Those of us who have been fortunate to have attained an education and achieve a measure of success with roots in low socioeconomic levels and humble beginnings also inherited a social obligation: to uplift those who don't have one.
I'm talking about all those Hispanics or Mexicans or Latinos – whatever you want to call them/us – that have made it in the world and have made lots of money. One thing I see when I’m in the valley is a proliferation of high-end cars like Porsches, Jaguars, Teslas, BMWs, etc.
But before you plunk down $80,000 for a car, would you consider giving some money to Texas Southmost, UTRGV, or Texas A&M Kingsville for student scholarships?
Unlike other successful groups who have been prosecuted and reviled, we have not come together after all the horrible things that have happened to us. I remember this as I travel trough Columbus, Texas, a town where newcomer Texans expelled all Mexicans in 1856 because they thought they could help promote a slave insurrection.
Unlike other successful groups who have been prosecuted and reviled, we have not come together after all the horrible things that have happened to us. I remember this as I travel trough Columbus, Texas, a town where newcomer Texans expelled all Mexicans in 1856 because they thought they could help promote a slave insurrection.
I guess the memory of all these things are everywhere, and, when in the valley, I think about all the people that are dead in the fields, their bones near trees where they were lynched and nobody ever found, all the land that was lost, and the way that we got put down because Mexican-Americans were seen as stupid, lazy, and not hard-working as the new white settlers saw themselves.
We have to counter this self-hate that has been hammered into us through an education that doesn't even acknowledge that we have a place in history, and that teaching kids in school of the abuses against a conquered people by a "superior" race amounts to critical race theory that erodes the self esteem of their progeny. Ironically, to them, ignorance of this sordid history is bliss.
One way to counter this is to help kids go to school. If you’re going to buy a BMW and pay so much money, can you maybe get the next less expensive one or buy another car that doesn’t cost so much and give some money for scholarships so some kids can go to school?
One way to counter this is to help kids go to school. If you’re going to buy a BMW and pay so much money, can you maybe get the next less expensive one or buy another car that doesn’t cost so much and give some money for scholarships so some kids can go to school?
Financial aid is so tough as you know, and if you have ever done it, filling out that FAFSA is terrible. And there are some people who are not wealthy, but not terribly poor and don’t qualify for their kids to have financial aid. They fall somewhere in the middle.
And you know how expensive tuition is these days. It has skyrocketed. In some classes, universities are forcing the kids to pay money for the textbooks used in classes. So instead of being able to borrow the book from other students, getting a PDF or something else, or getting it from the downtown library, universities have signed contracts with electronic providers that require that they be purchased or do without them.
Can we find it in our hearts to try to help a kid go to school?
Can we find it in our hearts to try to help a kid go to school?
It can be in a formal way by contributing to a scholarship fund in one of the colleges or universities or just the kid that you know really well that you can give money to so they can go to school. Many people have quietly done it that way.
I know of one university professor whose nephew (cousin’s kid) whose single mom couldn't really help him, and he was on a full scholarship to Texas A&M but didn’t have enough money to live on even though they paid all his tuition. She gave (even though she was almost broke) $150 a month for a whole academic year. It may not have been much, but it made a huge difference in his life.
We can all do things like that.
When a person has money it’s so much easier to go buy lots of clothes, expensive stuff, jewelry, or spend loads of money on a fancy vacation, buy that fancy car, but not really stop to think about the world around us. And the only way we, as a people, a state, and a nation, are going to do better is to help the kids. It won't hurt a bit and you'll feel good being part of the solution.
When a person has money it’s so much easier to go buy lots of clothes, expensive stuff, jewelry, or spend loads of money on a fancy vacation, buy that fancy car, but not really stop to think about the world around us. And the only way we, as a people, a state, and a nation, are going to do better is to help the kids. It won't hurt a bit and you'll feel good being part of the solution.
Locally, Texas Southmost College Foundation's mission is to transform students’ lives "by providing equal opportunities for students to access a quality, affordable college education by providing support for student scholarships, academic instruction, and instructional support for students. A local, volunteer Board of Directors governs the Foundation, which is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization."
To reach them, contact Stella E. Garcia, PhD, Vice President of Institutional Advancement/Chief of Staff, (956) 295-3394, or email her at
To contact UTRGV, click on link:
To contact Texas A&M Kingsville, call University Scholarships at (361) 593-5372
or log on
or log on
Montoya, what "measure of success" did you attain, bro?
make me laugh.
a blogger?
What education, Montoya? You still vote like a plantation negroe. Straight Democratic. Haven't you heard the joke about the Mexican crabs?
