Saturday, December 16, 2023



"We presented documentation and showcased our proactive measures" says Eric Garza in his Facebook post.

1. The documentation presented was made-up ONLY while the jail inspector was present conducting his inspection.

2. The proactive measure was the graveyard shift that had worked from 6pm to 6am (12) hours was forced to stay until the inspector left. They had employees working well over 16 hours which is AGAINST Cameron County policy.

3. They fooled the Texas Commission of Jail Standards.

4. If the Texas Commission of Jail Standards would comeback and re-check December 14, 2023 by comparing jail rosters and county time-sheets they will find that as soon as the inspector left the building at 12 noon because he was in a hurry to go have lunch, things returned to normal.

5. That same day, the graveyard shift went home as soon as the inspector left and we were back to square one, being very short and NOT having enough personnel to cover all the pods.

6. Eric Garza thinks he is smart by over-working the jailers and forcing them to work overtime that day ONLY to pass the inmate to guard ratio. But, it was at the expense of overworked and underpaid jailers that were no longer alert, were falling asleep and no longer able to perform their respective duties because of tiredness.

7. I challenge the Texas Commission of jail standards to go back and see what happened as soon as they walked out the door. Eric made a fool out of the jail standards commission. But he did not fool everybody.

8. The jail is being run by the inmates. There is not enough jailers working and it creates an unsafe environment for everyone.


Anonymous said...

Oh, just shut up already, you disgruntled jail employees!

You bore me!

Do your jobs and maybe the problems won't come up.

Anonymous said...

Fucking jailers are all losers!

all they do is bitch and squeal on everybody else. Pussies, and fat ones at that.

clamp down on Stupid Jailers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He's well schooled in the art of lying just look where he came from, a house mouse paper pusher for a gringo judge. So what do you all expect? A church going sheriff? hahahahahaaaahjahahahahahaaaaa no guey
una RATA...

Anonymous said...

Garza ordered mendieta to input numbers to make it seem they have the necessary staff. Jail Standards knows about this, they are just giving Garza more rope. Attorney General now looking into criminal charges for several jail admin staff.

Anonymous said...

Rosas is drilling eric a new asshole. Last night there was an assault in progress call but there were no deputies available and the patrol sup (109) said on the radio "cameron I have no units available due to a presentation". Garza thinks because all this presentations he is winning, if he even knew how Rivera and Lopez talk shit about him and silver. What a joke of administration

Anonymous said...

And all you fucking demoRAT idiots will vote for him again. Cameron county deserves him.

Anonymous said...

The White House says no, but questions about Joe Biden pardoning his son persist
Will trumputo do the same? pardon himself and all his family and friends???

Anonymous said...

Henry G. (of Blessed Memory) would have straightened that mess out on day one. Simple as reducing the # of clients in ratio of staff with the assistance of the Board of Judges. Eight hour jailer shifts only and an opportunity for ALL jailers to have a weekend off every once in awhile would definitely improve morale. County Elite Officials need to step up and allow for part-time jailers that would work weekend and fill in where needed. Unfortunately, part time jailers would create more work for HR and Payroll so heaven forbid that idea come to fruition.

Best of luck to this and future administrations regarding the jail. It’s a thankless job.

Happy Holidays 🕎

Anonymous said...

If you are a Cameron County Jailer, it is no longer viable for you to remain an employee of the Cameron County Sheriff's Office. The lack of management has placed you, the inmates you must take care of, and your fellow staff in danger. If a person dies, the jailers will be looked at as responsible. You will face civil litigation, and if found to do something criminally wrong, you can face prosecution. The last thing any ineffective manager will own up to is what got you there: a huge turnover rate, improper promoting, no training, no assistance, no oversight by management, and inept supervisors.

Anonymous said...

Instead of helping jailers, knowing they are short-staffed, they sit in their offices barking orders. They will not get up to help, evident by how some of these supervisors have ballooned up over the years. Also, privileged officers are allowed to sit in the offices of jail leadership, answering their phones and emails. If you are an administrative officer and need someone to do that for you, maybe it's time to quit. And what does the Sheriff Administration do? Nothing. Instead, the administration tries to promote retention by allowing deputies and jailers to dress sloppily, come and go as they please with no consequences. They are allowed to be late to work, given special privileges if they were campaign supporters, and receive special treatment if they are dating a married supervisor.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that instead of addressing the problems of being short-staffed, the jailers are being told to falsify logs to make it appear as if they are working where they are not. This is not just unethical but illegal.

To the jailers, if a supervisor is making you lie on government records, report it to the Texas Rangers Public Integrity Unit at (512) 424-2160, the Cameron County District Attorney's office at Phone: (956) 544-0849, and/or the Texas Commission on Jail Standards Complaint Inspectors: Wendy Wisneski – Critical Incident Inspector 512.769.4326, Clarisa Fasci – Complaint Inspector 512.595.6252, Richard Morgan – Complaint Incident Inspector 512.850.9668, Chris Keith – Complaint Inspector 512.850.942.

I openly challenge any supervisor to post their training, agency-led or individual, and more importantly, how are they using it to help their staff. I openly challenge supervisors to post minutes to supervisors' meetings where it wasn't a he said, she said meeting, a department vs. department meeting, or a pissing contest. Show us actual training or staff development. I also challenge the supervisors to post incident remedies, policy rewrites, etc. They will hide behind the company policy of privacy, but the truth is, it never happened. The current jail leadership was at the bottom of the pile and was promoted by default. There is not a smart one in the bunch. You also have clerks trying to put their two cents in, and they know nothing.

