Tuesday, December 5, 2023


By Juan Montoya

The Brownsville Independent School District – in response to a private citizen's request for information –  has made public a letter from Joaquina (Jackie) Cruz, the director of its Food and Nutrition Service Department, to Dr. Anysia Treviño, then-Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction and Human Resources and to Carmelita Rodriguez, then Asst. Superintendent for Human Resources, documenting what she considered inappropriate and intimidating interference by the-BISD board president Eddie Garcia on behalf of FNS employee Rosa Herrera for an accounting position there.

The letter (in the form of an email) from Cruz to the administrators is dated January 26, 2022, and was released with the consent of current BISD Interim Superintendent Dr. Jesus H. Chavez and BISD attorney Miguel Salinas to a formal request filed by local resident Susan Ruvalcaba on November 15, 2023. 

Copies of the email have surfaced on social media which indicate that the issue had been raised during the board's Nov. 14, 2023 meeting where a motion to investigate Garcia for alleged abuse of power was defeated by a 4-3 vote.

In it, Cruz details an encounter with Garcia who entered unannounced into her office while she was meeting with two of her employees (Stefany Castrejon and Nora Navarro) January 20, 2022, who said he had dropped by because then-Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez was delayed and could not meet with him right away.

While there, Cruz said that Garcia inquired on how things were going with her projects at FNS. Cruz wrote that she was working on a new organizational chart for FNS but declined to show it to Garcia because it had not been approved by her supervisor Dr. Nereida Cantu, deputy superintendent of business and operations.

Cruz wrote that Garcia told her that he was going to talk to superintendent Gutierrez about the accountability of district staff and then inquired how "it was going with the accounting position" and whether Herrera had applied for it. Cruz wrote that Garcia had encouraged her to promote within the department and that Herrera "can do a lot for you."

During the meeting, Herrera came into the office and Cruz said she and Garcia started talking about the accounting position and she told him she had applied, eliciting a response from Garcia that it was "your time to shine"and that he knew "the right decision will be made."

In her letter to the administrators, Cruz explained the reason she was sharing her notes with them was because:

* this (was) not the first time that Mr. Garcia had expressed her desire for Mrs. Herrera to be promoted and given more responsibilities.

* Ms. Herrera had told her that he (Garcia) was upset that "I had followed district policy and procedure and had not fired her ex-boyfriend, an FNS custodian at Villanueva Elementary"

*And that Herrera had told a fellow employee at FNS that "Eddie Garcia promised me the job" and that "they're going to have to choose me" or that "if I don't get the job, they're going to come after Jackie and I'll have her job and I'll have her job just like I've had the other director's jobs."

In closing, Cruz wrote the women that: "Please note that I am not intimidated by Mr. Garcia's visit or his blatant comments. However, given the statements made by Ms. Herrera regarding my job security, I am submitting these contemporaneous notes should harassment, intimidation, threats or pressure be applied to me by Mr. Garcia or Ms. Herrera...Therefore, I respectfully ask that you please keep this information confidential. Should the need arise, I will make this report official."

During the Nov. 14, 2023 meeting of the board of the BISD, a proposal by members Carlos Elizondo and Frank Ortiz for the district to launch an investigation of Garcia for abuse of power was defeated by a 4-3 vote and Elizondo repeatedly asked Garcia whether he wanted him to read the Cruz letter (email) to the two administrators. Garcia responded that there had been no official complaint filed with then district and that there was no victim. 

The BISD response to the Ruvalcaba information request does not indicate whether any official complaint had been filed yet with the district.

Garcia has stated in the past that he had done nothing inappropriate and that Herrera would corroborate that he had done nothing wrong. 


Anonymous said...

two full years ago, ese Juan!

and Susan "La Taura" Ruvalcaba?

No, pos, no. Hay personas que no se les cree ni madre. Y si El Eddie queria ayudar a una Mejicana, pos porque no?

Chinguen su madre ustedes, bola de malpensados !!!!

