Saturday, December 16, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Is there an adult on the Mr. Amigo Association Foundation or the board of directors?

Last year someone came up with the bright idea of holding the Mr. Amigo Association's event in August instead of joining forces with the Charro Days Fiesta. That flopped, and the Association was forced to return to join the Charro Days festivities in February.

And now, following the announcement Dec. 15 that Eduardo Verástegui, one of Sounds of Freedom producers, was chosen to be Mr. Amigo 2024, it appears that a declared candidate for the presidency in Mexico who has shared footage of himself engaging in target practice suggesting  it represented the actions he would take against members of the LGBTQ+ community, among others, has been chosen by the Association to promote unity and friendship between the two counties.

Verástegui, born in Ciudad Mante, Tamaulipas, Mexico, expressed his honor at being selected as Mr. Amigo and said he is looking forward to participating in the Charro Days Fiesta, which will take place from February 29 to March 2, 2024.

Dressed in a black ensemble, Verástegui is seen aiming a firearm at a target while standing outdoor in a walled space. The 12-second footage showed him firing several rounds. While Verástegui did not speak in the footage, the 49-year-old's choice of words in his accompanying caption captured the attention of social media users.

"Look at what we are going to do to the terrorists of the 2030 agenda, climate change and gender ideology," read the caption, which was written in Spanish. "I'm reading you [your comments].

Meanwhile, a letter of concern is circulating in social media warning the members that the choice for Mr. Amigo has created a controversy and is dividing instead of uniting Brownsville and neighboring Matamoros and both countries. In the letter, the writer warns the board about the negative response to the selection. 

"I've followed politics long enough to know he has a long, long, long history of extremist ideology including being anti-LGBRQ (calling gay people pedophiles, calling for their extermination), anti-vaxxer, a climate-change denier, anti-abortion...(and) we're supposed to represent mutual love and respect between the US/Mexico and I think we're about to take a hit for it..."

"There's several calls to boycott Mr. Amigo online, hate messages posted all over with this selection."

According to the stated mission of the Association it was formed " to designate an individual who promotes the improvement of the quality of life in the Hispanic community and who also serves as a role model for the community.

"The recipient must also be a Mexican citizen who has contributed to the friendship and understanding of the United States and Mexico, and has excelled in their profession, exemplifying the highest standards in their personal and professional life."

"I know we have had Mr. Amigos who have come from political pasts before, but this man is someone who is bound to separate us," the letter continued. "Do we have a plan to counter the narrative?" 

Believe it or not, the average resident does have a stake in this. Last year, the Mr. Amigo Association requested $75,000 in Hotel Occupancy Tax revenue for fiscal year 2023 and lists the City of Brownsville, the Brownsville Public Utility Board, the Brownsville Community Improvement Corporation, the Brownsville Navigation District (Port of Brownsville), and various private businesses and individuals as sponsors like L and F Distributors, TIPOTEX, the Lone Star National Bank, and Dr. Ruben Gallegos and others. 

The Verástegui video, which has been viewed more than 4 million times, sparked a mixed response from X users, many of whom mocked the tactics and messaging.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the producer of Sound of Freedom (and now running for the presidency of Mexico) openly fantasizing about murdering feminists, LGBTIQ activists and environmentalists," read one comment on the platform.

"We are now ready to reeducate the damn homosexuals in the Catholic faith. And bring to their knees the females who don't know their place," another quipped in a tongue-in-cheek response. "Long live Christ the King, damn it!"

In reference to Verástegui's stance on abortion, one detractor wrote: "You don't kill unborn babies but you do kill those who are alive?"

"I don't know if this man is campaigning for the USA or Mexico?" commented another. "That seems like a typical Republican propaganda cliché, something that doesn't work in Mexico."

The question for Mr. Amigo Association is: "Who is making theses decisions, and did they do their due diligence in the selection of this man? Or is the Association pushing its own social and political agenda with public and private funds?"


Anonymous said...

This guy is clearly gay himself. He had an affair if that's what you call it with Peña Nieto. Mexico's prior president. He would go on trips on the air force one equivalent in Mexico. We all know Peña Nieto is gay. They gave him a movie star wife to fit the image of a family man. As soon as his term was over he divorced her and she and her ex husband were paid millions of dollars.The truth came out. People hate pena nieto and Angelica rivera. She now lives in Europe with the Mexicans money. This guy is now pretending to be straight, Christian and far right. He is a fraud. He wants to be president and he might make it. So he lies,,,all to get the Mexicans conservative vote. To choose him as Mr. Amigo is such hypocrisy. I agree that he should be replaced. For him it is a campaign event. Nothing is worse than a gay man who denies he is gay but every one else knows he is. His movie was also a great exaggeration. One of the actors in the movie was also charge with sexual harassment by several women. I believe everyone has the right to equality. What is wrong is not that he is gay. That he is targeting gays when he himself is one. A real hypocrite hiding behind a religious agenda. All for votes.

Anonymous said...