Anonymous said...

Under this sheriff, there has been a mass exodus of employees. Instead of looking at his management team for possible mismanagement, he attributes it to "cleaning house," equivalent to being broken up with but claiming it was his idea. Your team is ineffective. You have changed your commander position in the jail three times in the course of your tenure, and it was not because they were being held accountable for actions in the jail; it is because they tried to bring it to your attention, and your minions saw it as a threat. What should be looked at is the illicit relationships with supervisors and staff that violate county and sheriff office policy, defeating morale when privileged employees do what they want and not what they're supposed to. What should be looked at is how your staff is not up to date with mental health training and, more so, how to implement the help the inmates deserve, how the county is being bled dry by overtime, and how people are not working where they are assigned, yet amassing huge amounts of overtime while a person dies in custody.

Anonymous said...

To the current sheriff, you're in it to be popular; this administration is smoke and mirrors and is desperate. Every one of your leadership team has a backup plan. They are all working with your competition. I can name them by names and place them with who they are aligned to.

Anonymous said...

To the candidates running against the current sheriff, grow some balls. Your goody two-shoes act doesn't work. People like free stuff, so of course, they will go to where you're at, but what about the deputies who are short, the jailers who are overworked and tired? When have any of you done anything for them? They are voters too. When are you going to take your fight to the problem? When are you going to speak for those who can't? You're scared, and we all see it. The current sheriff will be re-elected if you stay quiet.

Anonymous said...

Jailers, if you're looking for jobs, google Southwest Keys, Compass Connections, etc. Find better you deserve it. This administration has failed you. And to those 20 to 30 deputies and jailers that are on constant tour at schools and events, some of you are made to attend, and we understand. But to those that cry to the Chief, Captains, etc to ensure they attend, enjoy them. You are useless to the community and citizens who swore to protect. If your sheriff loses, he won't be the only one looking for another job.

Anonymous said...

All the deputies are doing events trying to get votes for the sheriff or working at the Harlingen school detail or space x nobody is on patrol you are not safe. People are dying and crime is skyrocketing.

Anonymous said...

Pshhh love how to first two comments are from some lames. You both try beings out numbered in a cell amongst crackheads, drug dealers or POS’s who are put and forgotten about after Eric posts their face on FB. Totally not worth the pay or stress. But yet someone has to do it right?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To the individual commenting on privatizing. Privatization applies only to Republicans. Democrats are for big government. But I do agree with you.

Anonymous said...

donde esta traquilino? with his jail keys he would quiet everybody, AND THAT IS A FACT

Anonymous said...

And the it continues with the blogger continued negative comments. Juan you've been against the Sheriff since he took Office. Your hate continues to show. Lucio is not coming back from his grave, since he would give special treatment everytime you were in custody, nor his Administration who were Dictators and full of lies and deception. You never posted all the horrible issues they created including extreme Federal violations.

Anonymous said...

Is time for a new sheriff ROSAS 2024

Anonymous said...

December 17, 2023 at 8:19 AM


Anonymous said...

If all this is proven true, the county may have a serious issue on their hands. We may also have a good number of persons in trouble if they knowingly falsified records. If the law was broken, Sheriff Fife and his staff have a lot of explaining to do. And on top of that, a couple of lawsuits to follow if incidents occurred because of these alleged lies. It seems like its never ending drama at the Sheriffs department and jail. Incompetence and arrogance are the root of all these issues!! Grab your popcorn folks, this is about to get very interesting/ entertaining!!

Anonymous said...

Rosas get new administration let go commander Mendieta Captain Villarreal Lt Costilla Lt Mejia Lt Lazo Staff sgt Ibarra toothless Mayor you will see the difference in the jail division . Indictments are comming right Eric Garza thats why u got ur new home in San Antonio to run away .

Anonymous said...

December 17, 2023 at 8:19 AM
Open your own blog idiota but first learn to write guey...

Anonymous said...

Trouble Brewing in Brown Town!
Making Brownsville Police Part Time Chief Felix El Chapo Sauceda leave a Brown stain inhis panties!
As He allowed Bullying, Hazing,Harassment and sexual Harassment against two female cadets.
The Training Lieutenant who was making advancements on one of the females later had her fired. The patrol Cmdr who was also aware of the on going problems looked the other way and did nothing...but claimed thats what The Chief had ordered.
While the remaining female cadet was under heavy harassment by the Training Lieutenant, Training (female) Sgt and all of the training instructors at the Brownsville Police Department Westside center.
..Stay Tuned for More details coming soon.

Anonymous said...

Rosas the new Conrado

Anonymous said...

Have any of you heard this bozo's ad on TV? Look at his mouth and it looks like Anna's ana**, the only think missing is a live turd (youcherife).

Anonymous said...

Worst ever idea from el pendejo de Garza y Silverio to have place Mendieta in charge of the jail what a fcking idiots. Che Mendieta can even spell leader more less would he know how to act as one. Mendieta just another lambe guevos de Garza y Silverio took the job just to make extra cash on his last year cause he is clueless on how to fix anything at the jail. Pura mierda de administracion con toy y el chofer de Silverio el Chile Cisneros. Sasss putos enjoy your last year in office. Y ay se llevan al lambe culitos de todos el ojetito de Angel Perez that has being double dipping handleing schedules with Space X, Stone Garden over time and getting paid while he is on county time as well. Yea thats right Angel the Rangers already know about you also culerito and you think just cause you are at the top of the food chain handling the over time, that u are untouchable well you are not. Complaint has already file and the investigation is brewing🤔😁