Anonymous said...

Carlos Elizondo at it again. Burining fellow school board members for anything he can find on them. You can't speak to Elizondo without worring that he's recording you or taking pictures of who you speak to. So that's what you get Eddie Garcia if your F-ing around. He will use anything to bust you. He's got people everywhere. So beware!

Anonymous said...

Pues, no si history pendent.
No ayudo a nadien. No tiene poder Eddie garcia.
Y chinga tu madre.

Anonymous said...

Little Eddie, ni se le para. Para que le levantan falsos? Que le tuvo mideo a la patrulla si es verdad, pero este pinguino es buena persona.

Anonymous said...

You can't blame Carlos Elizondo or anybody else for Eddie Garcia being an elected official who can't keep his dick inside his pants and abused his position to bully a director to hire his mistress. Eddie is a huge disappointment who thinks he is 10 feet tall when he is only half a man.

Anonymous said...

Now we know why Rene Gutierrez left BISD. He wasn't going to do jail time for any board member. At first he thought it was cool he got paid hundred of thousands of dollars for doing nothing. But when the time to start looking the other way that were illegal, he couldn't say no because he owed to many favors to the dumb 4 board members. Eddie, Dennis, Jessica and Daniela. Rene Gutierrez flew the coop as quickly as he could. He said I don't look good in orange and I do bend over to pick up the soap.

Anonymous said...

Well did Rosita get a raise or get promoted? Now Frankie said he was gonna protect her, really? Y luego quien. He was arrested for bring a perv and got pretrial diversion. Y la Joanna, did she get reprimanded, disowned or anything like that because of that"Little Eddie"? So who's the victim here? Was Rosita ever promised anything, did Joaquin get reprimanded or going after "Little Eddie" for political reasons? Lol lol look at who's in the middle of all this. Great all time citizens of Brownsville that include none other than Carlos, Frankie, Erasmo, Maggie, and La Susan! Wow great bunch of???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

With all this in public now, how can you have the audacity to say you and your comadre did nothing wrong. Haber como te va con tu vieja y su papa Lupe. Te
van a dar en la madre!!!

Why did they not allow the lady to speak at the board meeting where a bunch of
chicken shit trustees voted there was no victim. They should have asked the
victim to speak up and not hide any evidence.

What is happening on the court ruling that BISD has to get rid of Minnie Winnie who actually lost to Martiza. where is Louis hiding now that he does
not put pressure on them. Oh, are they not related to Lupe Leal and Eddie's
wife. Makes you wonder? As the World Turns in BISD.

Horale Chavez, get on the ball and get rid of all these corrupt people. If
anyone can do it, Jesus Chavez can, so nothing less is expected from him.
Dale Gas, Chavez!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

“Great all time citizens of Brownsville that include none other than Carlos, Frankie, Erasmo, Maggie, and La Susan! “

So true so disappointed on these individuals that are playing dirty
you just do not mess with family children and hope and pray your moral values are clean, no perfection exists

Since no corruption was found in the Majority 4 you went after their family(s) and spread allegations, shame on you!!!

Guess which board member(s) BISD employee(s) family feeds off on political favors neglect work duties responsibilities and no action has/is taken STOP the hypocrisy!

Social Media outlets report on those board members’ (before these members you keep disrespecting taunting making allegations) record, favors, vendors, barbacoa, Sam’s scoreboard personal restaurant promotions of admin staff, at Glass Palace, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc so much corruption intimidation bullying, you, social Media keeping accusing

Anonymous said...

@December 5, 2023 at 4:19PM

Hmmm, whomever wrote this KNOWS him, only family & friends call him Lupe.

Keep MR. GUADALUPE LEAL’S name out of your mouth. He is a retired educator & veteran that has absolutely nothing to do with this. He sits at home with his gorgeous wife minding his own damn business. Keep Eddie’s “vieja” out of this too, she’s not the one in office so don’t mention her.

