Saturday, December 16, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Retired San Patricio County District Judge Joel Johnson has ruled that the Brownsville Independent School District must hold an election May 4, 2024 for voters to determine whether Place 6 Minerva Peña or challenger Marisa Leal will remain on the board.

Leal initially won the Nov. 3, 2020 election by one vote. Pena asked for a recount and prevailed by eight votes, 16,552 to 16,544 for Leal and 10,575 for Joe A. Rodriguez. The vote was canvased, Pena was declared the winner and was sworn in Dec. 9, 2020 to her fourth term on the board.

Leal sued but the case didn’t go to trial until Jan. 6-7, 2022, with state district judge Johnson presiding because under state law the challenge had to be heard by a judge outside the county where the challenged election took place.

Johnson ruled that 24 illegal votes made it impossible to determine the election’s true winner and ordered a new election for May 7, 2022. Now, almost a year after the ruling, Johnson has ordered the election be held May 4.

That election never took place May 7, 2022 because of continual delays, Leal’s attorney Gilberto Hinojosa, of Brownsville, told Gary Long of the Brownsville Herald.

“So all this time it’s been one delay tactic after another,” Hinojosa said Tuesday. “The decision came down almost three years to the day after the election. So now the only time the court can order an election is the date of a uniform election date set by the Legislature. We thought we were going to be able to get the November election but the Supreme Court took a long time to rule on the petition and so now we’ve missed the Nov. 3 deadline, so the next uniform election date is in May of 2024."

The Texas Supreme Court rejected an appeal by Pena to overturn her November 2020 election loss to Leal.

In a decision, the court declined to review a decision by the 13th Court of Appeals upholding the result of a January 2022 trial in 107th state District Court in which the judge voided the original election and ordered a new one for May 2022.

After the trial, Johnson issued a finding that Hinojosa had shown by clear and convincing evidence that 16 voters cast ballots who were registered to vote at an address other than their residence, a commercial warehouse at 225 S. Vermillion Ave. near the Brownsville-South Padre Island International airport.

Hinojosa said under holdover provisions in the Texas constitution “if the election that they were elected in is voided, if they were already serving in that position from a prior election, then they are allowed to remain in office until the governing body replaces them or until there’s a new election.”

In her social page post, Peña states that the board majority wants to replace her with Leal, an assertion which is not supported by any proof, and she offers none. She further states that the position will be up for grabs in the November 2024 BISD election as well.


Anonymous said...

Asking the lord for a favor?
Wow tha king the lord for allowing her to "serve" for the time that she has

Not that she has accomplished anything

Anonymous said...

Do something right on your way out Cabbage Patch
Update the BISD Webpage
Rene KOKO The Gorilla Gutierrez is still Superintendent
What's up with that
I don't think he is coming back

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It will be a slap to the community if they put Leal in her place. Neither one of them should be sitting on the board for now.

Anonymous said...

Juan i think it would be best in the interest of the children as all these school board candidate say all the time when they are running for election, order a new special election and let the BISD voters decide who they want to represent them either la Minnie Mouse Pena or Ms. leal or someone new? hey thats the ticket. me vistes?

Anonymous said...

BISD schools enrollments are down.
Are Charter schools are offering better education?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who the shit gave women the right to vote? WHAT A FU*** MISTAKE. go back to the kitchen and have a dozen kids

Anonymous said...

Having Pena on the board would create an unfair position for Leal. The right but probably difficult thing to do is for her to resign before she is removed. I don't think she has that kind of grit. Ms. Pena, do the right thing and I will vote for you.

Anonymous said...

By by time to go home

Anonymous said...

WHY ARE WOMEN TEACHERS 90% ARE FEMALES AND THE REST ARE MARICONES. Jotos go get a real job stop flurting with the children pinches jotos

Anonymous said...

Teachers they all make big bucks, get pay raises twice, show up at school and work only 5 hours and 3 hours are for gossip, drinking coffee, on the phone con el hacho and decide where to meet after they finish the day's work (sic sic). La tienen hecha mamonas y mamonsitos...

Anonymous said...

Can we please get some closure on this bullshit. Tired of hearing of this drama and what’s worse seeing that ladies face ( Pena). I think i may be going blind.

Anonymous said...

Time for neither of them.

Anonymous said...

How about starting a 'porra" where we see if the stupid board members we have now have the guts to remove the fake God fearing Porter Belle vieja, from the board. Todos/todas se tampan con la misma colcha.

While you are at it, get rid of Eddie Garcia, but I can bet is just as chicken to remove la loca osicona, as they were to remove Eddie. Que compone la dientes nuevos, Jessica? What qualifies her to lead the board - being a volunteer is just so that she won't have to work at home.

De todos, maybe Frank Ortiz knows what education is all about.

Anonymous said...

Seriously Juan? Making fun of God. Be very careful you have a family and you would not want to be without God. Look at what happened to the man who insulted Israel. Que Triste. You must have been a bit drunk to mock God. I did not think you would sell yourself to go against God. Triste, Triste, Triste!

Anonymous said...

Juan, Marisa posted on her facebook page that she wants to be put in to replace Pena. Do you think maybe some of the board members are out talking about this? Denise was heard saying she wants Pena out. Denise does not realize that not everyone is her friend. Careful what you say to people. It may come back to haunt you.

Anonymous said...

why amen and not awomen? and what does it mean?

Anonymous said...

@11:41 It's no secret Denise has openly said that. Pena didn't support her in her re-election and was telling people to change their support. Denise has told people that in 2024, she was extending the same support Pena gave her. If you ask her, Denise will be open about it. It's no secret, and I don't blame her for wanting her out! Denise now can get rid of her earlier than November 2024. Pena NOW GETS A TASTE OF HER OWN MEDICINE. The fact is, we all want Pena out! After the death of her daughter-in-law and before the death, not resigning from the board to let her work in BISD shows the selfish person Pena. We support Denise Cause she will tell you how it is and has no issues telling you where she stands, and I respect that from people who are like that. Unlike board members who sit there and then lie to you cause they want your support.

Anonymous said...

@11:41am Hey, Pena or Pena supporter. This was started by Pena herself. She hates Denise cause she sees through her BS! I know Pena started this because I got the same call from Pena and of course, others got that same call. I spoke with Denise and yeah she said how she feels about this. She knows who her friends are and she will tell anyone who asks her how she feels on the issue. So call Denise and she will tell you.

Anonymous said...

It's about time this lady gets removed!! She never wins by a lot, always by a small margin.
When she was in the majority many decisions were made that were not popular, and Carlos Elizondo was part of the cuts and no raises and stipends.
1. Bus drivers lost their 40-hour workweek
2. Hall monitor positions were removed
3. Clerical staff positions were cut ( sped and campus)
4. No stipends or pay raises
5. Hiring her daughter Inlaw(ask Carmelita there were messages between them)
6. Promoting Rose Longoria and all her admins that are now campus principals
So now she is in the minority, and she complains find money. I guess she forgot about those budget cuts that were tough decisions that needed to be made( so she says).

Anonymous said...

Having Pena as a Virgin is blasphemous.

Anonymous said...

Teaching has always been a white woman's career. By white I mean WASP.

FYI Some teachers do earn their money.

Learn about TRS Insurance and you will know how bad they have it.

Anonymous said...

La payasa de browntown. el circo ya se fue so what are you doing here? PAYASA!!

Anonymous said...

They’re voting in Drue brown
