Saturday, December 16, 2023



Anonymous said...

Nothing new here, all gringos want to dictate, own, steal, murder and rob everybody else, typical gringo, WE DOWN HERE ARE FAMILIAR WITH THEM!

Anonymous said...

People are just ignorant if they vote for Trump. They are so desperate for a hero that they are blind.

Trump gives me the hee bee gee beees. As I ponder the 2020 election the more I think that if Trump ha won there is no way in heaven or hell that he would have let Biden take his place.

The presidency is a power trip for both Trump and Melanie. Do you remember when he called her Melanie? If Trump could he would dictate when his employees could shit.

Note: I am not suggesting much less telling anyone to vote Democrat, just don't vote for Trump.

As US citizens all we have to do is remember the fiasco of January 6. Our country looked like a 3rd world nation.

Anonymous said...

When it comes to Trump you and all other democrats take things out of context. What he said and all of you heard as well, he said he would be a dictator ONLY to drill oil and secure the border. You and the entire lying media needs to step up and start printing the TRUTH! Quit betraying your race and your profession. Why don't you write or comment on Biden? Biden is a corrupt president who he and his son have received millions from China. What did they do to receive this money? Print about this. Oh, I forgot you sold out to the democrats for a few crumbs. Money for nothing and you're chicks for free!

Anonymous said...

December 16, 2023 at 8:24 AM
funny racist republicans. Context? The only fact here is trumputo is corrupt just like all the racist republicans including yourself mamon...

Anonymous said...

To the racist, do you even know the meaning of racist? Republican president Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves. Democratic president Biden is going to free his son. Open your mind and your eyes to the reality. Democrats have been indoctrinated for so long that they have become robots with loose wires. Not very smart.

Anonymous said...

Trump still is and always be a way better President than Biden. America was running so much smoother and was safer when he was in office.

I don’t consider myself a Republican nor a Democrat. I vote based on the best qualified candidate.

Anonymous said...

Remember it was President Lincoln who freed the slaves and the demorats created the KKK gang!! President Trump only wants to close the border and drill baby drill!! What kind of dictator is that?? Stop with all your nonsense now!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trumputo is the biggest mistake PERIOD, but the racist republicans deserve what they get from trumputo, a good whippin' by the intelligent voter.

Anonymous said...

He was joking. Media and cockroaches in the FBI and CIA are too stupid to realize it. The Democrats are the real dictator wannabes.

Anonymous said...

The worst president ever wants to run again? How soon have people forget that he instigated an attempted insurrection to try and stay in power exactly what a dictator would try to do. God helps if he wins, he will do exactly the same attempt or worse to stay in office. Wake up people, we surely need a new leader but not Trump, he had his four years and blew it big, big time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

December 16, 2023 at 11:22 PM

Estas bien joven...but you keep telling yourself that.

Anonymous said...

All you Demoncrats Biden supporters! Que vayan a chingar a su madre! Especially ese half coco transgender dumpster rat maricon Biden lover! Ese Joto can't keep his mind off Trump! Hahahahahahahha!

Anonymous said...

Trumputo loves your ass, he said so last night on the gatito channel and this is not double entendreid.
Racist republicans, which half of you are cocos wanna be white like el pendejetes at (December 17, 2023 10:24 AM) can not participate in a Mojado Round-Up. Only white idiotas are allowed.

Anonymous said...

Trumputo wants to built a fence across Edinburg, anything south of Edinburg is gonna be mesco, according to el pendejetes trumputo.

Anonymous said...

😆 🤣 😂 los presumidos de Harlingen are going to be behind the fence.

Anonymous said...

Putin will be delighted to have his puppet back so he can again try to destabilize NATO. And of course, cut off all military aid to Ukraine so Putin can take over Ukraine.
