Saturday, November 18, 2023


(Did you feel the earth shake this morning? Many of us were asleep, but the shaking and launch boom at Boca Chica 26 miles away was felt as far west as the Valley  International Country Club and beyond. The photo on top was taken by  Cris Valadez, one of our eight readers who lives on Dana Road.)

New York Times
Washington Post

SpaceX’s Starship, the most powerful rocket ever built, lifted off for a second test flight on Saturday, but lost contact after reaching an altitude of about 90 miles above Earth. Engineers said they believed an automated detonation occurred.

The nearly 400-foot-tall vehicle is being built to carry astronauts to the moon for NASA, and perhaps some day to send humans to Mars.

This was SpaceX's second attempted launch of its fully assembled Starship rocket and spacecraft early Saturday from its facility in South Texas. The first test flight in April 20 ended with the rocket tumbling and exploding when an onboard detonation system destroyed the vehicle as it veered off course.

Since then, SpaceX and the Federal Aviation Administration have been investigating the mishap. The FAA has cleared the company for a second flight after it made upgrades to the rocket and the launchpad and resolved concerns with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over the environmental impacts of the first launch.

It flew for the first time on April from  SpaceX's launch site in Boca Chica, along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. That flight ended after a few minutes when failing engines caused the rocket to tumble out of control at a high altitude. On this flight, the Super Heavy booster separated from the Starship upper stage, a successful test of changes designed to address those previous problems.

During this second trip, SpaceX aimed to achieve a better performance for the rocket. Here’s what else you need to know about how the flight went:

SpaceX made various changes to the rocket, and their efforts seem to have paid off for this flight. All 33 engines seemed to fire through the key early phases of the flight, and the upper stage separated from the rocket while continuing its flight for a number of minutes, a sign that earlier problems with the vehicle had been successfully addressed.

The Super Heavy booster exploded shortly after the separation while the upper Starship stage continued to travel. According to an indicator from SpaceX’s live blog, the vehicle reached an altitude of about 90 miles, putting it in space.

About 12 minutes after liftoff, John Insprucker, a SpaceX engineer said “We think we may have lost the second stage.” He added that an automated detonation has likely occurred.

If the flight had been fully successful, Starship would have completed a partial trip around the Earth before belly-flopping into the Pacific Ocean north of Hawaii.

Starship is actually two vehicles — the Super Heavy rocket booster and the Starship spacecraft. The company intends both to be fully reusable in the future.

In April, during the first Starship flight, six of the 33 engines on the Super Heavy booster failed, causing the whole rocket to tumble before operators on the ground ordered it to self-destruct

♦ Both SpaceX and NASA have been eager for a resumption of test flights. NASA is investing $4 billion in the vehicle, which it intends to use to land astronauts on the moon as part of its Artemis program. NASA says a return of humans to the lunar surface could come as soon as 2025, though that is likely to slip into 2026 or later.

♦ Starship is also critical to SpaceX’s plans to expand its Starlink satellite Internet service. Starship will be able to lift the company’s next-generation version of the satellites, which are larger and heavier.

♦ A successful test is key to NASA’s hope to return to the moon before China can land people there. China has said it plans to launch a crew to the moon by the end of the decade. But before NASA allows astronauts onboard Starship, SpaceX will need to prove the vehicle can fly safely and reliably.


Anonymous said...

Big Dill!🥒

Anonymous said...

Another total failure of SpaceX, the only thing SpaceX is creating is pollution, damages to homes and businesses due to the extreme loud noises due to launches.

Anonymous said...

Why are we having such a hard time getting back to the moon, if we already went in the 60's with 60's technology? You would think it be easier now with what we know from the 60's trips, and todays technology combined. Things that make you go Hmmm!

Anonymous said...

Get Space X away from Brownsville.

It is a Saturday, and I wake up to thunder and rocks falling at my house.
The windows shake, the ground moves, the noise is is an earthquake.
The dogs get scared.

This is the only day I can sleep late and I wake up to an earthquake at 7:00 am.

Anonymous said...

Earthquake? Tank rolling down the street? Windows were rattling. Hope there isn't much damage. VICC area felt it bad.

Anonymous said...

Like 8:01, I, too, woke up to the shaking of my house and a loud noise I could not relate to until I remembered the lift off. If I experienced this 26 miles away from Boca Chica by the expressway, can you imagine those that live closer to the area. Now lets see what destruction it left down here as it took off
to chase someone's idiotic dreams of how to get richer. Ask Trey and Tony how much they got out of this launch that landed in their pockets.

BobbyWC said...

