Tuesday, December 19, 2023


By Juan Montoya

Discontent and a divided board of directors in the Mr. Amigo Association and its foundation are plaguing the organization as a breakaway group has seen its efforts to stage a takeover stymied as new officers aligned with the old Mr. Amigo leadership try to return it to its previous partnership with the Charro Days and SombreroFest.

Internal memos and communications between an attorney hired by the breakaway group, which had moved the Mr. Amigo ceremonies to August, suggest that at least three of them are trying to remove new president Martha de la Garza and replace her with someone who will keep the Mr. Amigo festivities apart from the city despite receiving $75,000 from its Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) for their activities.

The election of Martha de la Garza as Mr. Amigo Association president saw a gathering of the new administration allied with the "old guard" of Mr. Amigo stalwarts and succeeded in returning the Mr. Amigo festivities back to join Charro Days and SombreroFest. This enraged members Graciela Salazar, Arturo Treviño, Juan Chapa and Artemio Álvarez and they immediately started arguing against it saying that they didn’t need support from anyone else or being their “Puppets.“

The new president, disagreeing and wanting to participate in February,  called a “secret meeting “ with very old past presidents who were against the date change and was able to bring the event back to February with their support.

Treviño is the owner of Los Trevis drive-throughs, and sided with Raul Garza, the brother of Rachel Torres and brother-in-law of Bob Torres, Artemio Alvarez, who runs the Bingo on Price Road, Juan Chapa, a city contractor, and Graciela Salazar, an employee with the City of Brownsville Parks and Recreation.

At one point, the breakaway group said Mr. Amigo could do what it wants and ignore the city and its rules.

Some Mr. Amigo board members said that Treviño and Alvarez went as far as to say: "Charro Days and Sombrero fest “se pueden ir a la chingada” (can go to hell). We don’t need them!" Alvarez is reported saying that: “Como quiera nos cogimos a la Ciudad con los 75 mil dólares! Gracias a Gracielita que trabaja para la ciudad! No los necesitamos! Nos la pelan! (Anyway, we fucked the city with the $75,000 thanks to Gracielita who works for the city. We don't need them. They can suck our d..k.")

Member Raul Garza, the brother of Rachel Torres who is also father of member Cyntia Garza-Galván, of the Gladys Porter Zoo is said to have warned president De la Garza that he would cut her access to any Mr. Amigo funds and access to the Association's house on Elizabeth Street.

As if that infighting wasn't enough, the association has had to deal with the controversy that has erupted over the choice of Eduardo Verástegui to be Mr. Amigo 2024, who, despite being a declared candidate for the presidency in Mexico, has also shared footage of himself engaging in target practice suggesting  it represented the actions he would take against members of the LGBTQ+ community, those warning of climate change and pro-choice advocates on abortion.

Verástegui, born in Ciudad Mante, Tamaulipas, Mexico, expressed his honor at being selected as Mr. Amigo and said he is looking forward to participating in the Charro Days Fiesta, which will take place from February 29 to March 2, 2024.

The factions appeared headed toward a showdown at a special meting held Monday where the faction headed by Treviño, Raul Garza,  and Graciela Salazar, an employee with the City of Brownsville Parks and Recreation, spearheaded the breakaway group.

Attorney Mauricio Garcia, in a rambling letter to the Association, said he could not attend the meeting and advised them that the group should "control the narrative" and take it away from city commissioner Roy De los Santos.

"This Mr. Amigo is perhaps much more controversial than other recent Mr. Amigos but getting rid of him is not going to be an option. Acknowledging that and being on the same page is going to help advance the discussion. To safeguard the organization, we need to be very careful about the appearance of impropriety and any political messaging that Mr. Verastegui might encourage or promote. As many of you know, he is a presidential (pre) candidate in the 2024 presidential elections. He has an active political agenda on both side so of the border and has been campaigning in Brownsville and Matamoros collecting signatures to appear on the ballot...

"We must be the ones to control the narrative and the Mr. Amigo Association should put out a well-worded/crafted statement that clarifies that we do not align with any political party or messaging. At the same time we must also consider addressing the LGBTQ community boycott. Right now commissioner De los Santos is controlling the narrative. We must take the issue head on.

"Other issues: What sponsors will refuse to give sponsorship money because of the Mr. Amigo? (Last year, the Mr. Amigo Association requested $75,000 in Hotel Occupancy Tax revenue for fiscal year 2023 and lists the City of Brownsville, the Brownsville Public Utility Board, the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation, the Brownsville Navigation District (Port of Brownsville), and various private businesses and individuals as sponsors like L and F Distributors, TIPOTEX, the Lone Star National Bank, and Dr. Ruben Gallegos and others.)...

