Friday, December 1, 2023


Special to El Rrun-Rrun

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) already proved he didn’t have the political surefootedness to keep his job as House speaker. On Sunday, he revealed to the world that he also lacks the basic knowledge to beat an average high schooler in a history classroom.

In a breathtaking instance of inaccuracy, the tuxedo-garbed congressman took to the stage at a recent event to proclaim that “in every single war that America has fought, we have never asked for land afterwards.”

He then added a caveat, also wrong: “Except enough to bury the Americans who gave the ultimate sacrifice for that freedom we went in for.”

Apparently galvanized by the hearty applause he received from the audience in the room, McCarthy seemed to feel secure enough to post a clip of the moment to X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. “Think for one moment,” he captioned it, in part.


The US has acquired numerous territories through conflict, including: 

* The entire United States through genocide of the Native Americans, forced removal and incarceration of the tribes in reservations far from their native territories 

*1848, Mexico ceded 55 percent of its territory:… 

*1898, Spain ceded Guam, Puerto Rico & The Philippines.… 

* 1899, US acquires American Samoa after the 2nd Samoan Civil War…


Anonymous said...

Another fucking lunatic. And a coward to top it off. Where do they find these assholes??? The new breed of politicians (Republican/Democrats). God help us!!

Anonymous said...

political surefootedness?

you mean, "political acumen"!

ja ja ja, Toya, ja ja ja

Anonymous said...

typical pinche gringo, they murder and steal your belongings (lands) than they call you a hero and all in one sentence and that is after they came out of a church.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Makes him look as dumb as a black lives matter supporter. Juan Montoya doesn't know his Jewish ancestors history. Supports Hamas terrorists.

Anonymous said...

And this is the idiot who endorsed Mayra. Hahaha. No wonder. They are 2 peas in a pot. O sea las dos son pendejos. One of a kind. It's really hilarious how proud she was of her endorsement. Well mijita they kicked his ass out. At least Nancy Pelosi was never kicked out. And you who said you were going to kick Nancy Pelosi out in November.
Wow how crazy. The one who kicked your ass was Vicente. You could not debate him because you are so insecure. They always write what you are going to say. And its the same stuff.Yes a respiratory technician tells people to breath and cough up their sputum. But you think you are highly educated. A nurse and teacher know more than you.