For your information, no, he is not related to Louie & Marisa Leal.

Anonymous said...

December 5, 2023 at 5:36 AM

Is not that eddie wanted to help a mejicana?
El publico quiere saber si esa Mejicana le esta dando pan a eddie?
El pueblo conoce a eddie y sabe quien es Rosa?

Anonymous said...

Why didn't bisd ask for a AG opinion before releasing email like they usually do?

Anonymous said...

December 5, 2023 at 3:33 PM

Look who's in the middle of this ? Really? You are blaming the one's who didn't look the other way for this ? No one led Eddie to make bad choices as a board member and use the district he represents as a playground. He has disrespected the district and the people he tried to intimidate.

Anonymous said...

Que facil esta que la gente este chin y chin sin tener evidencia de nada. Nomas hablan por hablar Bola de cangrejos. Pero es Buena nota para novela!

Anonymous said...

Have to agree with 333pm. Looking at the whole picture as to the individuals behind all this, I too wouldn't worry about it. Erasmo, Carlos, Frankie, and Susan. Oh and can't forget Maggie, pobrecita. Wow great bunch of first class model citizens. 👏 You can read and see right through them. Whose the victim here? First, they claim it was Rosita and then they throw her under the bus. Now it's Joaquina? Ms Joaquina states not being intimidated. In the end Ms Joaquina stated she wanted to keep information confidential and would make it official should the need arise! The trust of this information has been violated not only by the school district and that group previously mentioned. From what the email states, she did not want for Gututierrez to be informed and she has had no need to follow-up. After all, she did state, she was not intimidated.
Just read the email and don't assume. People tend to interpret out of content just like that group of Outstanding Citizens! Did anyone get a raise, promoted or disciplined/reprimanded? Could this be a political plot? Just look at the people behind all this!

Anonymous said...

There are so many good people that I know who refuse to get into politics because when they get involved their family gets involved too. It is part of the scene.

...so everyone knows Eddie and Rosa...what I think you are trying to state is that Eddie is a player and Rosa gives out pan agrio.

Ms. Joaquin was not intimidated but she was placed in a precarious position.

Eddie, being the player that he is, should step out with viejas that know that "mumms" the word. However, it appears that he likes them pendejas because those are the ones who go fall for him and he doesn't care as long as they fulfill his need. Like the saying goes "para pendejo no se estudia."

Anonymous said...

Is Minerva having an affair?! Anyone know? Jaja…. She is safe. Quien le va a querer entrar a ese Mounstro?! Giggle giggle giggle giggle 🤭

Anonymous said...

Just because Joaquina wasn't INTIMIDATED, doesn't mean that Eddie Garcia Board President didn't act outside of his duties and abused his position for personal gain. In this case his gain was entering the b@ack hole of Rosa Herrera for the 100th time. Both Eddie Garcia and Rosa Herrera were and are the aggressors. It must be a very stressful enviorment to work under those threats every day. If you don't do your job correctly you can get fired and on top of that, you are being forced to hire unqualified mistresses of BISD Board President Eddie Garcia. It is known that Eddie Garcia didn't only harrass Joaquina the Director of BISD FNS,but also the BISD Purchasing Director Rosie Pena. Who knows who else he tried to opress and threaten to get his smelly fish hired and promoted. They should sanction Eddie Garcia for official oppression, intimidation, and Cronyism.

Is cronyism illegal in the federal government?

If you report your employer, you'll be protected from punishment under the whistleblower act. Nepotism and – to a much lesser extent – cronyism are also illegal in government entities.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

All emails are public records. You dumbasses should know that already. The trust was violated. She knew the email was public record. That’s why she put it in an email. So it won’t stay private. You’re an idiot to even interpret that.

Anonymous said...

What Eddie Garcia did is called CRONYSIM. He should ask his sister the Attorney and Judge Gabby Garcia and his uncle District Attorny Luis Saenz. They know exactly what Eddie Garcia did was and is a Criminal Act by a elected official. How Eddie and his 3 bitches are trying to downplay it is just called blaming the victim for not crying out louder as she was being abused.

