Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

The police department is like a circus run by inept Chief Felix Sauceda who’s more into self-promotion than managing a group of officers. 

This guy is so active on social media, it’s like he's auditioning for a reality show instead of leading a department! His idea of managing personnel is like herding cats — officers, detectives and agents removed from their primary duties to do clerical work while trucks are stolen at a rate of four to five a day. 

Want to file a report? They might as well put up a sign saying, "Sorry, no cops available, please file your report online or take a ride to the station!"

And don't get me started on the Lieutenants and Commanders! Commander Mentiras was demoted and afraid to end up in burrito inventory duty at the city jail. Then there’s this other Lieutenant Catrin who got too cozy with a young cadet, a student, and Sergeant Crashanova and Cmdr. Mentiras had a front-row seat but decided to play blind.

But wait, the real kicker? Lieutenant Zam Zam Thank You Ma'am got shot in the gut and out the ass with his own duty gun! And the dude couldn’t stick to one story if his life depended on it! First, it was an accidental self-inflicted shot but the angle didn't coincide with the story. Blamed it on his kid but couldn't use that one because making a firearm accessible to a child is a crime.

Finally, it’s the pregnant wife who caught him red-handed with Party Planner Officer Nasty, the talk of 600 E. Jackson St. The soap opera drama is on another level. Integrity is out the window, gone faster than yesterday's donuts.

Now, the Napster is the acting commander. 

Great, like things weren’t already going downhill at a fast pace! Chief Sauceda is just running the department into the ground, which everyone expected. He's made the once respected Brownsville Police Department a spectacle.The city manager needs to wake up and smell the chaos brewing before someone gets hurt or worse.

This mess isn’t just embarrassing for the City of Brownsville and the police department; it’s a full-on spectacle for the whole city. It’s high time for some serious reform before this police comedy turns into a tragedy.


Anonymous said...

Disgruntled cops, like disgruntled county jailers.

Just do the focking job and shut up!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Santa all we want for Christmas is a New Full Time Police Chief!!
PS and A New City Manager!
Thanks From the Boys in Blue!

Anonymous said...

all players and cheaters at the PD

Anonymous said...

If all these stories are true what a circus! How can the city leaders allow this to go on ? It sounds like the police officers are chasing the women instead of the car thieves overrunning the city. Hey Mayor Cowen are you blind and deaf to ignore what’s happening here?? How can our main city law enforcement agency be allowed to display such raunchy behavior? Where is the LAW AND ORDER? This city is rotten to the core! Corruption is at an all time high and NO ONE (DA ??) to put a stop to it. It is disgraceful and appalling that our city leaders are turning a blind eye to this mess.

Anonymous said...

Yep even dispatch is running cover for supervisors. When you call PD dispatch will not connect you to a supervisor giving you the runaround saying there not in the office.all these fkers forgot they work for the citizens of brownsville.Ask unit number #275 lard ass about his derelict of duty the other day.

Anonymous said...

To all officers!
Be warned that Chief Sauceda is the best chief we have ever had! He might have extra marital flings on the side but hey, he is human too!
Chief Sauceda likes to take special needs children to the movies, so what? At least he's taking them, and not all his movidas.
Chief Sauceda likes to be on Facebook everyday, but he's a good looking guy, I mean if I was a girl he could be, right?
Chief Sauceda should stay here another 20 years!
Love, Mamalouie.

Anonymous said...

City manager is either fucking him or wants too. How else can you explain that clown holding to city positions. She aint gonna do nothing.

Anonymous said...

Am I detained? am I free to go? If !'am free to go than I am free to stay. What is your name and bagde number? Its your policy to ID when you approach a citizen. Oh you aint got no name and no badge number. TYRANTS1!!!

Anonymous said...

What happened to fast Eddie Felson?
After his death in 1984, his widow debunked claims for years that the Fast Eddie character was based on a real person. Parker retired either in the early 1970s or in 1980. He died in 2001 at age 69 of a heart attack while attending the US Classic Billiards Eight-Ball Showdown tournament near Brownsville, Texas.
Any body know where the showdown was at? What happened to all the billiard halls here? Are there any left?

Anonymous said...

All these cops sleeping around and lying that they are not married. Pathetic piece of men using their power to get what they want.

Anonymous said...

When the cats away the mice will play!! The once glorified BPD is being run to the ground. The detective division is being run by the Texas Rangers! BPD used to train the Rangers! Now they’re taking over all the major crimes!! They’ve become the lead investigators in their homicide cases! Why? Because there’s no leadership!!

Anonymous said...

Things like this, always happen in every organization, job: in the past, in the present and in the future.

Female officers have it rough when they enter the police academy, and when they start patrolling the streets. Some survive and advance in their careers and keep away from the corrupt officers.

The only thing you can do: observe, learn and look at the requirements for advancement and retirement. You have to be smart in these situations. Make a lot of friends in the workplace and trust some of them.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

puro cojin no pos wow.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh. No wonder the cops didn’t show up when the neighbor’s truck was stolen and he had to shoot up in the air.