"Has anyone spoken to (Cameron) County Judge Eddie Treviño and any other county commissioners regarding the closing of the bridge? Is that still and option? Has anyone spoken with congressman Vicente Gonzalez regarding the letter from the President (Joe Biden)?

"Has anyone spoken with Mexican officials, specifically with Matamoros president Mario Lopez of Matamoros on what their thought is on Mr. Amigo? Will they still receive Mr. Amigo? Will Mr. Verastegui be appearing throughout the entire festivities including Taste of La Frontera? Any other dates?

(Garcia is probably referring to the fact that Verastegui is a declared candidate against the ruling MORENA party in Matamoros, against whose candidate he will be campaigning against. It is unlikely that the national MORENA administration will provide their challenger a soapbox to further his presidential aspirations against their party.)

"I want to be clear," attorney Garcia continued, "I am happy to help craft this agreement/contract with Mr. Verastegui."

What is the future of Mr. Amigo? Insiders say that it is in the hands of this group:

1.-Graciela Salazar. City of Brownsville Parks and Recreation.

2.-Juan Chapa. City of Brownsville Contractor

3.-Artemio Alvarez. Bingo on Price Road

4.-Arturo Treviño. Los Trevis

5.-Sergio Martínez. UTBSA

6.-Cynthia Garza-Galván. Gladys Porter Zoo

7.-Richard Garza. Cameron County Vendor

Senior Presidents: Leo Maldonado, Liz Maldonado, Raúl Garza, Sylvia Perez and Mera Champion.

Will the event remain under their control? And don't the city of Brownsville, which invested $75,000 of public funds – and other donors who plunked down their dime to Mr. Amigo – have a say-so in the way their money is spent?


Anonymous said...

Bob Torres is a cry baby ever since his family was kicked out of the Mr. Amigo association.

Anonymous said...

The real story is how weak Roy and the LGBTQ advisory committee is. In any other city ever major LGBTQ organization would be destroying Brownsville for what has happened. But Roy and the local LGBTQ advisory committee had no national connections. It was for show only. Roy and his entire entourage are a joke.

Anonymous said...

Turi and loyalists, fuera!

Marta screwed up. Own it.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

So silly. It’s about control. This is incredibly embarrassing. The old guard …..doesn’t like to give up control …and threatening to hold funds that belongs to a nonprofit is ludicrous.

Anonymous said...

MDLG? Aurora's daughter
What qualifies one to be on that board?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Amigo Association. LoL! A massive waist of your tax dollars. Just another browntown organization that should be audited. I see at least 2 crooks names on the board list. I laugh at all the imbeciles who live in the city. You all accept and embrace the Mexican culture of corruption.

Anonymous said...

La Graciela Salazar es buena gente.
Le suelta las nalgas a todos.

Anonymous said...

In other times this association was full of people that will pay for their entrance to this association.
They were arrogant and fastidious, but at least they didn’t ask for public money.
Now is full of wannabe people, sucking public funds to bill their parties.
Let the viejitos take over Mr. Amigo. At least the city doesn’t have to pay!
And they will bring good Mr. Amigos!

Anonymous said...

Nobody gives a shit about this organization! Stop giving them press.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Amigo association, useless. We don't need or want you representing the people of Brownsville. Yall act like little babies over nothing. Just your fuckin ego. Means nothing.
Get rid of mr Amigo the board puros jotitos.
Ahi si ahi no Me duele Mas duro. Puros maricones de putas madres.

Anonymous said...

Roy is weak.

Anonymous said...

I am a tax paying citizen. The weather in August is not conducive for a celebration.

Tax payers should have an opportunity to admire Mr. Amigo in great weather. This is not rocket science. This just highlights lo pendejo y lepero of some of the people on the board.

Anonymous said...

Question?: aren’t Sombrero Festival, Charro day assoc, and Mr Amigo assoc. supposed to be the entities that are in charge of organizing and promoting what is supposed to be a family oriented celebration of the so called Charro days fiesta??? It seems like it appears to be financial bonanza for these entities! And now it appears that GREED is taking over!! That Charro Day pie is stuffed with $$$ and these money hungry scoundrels are vying for the biggest slice. Only in Brownsville do they convert a cultural tradition into a money grabbing free for all. Sad and shameful !!

Anonymous said...

Trouble Brewing in Brown Town!
Making Brownsville Police Part Time Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda leave a Brown stain inhis panties!
As He allowed Bullying, Hazing,Harassment and sexual Harassment against two female cadets.
The Training Lieutenant who was making advancements on one of the females later had her fired. The patrol Cmdr who was also aware of the on going problems looked the other way and did nothing...but claimed thats what The Chief had ordered.
While the remaining female cadet was under heavy harassment by the Training Lieutenant, Training (female) Sgt and all of the training instructors at the Brownsville Police Department Westside center.
..Stay Tuned for More details coming soon.