How funny that Mayra Flores puts on her page that Eduardo Verastegui is her friend and she is proud of him. So Mayra is the female Eduardo.hahaha.... Same racist, bigoted, homophobic views. And both hypocrites to the max....what is terrible is to do so to fool people to win votes. Pura mentiras que son Cristianos. They are anti abortion, anti LGBT. What is worse is the people who support them. But the truth is Mayra is not liked in Cameron County. People can see through he fake GOD, FAMILY AND COUNTRY baloney. She is a con artist. So is Eduardo who aspires to become president. He is not a good person or has the education to be president.An actor and that qualifies him??? But since he is handsome the women will vote for him. Both Mayra and Eduardo are hypocrites trying to make money.Neither is experienced to win a political post. Doubt he will get far. People in Mexico know he is gay even if he denies it. But to want to shoot people,,,wow thats crazy. Reminds me of Mayra and her AR 15.No seran primos?

Anonymous said...

juan check out the final football score Aledo 51 Smithson Valley 8, go chargers

Anonymous said...

Eduardo Verástegui is gay. He previously dated Ricky Martin. So what? Let’s not judge.

Anonymous said...

Great, someone other than Trump who is against the madness infecting our country. I personally don't care if you're a gay or dike. Just don't push you're sick agenda on me. There is a very small percentage of queers in this country. The only reason Biden is pushing this madness is for votes. The same applies to abortion. I can't even imagine our military made up of nothing but gays and dikes. What are they going to do? Slap the enemy? Stop this pandemic vote Republican!

Anonymous said...

I would say boycott, but he would call me a pedo because it has the word boy in it.

Anonymous said...

Martha de la Garza made a mistake. A big one! She needs to salvage what she can and change this immediately!

BobbyWC said...

"Eduardo Verástegui, one of Sound of Freedom's producers, has shared footage of himself engaging in target practice as he suggested it represented the actions he would take against members of the LGBTQ+ community, among others."

Anonymous said...

The Mr. Amigo Association doesn't seem like they did their homework. We have enough here with the Trump and his MAGATS agenda and now to give this man the title of Mr. Amigo is beyond reprehensible. What was the association thinking?
I think he problem is that we no longer have honorable Mr. Amigos without a political agenda. The Mr. Amigo's of years past is no more. Time to rethink this tradition of naming Mr. Amigo's for Charro Days.

Anonymous said...

Need to get rid of all the line my pocket organizations here, starting with this one here, and I mean all of them!!!

Anonymous said...

The Brownsville community which is made up of mostly queers so why bash this guy? Or is it the gun that bothers you? A Fag with a gun, now that a conversation piece.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for exposing this man on Rrun Rrun. The more I read about him, the more I like him. I may go to a amigo event for the first time in 25 years just to see him. Very happy that all the faggot liberal pussies in browntown are so upset over this. Makes my day. Tell me more RR!!

Anonymous said...

Let me explain the facts to you. Gay Roy and his fruity minions are upset for 1 reason. Studies have shown that about 92% of all gay males are child molesters or regularly fantasize about having virginal sex with underage boys. This Mr. Amigo guy recently produced a movie that exposed the gay perverts who traffic children. By exposing the molesters, it makes them harder to find victims. If you voted for Roy then you support child trafficking.

Anonymous said...

@11:54 and 12:50 That's so true let the faggots rejoice. One that actually shots a gun and his mouth. Damn this should be fun to watch!

Anonymous said...

That Vergastucci Dude has no business being Mr. AMIGO. There is enough hate towards the border region that our "FRIENDSHIP" event doesn't need to get tarnished.

Anonymous said...

When the gay community found out about this mexican actor/producer Vergastucci they were shocked and upset!! Well now they know how the Christian community felt when they heard and saw comissioner Roy say F/U to a Christian lady!!! I guess the score is now even !!! Let’s keep him as Mr Amigo!!!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious. Gotta love it.

Anonymous said...

Appalling, Research the information.. Most inmates in Texas that are pedophiles are Heterosexual. Moron..

Anonymous said...

LOL ! Gay Roy is all talk, no action. What ever happened with your gay sidewalk getting painted over Roy? you were talking all tough but you did nothing! You should move out of Texas to somewhere where your sexual perversions are more accepted. I guarantee you will never win another election in Brownsville after you attacked an elderly Christian woman for simply praying. And also someone should investigate the cash that Sombrero Festival takes in. I know all about you Roy and you will be eventually exposed.

Anonymous said...

He fits the criteria to be Mr amigo.
He Does not know a damn thing about work or life.

Anonymous said...

people don't give a fuck.

mr amigo association is stupid.

roy loves pipi.

Anonymous said...

Those last few comments sound very similar to Donald Trump. Wait.. oh Mr. AMIGO Is friends with and is using his same tactics to get elected in Mexico. Good luck. I thought it was illegal to have a weapon in Mexico. I get it . Same person made several similar comments.

Anonymous said...

Mr Amigo organization is that dumb? This guy planned his way from acting to meeting the Trumpster. Learned tactics, make a movie, and run for president in mx. It sounds like all the comments on that Commissioner are very hateful. Must be the Mr. AMIGO.

Anonymous said...

Apologize, fix it, and move on. The city and the citizens deserve that much.

Anonymous said...

Looks like an auto bb rifle. When did they start making auto bb rifles? I want one!

Anonymous said...

Join the marines if you wanna use a real pistola not a bb gun yellow belly.

Anonymous said...

invite for Mr. Amigo

Yalitza Aparicio from the movie Roma

Guillermo del Toro

Gael Garcia Bernal

Damian Alcazar

Lila Downs

Rosy Arango

Eva Longoria
