Thursday, December 7, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun
CC Sheriff's Dept.
Channel 5 News

Toxicology results show a 25-year-old inmate who was found dead in her Cameron County jail cell in October had fentanyl in her system, according to the sheriff’s office. The admission she had died from the illegal drug was made in a press release by Cameron County Sheriff Eric Garza's office Wednesday.

Jacqueline Barocio was in custody at the Carrizales-Rucker Detention Center when she was found dead on Oct. 21, according to previous reports. 

According to her family, she had been held at the jail and had complained of a painful toothache for about two months before her death was reported by a jailer when she was found unresponsive in her cell. A jail mate said she complained of a painful toothache the night before she died and said was given medication by a jail nurse.

“We thought she would be safe there, but… she's dead now,” Jacqueline’s mother – Veronica Aguilera  – said at the time her death was reported..

Jacqueline’s sister and Aguilera said they got a call from the sheriff’s office informing them of her death. When they asked what happened, they said they were told “she had passed away this morning, and he had no information to give us."

Esmeralda Barocio says she spoke with Jacqueline the night before, and she had been in pain from her wisdom tooth. Aguilera said Jacqueline had been dealing with this problem for two months, but the guards wouldn’t get her medical attention.

A nurse at the infirmary reportedly gave her antibiotics on the night before she was found unresponsive in her cell.

A Wednesday news release from the Cameron County Sheriff’s Office said toxicology reports revealed Barocio “had fentanyl in her system at the time of death.”

Barocio’s family previously told Channel 5 News she was in jail on charges of aggravated assault and possession of drugs.

Jacqueline Barocio leaves behind a 1-year-old and a 6-year-old child.

The investigation into Barocio’s death continues, the sheriff’s office stated.


Anonymous said...

one less vote for Trump.


Anonymous said...

Cheap tainted medicine from across the border.

Anonymous said...

This is a murder case

Anonymous said...

Condolences to family.

Anonymous said...

This story brings me bad memories of a local dentist (Joseph Yoste) thad did so many bad things to his patients.

The patients trusted Joseph Yoste as a doctor and he was just a crazy and evil human being. Yoste's staff was also part of the evil.

Anonymous said...

Poor young life, her family should had been more supportive by putting money o her account for her dental work which is offered there for a small fee.

Anonymous said...


Fuck all of you!!!!

be the patriot, cagapalos.

Anonymous said...

WOW, parent said, "I thought she would be safe there"..
Come on now!!!!!!!!!
why not safe at home with her young children and family.
Looking at $$$$$$$$$$$
In the mean while Poor young girl. Victim of society and home life.

Anonymous said...

IS time to get Commander Mendieta fired with Lt Mejia and Lt Costilla bola de pendegos. The jail is short as fuck no guards jail staff quiting because the way Commander Mendieta is running the jail

Anonymous said...

Another death from fentanyl thanks to Joe Biden's Open Border Policy. This is not one less vote for Trump but one less vote for the corrupt Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

Eric Garza do you know in carrizalez theres females working as jailers and most of the time there in captains Villarreal office Erica Gonzalez get to work piggy thats why u get pay and you Villarreal stop been horny also you Mendieta

Anonymous said...

So no one is gonna bay an eye at Dean Garza? Isn’t he the one overseeing the medical department and or the infirmary’s medical purchases? Didn’t all those presentations for the fentanyl overdoses prepare them? It’s obvious it didn’t, it was all just an excuse for him to get out of the office.

Welcome to Cameron county where the administration is always Reactive and never Proactive

Anonymous said...

RIP to this young lady. But first things first. She didn't look like that when she went in. She was severely obese and had short hair. Now people aren't going to die days later from fentanyl. Nah. Im pretty positive That drug was more than likely brought in by another inmate and was being sold in there. It's so easy to bring in drugs to Carrizales. It's been happening since the jail was made so you can't just blame 1 sheriff. It's happened to ALL of them.

Anonymous said...

Poor child that 1 yr old. In reality the child was left behind when mom went to prison. Wonder where the father is.

Anonymous said...

No sympathy here...

Anonymous said...

Privatization of jail system could be an improvement.

Too late for this young person.

What benefit was there to keeping the mother away from her children?

So sad.

Anonymous said...

December 7, 2023 at 3:08 PM

You are right. This was a love story. The young lady falls in love, has children but gets into drugs. She suffers from love, the boyfriend loves her but doesn't understand her drug addiction. The family tries to help her. She goes back to drugs. She beats the boyfriend, she gets arrested and taken to Carrizales, the boyfriend drops all the charges but time..... time is her enemy and she dies before being released.

Love of her children could not save her.
Love of her family could not save her.
The patience of the boyfriend could not save her.

If you have young kids, let them have heartbreaks, pain and suffering when they are minors and you can help them. That will make them strong when they are adults and will not seek alcohol and drugs to face problems.

Anonymous said...

I blame the family. They should have gotten her into treatment for drugs. This went too far and now it's too late. Condolences to the family.

Anonymous said...

Alvaro instead of talking trash about the sheriff, the chief and captain Gomez you should tell them to their face. No que muy bergita. Go hide behind luis Saenz todo joto

Anonymous said...

This is inmate death number 7 for Eric Garza and his first term of office still needs 1 year to go!!!! Don't forget the father and son that got murdered from Cameron Park and found on the side of the road because Erics news release with crucial information of evidence involving LA Torguga that got the witness killed!

7 Jail deaths
2 witness deaths

Don't forget a new law written on Eric's behalf that disqualifies him from running for sheriff after his term is over because he lacks 1 year of PAID law enforcement experience.

Last but not least, don't forget that Eric has yet to pass a jail inspection from Texas commisson of jail standards.

Anonymous said...

Captain Guerra- 1

Eric Garza- 0