December 27, 2023 at 7:56 AM
como chingas jotito y tu y tu mama la borracha y el maricon your speed jotito.
Mary Rose Cardenas
Wow, the comments! Talk about Mexican crabs! Let’s promote one another. Lift each other UP. Cheer each other on. Encourage each other and delight in the success and accomplishments of others. THAT’S WHAT WE SHOULD BE DOING. P
A vehicle does not measure success. Many of these people have cars worth more than their homes or don't even own homes. Many others buy junked wrecked luxury vehicles and fix them. Those that do pay full price for high end vehicles are often associated rated with illicit activity in our area.
December 27, 2023 at 8:31 AM
como chingas pinche maricon people here hate your ass vallese
Blinken Heads to Mexico as Migrant Caravan Moves Toward U.S. Border
New program offered by the racist republican texas governor - Adopt an illegal migrant and everybody will be bussed to New York City FFFFRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE....
About 3,500 migrant families in New York City shelters have received eviction notices.
Solution for the border problem SENT ALL THE GRINGOS BACK TO COCKROACH EUROPE!!!
Los cocos would rather help los gringos than a meskin FACT!!!
The struggle to get an education makes the students wiser and stronger.
Example: Matamoros students.... they made copies of the books ...saved tons of dollars.
Example: the colleges charge for parking BIG money...the students park around the neighborhood to avoid paying the BIG money
Example: understanding that to get good grades one has to study....not copy, no collusion, no plagiarism, not trying to get extra credit
Example: our fellow classmates, some of them work, go to school, get good grades, others party all semester long, fail all the classes, and still graduate when they learn to pass the classes and still party. Some of our classmates are honest people, others are crooks, narcissists and chingones.
Example: our teachers, some of them are the real thing and others know how to play the system....we learn from them.
Money is not the solution. Teach skills to the students. Teach them and explain to them why the material they are learning is useful for their future. Teach them to have a budget and to save money.
If you are thinking of donating money to colleges:
....spend it in yourself. Remember when you had nothing to eat as a student. When your clothes were horrible. When you had no transportation to attend college. Remember and splurge your extra money in you. Why do you have to be the one to help others when only your family supported you. Help yourself First, Second, and Third. Help your loved ones.
So agree….but maybe help people earn credentials so they can get to work quickly. Nothing wrong with being a plumber, nurse, electrician, or welder…etc.
No one can be pulled down if you don't allow it! That is what Mary Rose believed in, 8:55. She helped many of us get to where we are now because she worked herself to the bone to get what she wanted and finally attained - peace of mind in not having to beg for anything at street corners or ask for free
foodstamps or cheese. She and Rey started off like all of us but they never stopped believing in their goals. Shame on those who attack those people who try to better themselves, bola de enbidiosos.
My money is not for everyone to enjoy. It's for me!
The irony of this is that you are one of the first to tear down your own on this blog.
Is this a joke? Maybe these universities should cut down on the excessive professor wages and sell some of their properties. If all else fails ask the Biden administration for some money. They give money away all the time for less causes.
Hand out good paying jobs maybe $20 an hour. Maybe that'll start getting things better for the youth. The $10 City of Brownsville and BISD jobs are deplorable. How can you survive on $10. Give the youth a boost with a real salary.
If you don't know that Montoya is a lot more than a blogger estas bien pendejo. Jealousy burns your asshole. It is like as if they rubbed chile piquin all over your anus walls. Life is too short. Let it go.
Tuition is free at UTRGV. Stop crying and do something about your damn situation. Maybe then you can afford a bmw also.
Join the military - free food, free housing, education aid, lots of us did that when there was no other choice and no one was fucking whining about not being helped.
Why not get all the politicos to stop spending hundreds of thousands on campaigns…
December 27, 2023 at 7:56 AM
and you and your mama what have both of you obtained? not even a clown y tu mama a birth to an idiota. WOW
She was pretty than got uglier like her other half. rip
Get help from other Hispanics say like el coco at el puerto? Yea right!!!! Once they sell themselves to los gringos they will always think they are no longer meskins, and das a facto!!!
they even change their names and name their guequitos with white names.
Giving money to the downtrodden has not always been the answer. A very small percentage of these folks will actually do something with this monetary assistance. They will go to college or a trade school and complete their education and thus, begin their road to a successful and fruitful future. On the other hand, a big percentage of these folks will get assistance and then go and not complete their education. They will discover that they were ill-prepared for college and maybe even for a trade school. Then, the worst part of all: they will become VICTIMS....the "pobresito yo" syndrome found in all cultures. In the USA, these victims will not work for minimum wage because they feel they are too good for minimum wage so, eventually they become wards of the state. If you don't help yourself first, how can you succeed? If you don't set AND COMPLETE your goals, how can you succeed. I am all for helping qualified Hispanics, or anyone else for that matter, in need but only to the extent that they show consistent completion of their college and/or trade school courses. Time and time again it has been shown that simply giving money away is not the answer.
