Sunday, December 17, 2023


(Ed.'s Note: It was almost wall-to-wall families and friends at Edinburg's Bert Ogden Arena when commencement exercises for graduates of the UTRGV Edinburg campus were held Saturday. Allow me to gloat. Among the graduates was my son Jose Enrique "Kike" Montoya who earned his Master's of the Arts in History, a degree he acquired while simultaneously working as a teacher in McAllen. 

When his turn came to receive his degree, his collage of family photos and major came up on the giant screens. He used his late mother's favorite motto for his message to the world: "En todo, paciencia y fe." [In everything, patience and faith.]

In the top photo taken outside the arena after the ceremony, he is flanked on his right by his sister Marisol, now also a junior at UTRV, and yours truly on his left. The memory of his mother, a Salvadoran refugee who got here during the war-fueled migration surge of the 1990s armed only with hope and ambition and a six-grade education, is represented by the colors and emblem of El Salvador, and his Mexican culture on my side by the emblem of the eagle and the serpent on the Mexican colors.

And on Saturday, the son of a Salvadoran refugee and a Mexican-American migrant farmworker walked to the stage to pick up his graduate degree while on the screen a picture of his mother holding him when he was a baby looked down from the ceiling. 

He has been offered employment as an AP History high school teacher at the McAllen ISD upon graduation. He accumulated a 3.9 GPA. With any luck, his middle brother and his sister will be college graduates in another year, too.

It's a labor of love. Until then, my work's not done. I am so proud of all of them, as, I am sure, their mother would be, too. Performing well is the best revenge. Congratulations son! Go forth and prosper.)


Anonymous said...

Juan, get some new clothes, ese.

you look bad.

You're old but you don't have to wear old clothes.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your son and daughter and parents.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, don't bother con los mamones envidiosos ese jotito no tiene para donde irse (December 17, 2023 at 6:17 AM) es un pinche mamon y lambiscon y con su madre la wina del downtown. par de jotitos!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I hope he wasn't taught to hate America like many college students today. What's with the Miami Vice(pasado de moda) look Montoya? If you dye your hair black, you could pass for that lawyer, J Gonzales.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your son, el porter kid

Anonymous said...

Montoya, your son became one of those pinche, lazyass, money grabbing teachers who only work 5 months of the year? Just kidding 😂 I firmly believe that most teachers care for their students. I also think that the best gift a person can give a teacher is a prayer.

Congratulations 🎊 on being a good and supportive parent 👏. Your son also deserves lots of praise for his discipline and dedication.

Anonymous said...

December 17, 2023 at 7:50 AM
put a wig on and you can pass like your mama idiota, and both of you tu y tu mama have the same size chiches mamon.

Anonymous said...

Felicidades colega

Anonymous said...

Outstanding Achievement. We need more of our Raza to succeed. Your son sets an excellent example. Congratulations young man.

Anonymous said...

December 17, 2023 at 9:09 AM
The best you can give your family (sons and daughters) is a college education. Very few Hispanic families can afford to do that. Get ahead get educated, simple.
Walking to work or just walking and educating your sons and daughters takes a greater meaning to all of us.
You are a perfect example of a great father.
So all the hate is meaningless and taken from a lacking any significance ojetes, they will never learn the gift of family and sons and daughters. SO OJETES LEARN!!!!


Anonymous said...

Will history repeat itself? Someday will the young Montoya carry on the Rrun Rrun blog?

Anonymous said...

Let Montoya be Montoya. His way of dressing shows that he is his own person. Personally, as a female, I think he has swag. I consider him a hot OG.

Anonymous said...

Juan, siempre te vez como que andas en Mata, Guey.

listo para La Lucha Libre en La Coliseo?

ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

My nephew graduated from college with honors. His father is Nicaraguan and his mother is Mexican. He built his first AR15 already and works as a police officer in the Dallas area. I doubt he'll be voting for any Democrats.

Anonymous said...

(Juan, get some new clothes, ese.

you look bad.

You're old but you don't have to wear old clothes.)

Como lo conces tan bien, mejor mamasela joto.

Anonymous said...

He graduated, he has a job. Congratulations.

Juan Montoya is a papito, papichulo, buenon. Con perdon de los presentes.

Jim Barton said...

Congratulations Kike!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your son. To you as well for being a great father. It speaks volumes of who you are. Don't let the people criticizing your way of dressing. They are probably broke oh but they have the latest trend. How sad. The clothing does not make the man. I am proud of you Montoya. Adelante. You are a good man. If they don't like your politics well don't read your page. Vayanse al carajo. Thank you for the stuff you write. I know I appreciate you. Gracias Mr Montoya. I wish your son great success in life. Blessings.

Anonymous said...

December 17, 2023 at 3:06 PM
Los mamones nunca se les va a quitar lo mamon como este pendejetes (3:06pm). Mamando siempre. Open your own blog mamon so you can insult the whole world except your racist republicans which by the way hate your brown ass and will deport you and your whole family back to mejico according to your beloved wanna be dictator trumputo. cocos mamones

Anonymous said...

December 17, 2023 at 3:06 PM
as de ser un pinche mojado you know your guey around matamoscas jotito..

Anonymous said...

Juanito any words on the cowboys loss from Sunday's game against the Buffalo Bills? Looks like the same picture from last year got in the playoffs and bam, se acabo, oh well there is always a new season 2024. we need a new quarterback.

Anonymous said...

December 17, 2023 at 3:06 PM
Your mama never changes chones idiota I know the smell esta bien apestosa just like your ass pendejo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why do i teach?
5 reasons:

1. June
2. July
3. August
4. Xmas break
5. Spring break

Anonymous said...

Congrats to your son Monte!

Anonymous said...

Don't tell people how great your son is, let people tell you how great he is.

Anonymous said...

The best inheritance a parent can leave their child- ———-support and encouragement (and a little money or at least help filling out the financial aid forms)…..

Lasts a lot longer than money.

Congratulations Kike. I’m sure your Mom is smiling at you.

Anonymous said...

As for those who think K-12 teachers are lazy…

What planet do you come from? Talk to a few teachers and you will learn that it’s the hardest job around…. You work 24/7 and the kids (and school administration) can drive you crazy.

It takes superhuman dedication and patience to be a good teacher.

Oops I forgot to say that Gov Abbott doesn’t make it any easier.

Anonymous said...

Felicidades suegro no se awite por los comentarios del vestiario de esos envidiosos

Anonymous said...

December 18, 2023 at 3:21 PM

Anonymous said...

December 19, 2023 at 9:47 AM
Please read post 3:21.

December 18, 2023 at 3:21 PM
Please read post 9:47.

Will the truth ever come out? guess not

Last I check I was in planet Earth, does that sound familiar to ya' al' teachers?

Anonymous said...

Hey 7:36 PM

3:21 PM's reasons are so out dated. Those were maybe the reasons to teach in prior to and during the 70's and 80s but that is no longer the case. These folk could not survive the demands of teaching today.