It woke me up too, the windows and the roar. At 65, I remember all the NASA failures before we made it to the moon. We shall see if anyone provides verifiable proof other than shaking homes and the roar if the launch had any real impact on land. But again, the Gulf is polluted with another exploded ship.

Anonymous said...

I’m NOT an Engineer...this is only speculation...this rocket is SO BIG that it has exceeded the LIMITS of a craft that still has structural integrity at high speeds and altitudes. My guess is the rocket begins to flex like its hinged until at some point in time it begins to fail structurally; it simply starts coming apart. Would like to hear from Engineers that know about the limitations of large rockets.

Anonymous said...

It was a 3.0 Magnitude Earthquake.

The people in my hood were outside in the street.

I did not hear the ALARM/SIREN of the City to help residents of Brownsville escape the earthquake.

WHo is responsible for sounding the ALARM?

What is the protocol?

Anonymous said...

I just came to read all the comments from dissenting lazy Mexicans and El Rrun Rrun did not disapoint!! Thanks slugs hahah

Anonymous said...

Chief "El Chapo" Sauceda would like the entire world to know that if it is was not for HIM, this could have not been possible. After a successful Starship launch, El Chapo will be going on a country wide tour in order to allow the millions of his fans to take a selfie with him, as he poses with the world renowned idiotic pose of the Fonzie's thumbs up pose.
If only the Starship could have taken Erasmo Castro, the retard who does parody songs for Erasmo and El Chapo to space, to never be heard from again.....

Anonymous said...

Juan Montoya

Is it true that the earthquake tremors were felt in Weslaco?

Why are they trying to fool people?

It was an earthquake.

Anonymous said...

And unfortunately, Brownsville was polluted by Booby Mentiras years ago and now we can't get rid of this pestilence. For years he's threatened to leave Brownsville once and for all, and he even promised to stop posting forever and ever! But here he is, still polluting Brownsville.

Nombre Booby, I'm playing vato, no me hagas sue en la corte. I know you have successfully sued the president of every nation, every judge in the world, the pope, and the rumor is you even sued yourself! Ya se que you know more than every judge from Cameron County all the way to the mamones on the Supreme Court, and that the holy spirit consults with you on legal matters. Por eso no quiero que me hagas sue vato!

Anonymous said...

Destroying earth to get to Mars! The foundation and structure of our homes continue to get weakened by this man's science experiments. A class action suit needs to be started against this man and politicians who sold us out and got their pockets filled.

Anonymous said...

City manger Helen Ramirez, Friday morning on my way to work, I was listening to your interview on a local radio show about how Brownsville Avelo airlines were filled to capacity due to the launch. Well, that is a lie! A family friend came down for Thanksgiving and she said her morning flight was 1/3 full. She had a row all to herself. City representatives, you need to stop your lies and say the truth. In your eyes 1/3 full is sold out?

Anonymous said...

Guys stop complaining. Let Brownsville make history.

Anonymous said...

We all felt it …. Get over it…. Lasted a bit longer than your usual escapade with the movida, no harm done! Keep it going, I need for these people to get me to Mars so I can get away from all you pendejos and non-insured drivers!

- Jorge Washington

Anonymous said...

We should thank the city and county Commission for bringing SpaceX to boca chica. r bringing SpaceX to Boca chica. The only thing SpaceX brought to Brownsville was higher home prizes and higher taxes. Besides, bringing pollution and enormous risks for the safety of all cameron County residents. We're only their Guinea pigs for rocket testing.

Anonymous said...

Wow, apparently it could be heard from the east coast. After reading Whiteman's comment I checked with friends in Virginia and they didn't hear a thing. I guess the Carolinas is as far as the sound traveled.
This hater of Brownsville is always going but never leaves.

Anonymous said...

No difference in SpaceX launch and Whiteman’s footsteps ….

Anonymous said...

The damaged cause to the flora and fauna of Boca Chica will take years to recuperate.

The birds, the fish, etc

Destroying the earth to live in Mars.

Anonymous said...

Pct4 se la come

Anonymous said...

People bitch about everything. Mexican crabs at its best. Pinche gente, your home rattles more when you fart and your complaining about SPACEX.

Anonymous said...

What damage is being done to the foundation of our homes with the continuous shaking caused by the rocket launches? What damage is being done to our air, water, beaches, wildlife and environment? Was 10 million dollars from Elon Musk a good pay off for silence from our city and county officials? We will all end paying by the time Elon Musk has used and abused our beautiful community! Wake up, people! Kick Musk back to California!!

Anonymous said...

November 20, 2023 at 11:24 PM

Anonymous said...

When was the last time a bird, or perhaps a fish, cut us a paycheck?