Students at TSC, UTRGV etc have a food pantry. They just go and get free food, fruits, snacks etc
ALso, if the students get two years of Dual Enrollment they graduate from BISD with a Diploma and with an Associate Degree from TSC.
There is a lot of good help for students. Many teachers at BISD try to keep the students away from their phones. That is also a big help.
So, the students that are smart, and they listen to the parents that convince their kids to do the right thing....will have it a little bit easier when they enter the WORK WORLD.
The information is out there: dual enrollment, free tuition etc.... just give the students time to study and pass their classes on the first attempt.
And the convicted Sylvia was a part of the successful dusk enrollment.
Too bad she got greedy. Sylvia "could have been somebody"
Tuition is not free I graduated from there in 2002.
My siblings joined the military and until now have not claimed disability like most Valleyites do
It's all on ethics and morals
December 28, 2023 at 4:21 PM
You are right. The FREE tuition began in 2022 and it has rules.
Your family has to earn less than $125, 000 per year.
The student has to register for 15 hours and those hours have to be related to your field of study.
Tuition and mandatory fees are covered. It is a good deal for the students.
So if you have kids in your family that know how to study CONVINCE them to get an Associate Degree during High School, then they can get four years free tuition at UTRGV. DO IT.
2:25 PM
Sylvia was somebody. She earned a great paycheck as well. Unfortunately she decided to gamble it all away. She is still somebody. Somebody who is known as a crook, bully, rata, thief...take your pick and she did it all to herself. She did not need anybody else's help.
Cameron County residents urged to protest a planned tax abatement for Texas LNG
The coco that got fired at the port, but says he retired was the driving idea to bring this dirty company here.
100% meskin but is a coco wanna be white gringo but can not, gringos hate cocos wanna be white and he's one.
Re: Anonymous December 27 8:01 PM,
I am not aware that professors are making an exhorbitant salary, no, not at all. The ones making unbelievable salaries are the college presidents. This is where colleges/universities have to cut down. Truth be said, these university presidents don't run these schools in the first place. They are just the "face" of the school, it's the Board of Regents that run the school and who, by the way, also manage to pay themselves a nice and hefty salary. So, my friend, don't knock college professors.
December 30, 2023 at 12:43 PM
BS they even get free housing and forever, every professor here is on welfare, free housing and high salaries. MAMONES the teachers also want a free home and paid by property taxes which is paid by all citizens here.
The teachers work only 5 months out of a year and yet we makes LESS working a full year, now they want free housing like the professors. BULLSHIT!!!
Comment Part One from Bento
This is part One of a Two part comment.
I’m ashamed of those of you who are saying that nobody helped you so you won’t help anybody else?
What makes you think no one helped you if you went to college and you did it all on your own - there were for sure some professors that tried really hard to teach you the best they could- hoping to make your life better.
However, when you’re going to college and you don’t have much help, every dollar means something.
It’s been written many times that people who are successful, make it through generational wealth. Their parents pay their tuition or pay the deposits for their apartments or buy their first car.
Many Latinos have not had this privilege - some of you have made it on your own and that’s something to be really proud of. But think of all the kids especially in the RGV that have not been able to finish college because someone in the family got sick or laid off.
There are also many girls who get married, and have children and just can’t go on anymore in college because there isn’t enough support for childcare.
Comment Part Two from Bento
How Much or How Should You Give
You don’t have to give a ton of money to UTRGV. Give $100 or buy one or more books for somebody you know. If you’re not sure the kid will actually use the money for tuition and books go with them to pay the tuition or part of it.
Or buy them a laptop that they need very badly. You can get some really good ones for less than $450 these days (avoid Chrome books - they don’t work well with university computer programs)
As a people we’re not going to do any better if we don’t help each other. It doesn’t mean giving it all away…. Just give some if you have a surplus.
For those of you that won’t admit you made your money in something illegal, it doesn’t matter in this situation. You are helping a kid so they won’t have to look for alternate ways to make money….. hey keep your Porsche a few years longer and send a kid to college for a whole year.
December 27, 2023 at 12:13 PM
work where as a labor at space xyz?
Porsche nobody sells porsches here. out of touch idiota I know, I wanted to purchase one and couldn't I had to go to their plant in mejico.
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