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Part-time Police Chief Felix Sauceda running the department to the ground!
Promoting a incompetent and inept Calderon to Lieutenant and allowing him to run the training Division just cuz he can suck balls better than any downtown street walker!
Lt. Caldo is known for his ability to get injured on the job just before any promotional exams..and is ability to lie!!!
This move has proven to be disastrous as Lt. Calderon has totally embarrassed the department. Having an inappropriate relationship with a cadet allowing her to do as she pleased at the training center then having her terminated after relationship was exposed!
Lt. CALDERON AND the female training Sgt. And the whole training staff at the Westside training Center Continously harrased, bullied and hazed the other female cadet!
Great Going Brownsville Police Part Time Chief Felix Sauceda..
This issue had been brought up to the attention of his once fired for lying by the previous administration Patrol Commander Massey who failed to do anything about the issue but look the other way and allowed it to continue!
Lt. CALDERON would Also call the cadets on their personal cell phones, on the weekends or after class and would have them meet him at a restaurant or other location where he would tell them this was a part of their training and have them pay..😲
TSC should part ways with this now corrupt,dishonest,and dysfunctional Police
Department and THe City of Brownsville also.way to go Team Sauceda!

Anonymous said...

Auto Theft in Brownsville is out of control!!Brownsville Police Chief Sauceda should be held accountable is there no Auto theft division!??
Brownsville shows over 50 vehicles stolen in one month. Yet the city of Brownsville found it a good idea to give the department a part time Chief/ asst city manager!! What kind of monkey show is the Brownsville City Manager running!!!
Defunding the Police department?

Anonymous said...

Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda should should be terminated!

Anonymous said...

Told you #worstchiefever!

Anonymous said...

The whole RGV is laughing at the Brownsville Police Department and Chief Felix Sauceda!!!

Anonymous said...

I bet Brownsville Police Chief Felix Sauceda does absolutely nothing to Lt. Caldo and his side kick Sgt!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hell Brownsville Police Department Part-Time Chief Felix Sauceda will probably give Lt. CALDO A promotion to Commander!
For his antics!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope those Girls have good attorneys!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah Female cadets don't forget to get yourself a good attorney!!
The New Mercedes are on sale!

Anonymous said...

💰 💰 🤑

Anonymous said...

Did Lt. Calderon resign??

Anonymous said...

If he didn't 🤣😂🤣

Anonymous said...

Told you #worstchiefever!

Anonymous said...

You all talk about how the female cadets who were put into the position of having sex with the LT's should get good attorneys? Good advice but because of the way the law in TEXAS is framed, they can get away with it because of QUALIFIED IMMUNITY!

You would be shocked at what the BROWNSVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT has gotten away with! Most of the police do not know the law and that jeopardizes Brownsville Residents and other police officers.

Sauceda and other corrupt police officers are putting a lot of people in danger!

When you clean up the police department, which is the job of the Brownsville City commission, you make it safe for ALL Brownsville residents.

I wonder if someone is going to have to die tragically for the city commission to react and for Sauceda among others to get fired like Commander Paschall! That FKR is so dirty and Brownsville residents are suffering!! Paschall and Sauceda NEED TO BE FIRED!!!!

Brownsville deserves better!

It is a shame our city commission doesn't realize that because they are so busy spending Elon Musk's money!


Anonymous said...

Who are all these corrupt officers like Commander Mentiras, Lt. Zam Zam, Sgt Crashanova, the Napster and officer Nasty?

Love the catchy names but people should know what you are talking about, friend! The public should know their names and shame the F out of them!

Thanks for the clarification!

Anonymous said...

Like always, this story will go away and everything will be back to normal at PD. City Manager is not going to do a damn thing cause she’s saucedas movida. El chapo sauceda will continue to get paid for two city positions and at the end of the day he does not give a shit about anyone or anything that happens at PD. All he cares about is using his chief position for retribution against anyone that does not agree with him or may have slept with his girlfriends, especially the current one. Perfect example of his mismanagement of personal, he recently held a lunch for civilian employees at the unions hall and there were at least 3 female officers there mingling with the record’s division civilian. Mr sauceda, if your officers want civilian jobs, they should be receiving civilian pay, instead of getting paid as officers, which is a huge difference. I see one female officer there, saucedas ex, who has been assigned to records division since he became chief. Way to take care of your girlfriends chapo! Meanwhile the patrol officers are shorthanded and working with 6-8 officers for the entire city. Union wont fight to have more officers on patrol, because theyre scared of losing their cushy assignments themselves. Union is compromised and in chapos pocket. Being a part of that union is a waste of money, officers should all switch to a union that has their backs instead of chapos. Get rid of worst chief ever!!

Anonymous said...

QUALIFIED Immunity!!! 🤣 🤣
Girls get a good Attorney!

Anonymous said...

Should have an investigation on how those Lt. & Commanders are managing their work time. Some just posting selfies all day.
