Thursday, November 30, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Republican leaders are calling on Deborah Bell to withdraw from race against Republican Cameron County Chair Morgan Graham

Former Republican Congresswoman Mayra Flores handpicked stay-at-home mom Deborah Bell to replace GOP Chair Morgan Graham. Bell is currently moonlighting as a Flores campaign staffer earning wages ($500).

Last year, the Republican National Committee chose Hidalgo County to house their Hispanic outreach community center. The scuttlebutt is Hidalgo County resident Mayra Flores wants to control the Republican Party in Cameron County because the community center wasn't enough for Mayra. But, about par form the course, Mayra is now saying she is from Los Indios.

Republicans are not happy with how Mayra has attempted to usurp and wrestle control of the party leadership away from longtime party stalwart Morgan Graham and turn it into another cog in Mayra's greasy machine. There is a letter circulating among supporters outlining the options for Mayra Flores to salvage this debacle.

Republicans want Mayra to get Deborah Bell to withdraw from the race in order to show unity with local party leaders who up to this point have been some of the most supportive of the Mayra Flores campaign for congress. The Cameron County Republican Party endorsed Mayra Flores when she ran in the special election in 2022. It was the largest population county to do so. Local Republicans feel Mayra has lost her way and forgotten who helped her.

Deborah Bell needs to do the right thing and withdraw before Mayra is forced to do it for her.


Anonymous said...

Una semana después del arranque de las precampañas por la presidencia de México, las tensiones han comenzado a crecer entre bandos políticos tras los ataques que lanzó el expresidente Vicente Fox contra la esposa del candidato opositor Samuel García.

El equipo de campaña de García llevó el asunto ante el Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE), quejándose de Fox (2000-2006) por supuesta “violencia política con elementos de género”, según denunció Jorge Álvarez Máynez, diputado del opositor Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) y coordinador de la precampaña de García.

El sábado Fox publicó comentarios de tinte misógino en la red social X, antes Twitter, contra Mariana Rodríguez, esposa de García. El mes pasado García se separó de la gobernación del estado de Nuevo León, en el norte del país, para lanzarse a la presidencia por el MC.

Anonymous said...

Name these Republican "leaders," Montoya!!!

Que, no puedes, guey?

o son puros putos tus fuentes de informacion, cabron???

Chinguen su madre; Bell stays!!!

y, si, GO MAYRA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dr Montoya's Panty Wad Cream is now available in both extra strength and economy sizes. Especially effective for Mayrabotitis. One carton should last an entire election cycle. Use as directed.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh it's clarified she a republican

Anonymous said...

Morgan hasn’t done anything for the Republican Party, new leadership is desperately needed.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Fucking idiot. Republicans and conservatives are very happy with Mayra. Can you do a story anyhow much Vicente has accomplished?

Anonymous said...

Cause of idiots like who commented at 8:36 AM, the republican party in Cameron County will go no where. Mayra was and is not the best candidate. Someone better needs to run.

Anonymous said...

Otra vez con Mayra!! Es otra George Santos, puras mentiras/ charlatanerías . Porque no hay candidatos con honestidad Democratas o Republicanos?? Segun las historias/rumores, esa Mayra segun piscaba algodón de nina? Disque usa el $$ de campaña como sueldo ( muerta de hambre) y supuestamente ahora vive en los Indios? ( es india pero de Burgos) So entonces cual es la verdad??? Ya basta de mentiras y conspiraciónes. Y ahora quiere controlar a los Republicanos del valle. Quiere PODER , a como de lugar, no le importa si maromea gente o les clava un puñal en la espalda. Ella es la nueva generación de políticos, que no le importa pisotear a la gente , mientras obtenga dinero y posicion . No se dejen engañar ! Que vergüenza

Anonymous said...

Bet Bell stays at home and watches Fox News all day. I can almost guarantee it. The brainwash has been complete with the exception that her own party doesn’t want her anymore! Meanwhile Myra asked for 11 million from the GOP an increase from the 6-7 million they wasted on the ass kicking Vicente “con la gente” gave them! Let them waste their money, I’m grabbing my popcorn!

Anonymous said...

Bell stays? Who the hell are you to say so?

Anonymous said...

A mini me gusta esa were. Su pinche madre.

Anonymous said...

Lazy Morgan can't run a meeting if her life depended on it. Now, she otta sweet talk her North Texan sugar daddy to ditch the missus and move her up north to help with the baby. Just tell him it's time to trade the cowboy hat for a diaper bag, like convincing a friend to share a snack. Keep it as smooth as a moose in the woods and friendly as a hockey game, eh? Get that sugar daddy on board for the parenting gig, like sharing a poutine. Easy-peasy, maple squeezy!

Anonymous said...

Angela gets a little nervous but eventually warms up to being photographed. I love her athletic, hot and fit body. Ass you can see, she works real hard. Do you like?! Thanks CA.

Anonymous said...

Juan i though only the Democrats were infighting and not the Republicans? MMM sounds like that HUESOS IS very good. Everyone wants it. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ BENJAMINS Galore

Anonymous said...

Madre Mia, que grosero es la persona que puso ese comentario. Wow is that Mayra's father, or uncle. Mayra is a mean girl. Gets nasty when she doesn't like what they ask her. Her followers are haters. Just like Debra and la Susan Rubalcava. Who told a lady let's take it outside. All 250 lbs.of her ready to darle de golpes. Common people who does that. Talk so bad, curse and then try to bully people. Well folks is the Mayra fans. You are not going to win by being ugly. God doesn't like that at all. All the God, God, and God is just a show.Stop using God's name for political gain. No have no shame. That to me is very rude and disdisrespectful.

Anonymous said...

RATAS at least wait till people forget you won than you can do as you it the gringo guey, pinches cocos...

Anonymous said...

Only Capt. Bob can save us. Maybe Erasmo ?

Anonymous said...

It's an insult to say Republicans and conservatives are happy with Mayra. Mayra has no idea how to hold any political office. The person who encouraged her must be senile or delusional. Its like your teenager running for mayor. She is clueless. Really. Pobrecita. Her IQ is probably 90. Not too bad but she sure is lacking in the brains department. Go back to school Mayra and Debra and learn a few more things before you tackle the real world. You have very little experience and it shows. To repeat the same slogan, GOD, FAMILY AND COUNTRY is like a broken record. And all you Mayra fans get used to it. She's not going to win. She had her chance last year and she showed she has no depth. All fake, superficial hype. We need a real candidate. And shes not it.

Anonymous said...

START THE TACO/BEER PACHANGAS and just maybe she will win, but I don't think so, meskins don't vote just eat eat and get drunk.

Anonymous said...

Mayra Flores needs to go sit down somewhere. She's not capable of kicking a can across the street. She has no class and that motto of hers, God, Family and Country is a big no. Using God to try and win over people as if she's a true Christian. Believe me, right now using Christian values as to self-identify oneself is no longer credible. Look at Abbott and Paxton. Those two are facists!

Anonymous said...

11:58 must have missed the part about Morgie being married to Karl Rove’s right hand dude from Ohio and them having a baby. Bell doesn’t have the best people handling her white trash rumor mill. Think Morgs will be helping everybody running against Bell and her cankles ?
