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Letty. Ya parale con tus mamadas.

Tu tiempo llego y paso.

Adios y adios y adios...mi pajara.

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

PSJA North 45

Brownsville Vets 15

(Last year it was 35-15, PSJA North winning the second half)

Anonymous said...

As you read this, may the beauty of Christmas never surround you, and may your heart be a place of sickness and death. Wishing you a day filled with lasting bad memories, you Mayra hating fucker!

Anonymous said...

At least she isn't running because she hates this country like other Democrat bitches.

Anonymous said...

What a BS non story. This page is getting desperate. Can’t wait to see all the Brownsville minions loose their minds when Trump is your next president.

Anonymous said...

Juan its the same game every election, whether its a Republican or Democrat, its all about the BENJAMINS they earn, its not about serving the communities, Salary for a Congressman or woman is $250k per year, plus perks, ese es el hueso they want. Thats all and create havoc and chaos. adios

Anonymous said...

Will there be a mass number of suicides once Trump is elected president? Will there be any Democrats left? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Will there be a mass number of suicides once Trump is elected president? Will there be any Democrats left? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Two appropriate quotes: 1. “The first reaction to truth is hatred” and 2.”Ignorance is an enemy, even to its owner. Knowledge is a friend, even to its hater. Ignorance hates knowledge because it is to pure. Knowledge fears ignorance, because it is to sure”. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

El odio y las mentiras están destruyendo nuestro mundo. Que lastima!!

Anonymous said...

Mayra es una muerta de hambre. She is using campaign monies for all her expenses. Plus she is paying herself a salary of $5,000.00 dollars a month. Does her border patrol husband not earn enough? So should she end up in D.C. she will take money under the table. Es una corrupta. She feels entitled. Pobrecita naca. She's a nobody who thinks she is more than she is.

Anonymous said...

Esa guera esta mas ermosa que la Tetru. Le vi el FB page. Tsss. Puro fire. Ahora voy a ser Republican.

Anonymous said...

Candidate for chair of Cameron county party?

Would that be Democrat or republican?

Anonymous said...

Hope she is not an annoying bigot like her dad. He is the lt. at pd who ordered officers not to help in the pursuit to stop the guys that shot the officer in San Benito. Him and the other worthless lazy ass Eddie Lopez. Both are pathetic but if you ask them, they believe they know it all. FYP!

Anonymous said...

Oye Montoya, like that short shit, Gonzalez is doing anything? He's just another mamando democrat like all the others! Montoya, are you democrat because its in your blood or because you have no intelligence?

Anonymous said...

Reply to 12:41 PM
May I humbly suggest Dr. Montoya's Panty Wad Cream - Extra Strength?

Anonymous said...

November 23, 2023 at 10:03 AM

Anonymous said...

November 23, 2023 at 8:51 AM

Eres un ojete you are a nobody nowhere. A.H...

Anonymous said...

Esteban Guerra. Loose lips sink ships.

Anonymous said...

Do any of those 3 women look like they get things done? Please !!!! they look like high school cheer leaders and nothing more. I would not trust Flores, or Bell with my pets let alone to make decisions. If Mayra is paying herself and paying has Bell as an employee she obviously is too dumb to figure out you don't do that!!! Bell sold her soul to the bajale girl for $500 a month.She is supposed to be neutral to all candidates not on Mayras payroll. That alone should disqualify her. And to the guy who thinks she is hermosa. Nah,,,the 3 use person they don't look like that. They look very plain Jane's. Especially Mayra. Esta Morena, chaparra, con piernas y nalgas enormes. Ah pero se cree muy Chula. She thinks she's cute. Yup see her without the filters. Plus why you trying to bleach you skin? Don't want to look Mexican. YOU ashamed to be Mexican. Ah because you want Trump to like you.Like McHale said. Sirves para criada de Trump. Yup Trumps maid.Eres una mensa, creida. Bete pa burgos. Y llevate a la sonsa de Bell. Hahaha

Anonymous said...

Pleasant ladies.
Good vibes.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Reply to November 23, 2023 at 12:41 PM

Don't forget the 10% for The Big Thighs

Anonymous said...

November 23, 2023 at 10:03 AM
nunca se te va quitar lo pendejo, idiota this is a
B L O G, PENDEJO nothing is formal here don't like it open your own blog BABOSO!!!!

Anonymous said...

To you very stupid "tunnel democrats." Do you really believe that the crooked democrats in office having been doing you any justice? Does your pocket book hurt like the rest of us trying to survive and feed our families? Please use your brain and not your heart or blood lines when voting in 2024, please! That guy you put in the White House is not doing Americans any good, period! All he is trying to do is break us and keep us under rule of thumb!
