Wednesday, December 6, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

It took a little longer than promised, but City of Brownsville Commissioner Linda Macias finally delivered on her campaign pledge to resign from the board of the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation (BCIC).

Macias promised those attending a forum for city commission candidates just before the May 2023 election that if elected she would resign from the BCIC board a week after taking office. Several city commissioners have said that members of the city commission should not serve on boards to prevent the appearance of a conflict of interest. 

Mayor John Cowen, for example, had promised that during his campaign for city commissioner, but ended up as chair of the Greater Brownsville Incentives Corporation and remained after the members of the commission replaced the entire GBIC board. It took him a while, too, but he is no longer on that board. 

For a while there, it seemed incongruous that as members of the GBIC and BCIC boards the commissioners would then come back to approve their own actions as a city commission.

It has now been about seven months since Macias took office and – during Tuesday's meeting – BCIC Director Cori Peña told the board that she had declined reappointment to the board.

With Macias' name out of consideration, the city commission reappointed Murad Abusalim, Cesar Lopez and Traci Wickett back on the board. 

Macias made a motion to appoint her pal Sergio Martinez who was with her on the Mr. Amigo Association to replace her.


Anonymous said...

If you think about it logically, if she would have left early she would of stripped her successor of 1 year for that early start, smart move on her behalf to finish the year out to give the next person their entire term.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Stay a while rather than abandon duties in the middle of the year? How dare she! So shocking!

We knew Linda would keep her word. She always has and she always will.

The thing about resigning from boards, or anything, is to respectfully tie up any loose ends. Fulfill your obligations, the things you set out to accomplish & complete what you started (within reason) before leaving.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never left a job without doing what I was paid to do. I’ll even go above & beyond to make my successor is able to start with a clean slate, leave them notes, help them get off to a good start.

Linda is the same. She leads by example. Better to leave at the end of a calendar or fiscal year than to leave in the middle. This way, come January, new start.

Anonymous said...

NVV los dos

Anonymous said...

BCIC is one ATM for the rich. Eeveryone on that board is on the take. Brownsville, TX will never grow because they appoint people that only are puppets. Sergio Martinez is as crooked as they come. He cried like a little bitch (literally) when they were going to kick him off the Mr. Amigo Association and ban him for life on his involvment of abuse of money over 100k with Yesenia Patino. It was embarrassing to see a grown man beg to not be stripped of his previous title of past president of Mr. Amigo. Linda only got him in so that her husband the Taliban can control Sergio and get contracts for his pals. Brownsville is doomed.

Anonymous said...

Monte! You’re reaching for something that isn’t there bro…. If you had a valid source you’d know Macias has never been apart of Mr. Amigo! Just wanted to clear the air carnal!

- Former Mr. Amigo President

Anonymous said...

I think the real question of this article is how did this commission allow for Caesar Lopez to be reappointed? He was a joke on BISD and is currently still a joke. Cardenas’ appointment should be questioned because his choice for BCIC has no cajones!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Zeke, I see you got a hold of this edit as it wasn't written like this, this morning. We all remember your face as you did the walk of shame as your name was not called at the Mr. Amigo meeting. So glad you realized how unwanted you were there. We still haven't forgotten about the phone call we all herd and the propaganda you were trying to create. I'll let that one sink in again. Glad he's on a board that you'll never be a part of.

-The Joker

Anonymous said...

How does Zeke get blames for what Sergio Martinez did? Come on Sergio own up to it. You cried like a bitch at the restaurant in front of 40 people, mostly women of the Mr. Amigo Assoication commity when they banned Yesenia Patino and they voted for you to be stripped of Past President and you said you would pay back every dollar you stole including Yesenia. Yesenia said I'm not paying and preferred to get banned for life. Sergio you haven't paid one dollar back and still take credit for being an ex Mr. Amigo President. Now that is an embarressement. As for Zeke, he wasn't there at the meeting so how would he know? This is why Linda Macias husband Hiram Lozano (AKA El Taliban), ordered her to appoint you. Quit being such a bitch. Remember Sergio, everyone is going to be looking how you vote for the contracts. This isn't no Mr. Amigo Association. This is adult stuff. You will go to prison ass wipe.