How do you deal with cronyism?
Take incidents seriously: Organizations should take incidents of in-group favouritism, cronyism and tokenism seriously and take prompt action to address them. This can include conducting investigations, providing support to victims, and imposing appropriate disciplinary action.

What BISD Board of Trustee Carlos Elizondo and Frank Ortiz was and is the right action. They brought out to the public to know what another Elected Official did to intimidate and tried to influence the hiring and promotion of Eddie Garcia misstress Rosa Herrera by him going to Joaquina Cruz Director of FNS unannouced to try and influence her and intimidate her on promoting Rosa Herrera. Kudos to Jackie Cruz for documenting the date, time and conversation of the CRONYSIM. She followed BISD procedures, State and Federal procedures and reported it to HR and her immediate supervisor. It was up to her immediate supervisors to bring up her situation to then Superintendent Dr. Rene Gutierrez and it was up to him to bring up the WHOLE BOARD, not just Eddie Garcia, Dennis, Jessica and Daniela.

Eddie Garcia needs to be Sensorded while he is being investigated. The board owes it to the Staff, teachers, students and tax payers to feel that NO BOARD MEMBER IS ABOVE THE LAW and if Eddie Garcia really wants to be transparent he should not vote and encourage his 3 puppets to vote in favor of the investigation.

Anonymous said...

Minera have an affair? Ni Speedy de la Southmost ni Erasmo the false prophet would hit that shit. I doubt anyone else would!

Freaking Carlos dumping on others when he well knows he was a dictator at the fire department and expected everone in the city to jump at his command or would try to intimate everyone in to submission. Look at what he did to the young commissioner. That should tell you alot about La Rata pelona! He is doing the same thing at the new Doctor's hospital where everyone hates him and no ones trusts him. But according to him just like Mine la chueca, they are Christians and the lord's angels sent to Brownsville. Por favor!

Anonymous said...

Let it be known Caballero who is attempting to run again for another BISD position (he will lose again) runs in the same posse as Carlos, Frankie, Erasmo, Maggie, and La Susan! We have encountered this truth and will no longer support him.

Anonymous said...

12:43 hit it right on the nail. Gutierrez should have handled the situation before he ran with his tail between his legs and taken care of such unprofessional actions. But, I guess he could have also been included in the situation and the reason why he did not show up with the meeting with Eddie
Garcia and let Eddie take the fall by himself. The same happened when Carl
Montoya was to have suspended "the prisoner Dr. A" for actions she had taken that were abusing her position and he hid behind her skirt (pants). Then, when the new super came in, she took action right away and the battle began
with Dr. A leading it to dismiss the supt as retaliation. That is how I saw
the sequence unfolding at BISD with that, so maybe the same is happening or has happened in this current situation. Quien sabe? Hable usted a McAllen
y pregunten por "la gallina que correo!"

Anonymous said...

You must must must be one of those individuals that has political favor(s) from these board members and is blinded by their corruption dirty politics etc etc etc If you work for the BISD district you must know (it’s talked about as much prior to these allegations and still in the present but no one dares to take action) of the board members’ family that gets paid to do NOTHING but ???????????????

A School Board Member’s top priority is students’ education without students this district is over and jobs as well!!! NOT involved in dirty politics

Teacher Associations exist for teachers so that teachers may be mentally physically and emotionally financially and free from retaliation etc etc (what is the purpose of these teacher associations? ) to EDUCATE students to be productive successful individuals ready for college etc etc NOT politics Teacher Associations should be monitor censored with consequences

Anonymous said...

On another note Distinguished BISD Board Members
Rene (Koko The Gorilla) Gutierrez is gone!
Did you want him back or are you going to update the BISD Webpage
Get with the program
Eddie Garcia
Sometimes a hand job in the shower causes less problems
You get your Wad off and The Thrill Is Gone