Anonymous said...

Felix Sauceda, the ex-cheerleader from Porter high school has no reason to be running a police department. This arrogant "look at me", "look at me" POS has plenty of skeletons in his closet. Did he tell anyone about the famous SWAT storage room?
This guy thinks he is God almighty himself, but most officers can't respect the guy. To think that the Sheriff is doing a better job!

Anonymous said...

Trevino and entourage, spend your energy in your Matamoros querido. Oh, I forgot, they don't give you HOTel funds and if someone out there were to give you any, I doubt you would disrespect that group by badmouthing them after they gave you the funds. Gente PEDICHE!!! Muy chingones after they fund you, eh?

Anonymous said...

The gentleman from the comment: December 19, 2023 at 12:25 PM

My god, you really know how to defend the City of Brownsville and the residents of Brownsville.

What Law School did you graduate from? School of Law of the Hood.

Anonymous said...

If Arturo Trevino or any of his sidekicks ever decide to run as commissioners or mayor the people of Brownsville need to remember their dumbass way of thinking.

Charro Days and the Mr. Amigo celebration go hand in hand. It's like peanut butter and jelly, peas and carrots...arroz con frijoles. If it ain't broken don't fix it. Babosos!

Anonymous said...

10:16--- yes

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Take a good look at all the chingadera that these so-called leaders cooked up. This intentional, purposely, malicious, corruption, scheme plan was set-up some 35 years ago by our corrupt judicial system. Let's not forget that the Cameron County District Clerk's administration department was run by no other than Aurora de La Garza. She had all the knowledge as to who the original heirs and owners to the large land grants in Cameron County were. She was mentioned in the corruption of Abel Limas, Armando Villalobos, Jim Solis and Marc Rosenthal. All this bullshit involves our local political leaders who have been stealing monies from a 1985 Judgement set-up trust fund. Creating all these ENTITIES using all the monies from the trust fund to INVEST in these fraud entities. Remember the Ken Paxton's impeachment, mentioning that some 2,200 entities created and some 9,000 charities' created using this UNCLAIMED MINERAL PROCEEDS MONIES from the 1985 Judgment Fund.- Who in the Cameron County Dist. Clerk would have all the names, social security numbers and last heirs to these land grants? Auroa De la Graza ring a bell? Didn't former Brownsville Mayor Trey Mendez and his buddies get caught with digging into these royalties' monies? This is my opinion

Anonymous said...

How can anyone “hold” or “deny access” to the bank account of a nonprofit organization. What is he hiding?
HMMMM now I wanna see the bank account, that the city is giving money too….tax payer money.

Anonymous said...

Why bother with Mexico?
How about local talent like the guy from the pueblo tire commercial or the car dealership with ORALE! slogan Charlie Clark.
Or Ralph Cowen.
These guys don't require alot of expense to recruit.
And they live right here in the Valley.

Anonymous said...

I just can’t figure out how this people can be on the board without being a conflict of interest.
Graciela works for the the city.
Juan chapa a city contractor.
It’s weird.

Anonymous said...

Super Super embarrassing for brownsville. What a joke.

And if that guy wants to “control” or “not grant access” to the nonprofits’ money….well I don’t know how that is not theft.

Anonymous said...

10:16 it might be weird to you but they are just citizens who want to be involved, the COB has nothing to do do with Charro days
, Mr Amigo, or Sombrero Festival. Each of those entities have their own board members. Now, each entity has only volunteer basis help, therefore it’s up to you if you want to help, those people choose to help out, I recommend you try to help and join one of those groups to see no-one is trying to stiff anyone, no one means any harm, and everyone there is donating their time for the greater good. Remember there are more good people than bad people. Most people tend to over exaggerate.

Anonymous said...

This group deals with money. They pay money to be members in the Mr. Amigo Association. Then they have to do fundraisers to get more money to contribute to the Association. They have a minimum amount of money that each has to raise. That is why most of them are vendors, contractors, business owners etc
In return they get fortunes, fame, power and belong to the right circles of Brownsville.

They also recruit new members to continue this power scheme.
They do not represent the people, they do not care about the people and on a whim they select a Mr. Amigo that they like or that it is convenient for them to meet.

The vulgar language they use, the lack of respect in the meetings shows that they know how to control others and how to be bullies. Last year, they went solo and had the Mr. Amigo event at Linear Park. Poor Emanuel's son: few people went to see him. There was no parade for him.

Next time you see Graciela Salazar, Juan Chapa, Artemio Alvarez, Arturo Trevino, Sergio Martinez, Cynthia Garza, Richard Garza....do not be impressed by them. They are not good people.
