Tuesday, November 7, 2023




Anonymous said...

BISD needs to clean house at the main office and also at career technology office non experienced people running these departments

Anonymous said...

This is instant gratification. We will soon pay the price.

Anonymous said...

How can you expect to have qualified and hard-working employees when the so-called leader, the super, could care less about anything - except for appointing women to his staff that wear "short-short" and go out with him.
Maybe now that he is gone, pobre Mcallen, we can get ahead. Drl Jesus Chavez is entirely opposite this idiot and I know he will do all he can to get the
district back to the level it was before this idiot Gutierrez came in, and leave it when the new super comes in. The public needs to be involved in the selection of our new super and the teachers more so, because we are the ones that have to work under the misguide direction our idiots - administration and board are subjecting us to. The 2% will probably all go to taxes, but who cares, as long as we get someone who is leading us in the right direction.

Adios, Gutierrez, and be careful in McAllen. You wife is closer to you there and the parents won't put up with your shenanigans. Quidate, vato o
te miro en la linea del queso!
